14 Jun 2022

9 The Best Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction for 2022.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when someone who has a penis can’t have or maintain an erection. The condition affects around a third of men, according to research from 2018Trusted Source. ED is more common in people who:

  • are older
  • have health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure
  • have had an injury to the spinal cord, penis, or pelvis
  • take medication like antidepressants or blood pressure medications
  • have anxiety or stress
  • are overweight
  • smoke

The treatment for ED depends on the cause. It may include certain prescription medications, a vacuum device, or even surgery. But lifestyle changes and other natural treatments can also help improve ED.

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There are many natural treatments for ED. They can include lifestyle changes like modifying your diet and getting exercise, as well as seeking mental health or relationship counseling.

It’s best to talk with your doctor before trying a new treatment. They can help identify the cause of your ED and recommend effective ED treatment options, whether conventional, natural, or a combination.

Eating a balanced diet may help maintain sexual function and decrease your risk of ED.

2020 studyTrusted Source found that men who more strictly followed a Mediterranean diet or Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010 diet had a reduced risk of developing ED. In particular, they consumed less red or processed meat and primarily ate:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • fish

Research from 2017 similarly found that eating more fruits, vegetables, and flavonoids (compounds found in produce, coffee, and other foods) lowered the risk of ED in men ages 18 to 40.

These foods are important for your overall health, so helping maintain or improve your sexual function as well is a win-win.

Research indicates that physical activity may help protect against and improve ED. It may be particularly effective if obesity, inactivity, or cardiovascular disease, among other conditions, contribute to your ED.

Research from 2018Trusted Source found that moderate-to-intense aerobic exercise for 40 minutes a day, four times per week for 6 months helped reduce ED. This includes exercises like:

  • running
  • brisk walking
  • bicycling
  • swimming
  • skiing

Physical activity helps improve blood vessel health, lower stress, and raise testosterone levels, which can all help with ED.

It’s important for your overall health to get enough sleep each night. Sleeping regularly may also improve your ED.

2017 study found that men working night shifts who reported worse sleep quality were at higher risk of ED.

Research from 2019 also indicated that people with a sleep disorder had a greater risk of developing ED. Other researchTrusted Source has linked obstructive sleep apnea to an increased risk of ED.

Not getting enough sleep can lower your testosterone levels, which may contribute to ED. Sustained lack of sleep is also associated with conditions that are related to ED, like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Weight may be another factor in ED.

According to research from 2020, ED was significantly more common in men with obesity, who were overweight, or who had a larger waist circumference.

A small 2014 study indicated that gastric bypass surgery improved blood vessel health and ED among men with obesity. In addition, research from 2017 similarly found an improvement in ED after bariatric (weight loss) surgery.

If weight is contributing to your ED, exercise and a balanced diet can help you lose weight and improve your ED.

In some cases, ED results from a combination of physical and psychological issues. These may include fear of failure, religious beliefs, and sexual trauma, among others.

In turn, ED can lead to additional mental health issues, including emotional distress and lower self-esteem, which then can further worsen ED. Therapy may help address these issues to improve ED.

According to research from 2021, psychological interventions like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) were especially effective when paired with ED medications. Mental health interventions may also be effective on their own, but more research is needed.

A small 2018 study involving 4 weeks of mindfulness-focused group therapy indicated that this type of therapy may help improve ED and sexual satisfaction, too.

More research should be done to determine the most effective types of psychotherapy for ED.

Around 10 to 25 percentTrusted Source of men with ED have no known risk factors. This condition, known as nonorganic ED, may be caused by a mental health condition like depression or by experiencing anxiety when having sex.

A small 2020 study found that cognitive behavior sex therapy (CBST) and medication were each effective on their own at reducing nonorganic ED. In addition, CBST was more effective at lowering anxiety among study participants.

It may also be helpful to attend counseling with your partner to help them understand your condition and discuss ways to support you.

The American Urological Association created a guideline for treating ED based on a review of studies. The association recommends talking with a mental health professional, especially with your partner, and says that therapy can improve communication between couples and help them integrate ED treatments into their sexual relationship.

Stress and anxiety are often linked to ED.

2019 studyTrusted Source found that stress was one of the main predictors of ED, in addition to anxiety and depression. The study suggests that chronic stress may affect testosterone or cause sleep deprivation, which may contribute to ED.

Still, other research indicates that the effect of stress on ED is still unclear. A 2020 study found no association between stress and ED.

Another small study from 2014Trusted Source found that an 8-week stress management program alongside ED medication was similarly effective for improving ED, compared with the medication alone.

Until more is understood about stress and ED, it’s still beneficial to reduce stress in your daily life to improve your overall health.

Studies have shown mixed results for the effects of alcohol on ED.

Research from 2018Trusted Source found that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (fewer than 21 drinks per week, as defined by the study) was actually associated with a lowered risk of ED. On the other hand, regular and high consumption didn’t significantly affect ED.

Still, other research has linked alcohol use with ED. A 2018 studyTrusted Source found that sexual dysfunction, particularly ED, was common in people with alcohol dependence syndrome. In addition, research from 2020 also identified alcohol as a risk factor for ED.

More research is needed on the role of alcohol in ED. In general, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source recommend that men consume two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day.

Smoking is another behavior that likely contributes to ED. This may be caused, in part, because smoking can damage blood vessels and prevent enough blood from reaching the penis for an erection.

Smoking may also reduce the availability of nitric oxide in the body, which is needed to cause involuntary muscle relaxation and increased blood flow that play a role in erections.

According to research from 2015Trusted Source, more frequent smoking was associated with an increased risk of developing ED, as well as more severe ED.

Some damage from smoking may not be reversible. Still, the review concluded that quitting smoking, especially for men under age 50, may help improve ED.

It’s challenging to quit smoking, but there are many resources available to help. Stopping smoking has the potential not only to help ED but to benefit many other areas of your overall health.

Lifestyle changes may be an effective natural remedy for ED and may improve your overall health. But many changes — like losing weight, quitting smoking, or eating a balanced diet — may be difficult to achieve.

It may also take time for natural treatments to have an effect. Some people, depending on the cause of their ED, may not show improvements without medications or other treatments. It’s helpful to work with your doctor to find a treatment that works for you.

30 Nov 2017

You have no right to attack a pastor on church issue''- Apostle Suleiman speaks on tithing controversy

The President of the Omega Fire Ministries worldwide (OFM), Apostle Johnson Suleman, has lent his voice to the burning issue on tithing stoked by an OAP, Daddy Freeze.
Below is his reaction during a church service;

“Let it be clear that if anyone is not a pastor, he has no right to attack a pastor on church issue. He should leave everything to God. I only laugh. Somebody who is not a doctor cannot teach a certified doctor how to go about doing his job; he will just be laughed at. Someone who is not a journalist can’t teach a true journalist how he should do his work; they will just be laughing at him.

I wouldn’t have spoken on the issue but you don’t argue with a man whose mind is already made up on any issue. It is futile. And I’m not going to confuse anybody to pay tithe, no. if you attend my church and you decide not to pay tithe, it’s left to you. In my church they don’t pay me allowance. I live on my personal businesses and I write books. So far, I have written 52 books that are inspirational and I’m still writing. If you write books that are inspirational, believers and non-believers will buy. It is not as if it is only church members that buy pastors’ books. That alone is enough to sustain any pastor. So, you don’t just jump to criticize any pastor for buying private jets of expensive cars because you think it is tithe that they use to buy them.  

If you asked me, there is nothing wrong with tithing. But tithes should be used by pastors to maintain Christianity, assist the poor in the church, the vulnerable and the stranded. Not that everything should go into the pastor’s pocket, that’s wrong. Every pastor should be on allowance.  

That young man does not deserve a response; in fact, I’m not talking because of him but because my Papa, Pastor Adeboye had spoken, I’m speaking on the issue. Now, if it requires that we go into a debate, let’s have it. Yes, your tithe is not a license to make heaven but it is an acknowledgment of God’s mercy in your life. But because Papa Adeboye corrected the wrong notion and the young man dared to respond to him, I felt it was insulting. This is not about sentiment or emotion, it is about commonsense. You don’t respond to an elder in certain manner, especially a man of Pastor Adeboye’s standing.

There are things people shouldn’t just dabble into especially when it is not their field. Even if you mobilize the whole world against tithing, you will only end up being counterproductive because this is not your field. Men of God do not need to react to such issues because like I said earlier, once somebody has made up his mind on a position, nobody should argue with such a man. My reaction to such a man is, if that is your position, keep it, continue with what you believe but don’t confuse people to believe what you believe.”

VIDEO: On-Air-Personality Freeze Blasts Pastor Adeboye For Asking Church Members To Donate 1 Billion Naira Each

General overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor E.A Adeboye has been in the news lately following his exchange of words between OAP Daddy Freeze on tithing.

The radio presenter has on several occasions called out Pastor Adeboye whenever he says something concerning tithing in churches. This issue about payment of tithes in recent times has become controversial and a topic of discussion amongst everyone.

However, a new video of the RCCG pastor has surfaced online, as he was seen reaching out to people who can donate N1 billion to the church.

Adeboye was quoted in the video saying;           

“We need N1 billion from ten people. If you are one of them, please see my personal Secretary after we finish today,” Mr. Adeboye announced to the congregation.
 “We also need N100 million from those who can afford it, if you are in that category. Please see my personal Secretary as well.
“Nonetheless, we need everyone’s involvement. If you can afford N50 million, N20 million, N5 million, N1 million to as low as N100, kindly make sure you participate.”

Without wasting much time, Controverisal OAP, Daddy Freeze took to his Instagram handle to throw shades at the man of God. He also called him ‘billion naira gang’. 
Freeze said: E ku ise Oluwa!
Billion Naira gang ?
Is the special announcement only for the billionaires? Did Jesus segregate the believers according to their spending power?
If I may ask, where did all the billions and hundred millions go to? Did it go into building free hospitals or free schools or factories where workers can work or was it just swallowed by 'church expenses' or was it geared towards building more churches, something we already have much more than enough?
When Moses realized that there was more than enough offering to finish the temple, he instructed the Israelites to STOP bringing their offering.. Are we ever going to finish temple building, or is this a perpetual process in Nigeria?
I hope this billion Naira offering was shared equally among all the believers as practiced by the disciples in Acts chapter 4? ~FRZ
? Acts 4 ? [32] All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. [33] With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all [34] that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales [35] and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
? Exodus 36 ?
New International Version
[3] And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. [4] So all the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left what they were doing [5] and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done.” [6] Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, [7] because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work.

We dug a little deeper and found out that the video was made about three years ago, at the 61st annual convention at the expansive Redemption Camp, along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.

It was recorded when Pastor Adeboye announced plans to build a new auditorium stretching three kilometres in length and breadth. He had then appealed for donations for the new auditorium which would quadruple the church’s present auditorium which has an estimated capacity of about one million people.

Popular pastor dies during sex romp with 19-year-old girl in Delta state

Popular pastor dies during sex romp with 19-year-old girl in Delta state

A Pentecostal pastor reportedly died during an alleged sex romp with a 19-year-old-girl in a hotel room in Kwale, Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta.
Delta Police Command Spokesperson, DSP Andrew Aniamaka, confirmed the incident on Wednesday in Asaba. He said the incident happened on the evening of Sunday, November 19. He revealed that the pastor, who will not be named, had been in a hotel with the girl when he started gasping for breath and the girl raised the alarm thereby alerting hotel workers to the incident. Aniamaka added that the victim’s wife reported the incident to the police that same day.
The police spokesperson said: "The incident happened last Sunday evening. We learnt the pastor took the girl, who is said to be 19 years of age to the hotel room. While they were in the room after some few minutes, the girl reportedly raised alarm which attracted workers in the hotel, who rushed into the room to find the pastor dead. The wife of the pastor was called to the scene of the incident, where he met her husband stone dead. She subsequently reported the matter to the Police Division in Kwale."
Aniamaka said the police have launched an investigation into the incident and an autopsy would be conducted to determine the cause of death.

US Congressman Joe Barton exposed on Twitter for sending his nude and sexting a woman (Photo)

US Congressman Joe Barton exposed on Twitter for sending his nude and sexting a woman (Photo)

A US Congressman from Texas, Joe Barton has been exposed on Twitter for sending his nude photo and illicit text message to a woman.
The graphic image and the illicit message was first revealed by a Twitter user.
The 68-year-old  Republican politician sent the nude photo showing his penis and illicit text that reads, "I want u soo bad. Right now. Deep and hard"
US Congressman Joe Barton exposed on Twitter for sending his nude and sexting a woman (Photo)After the lewd photo of himself and graphic text message were circulated on social media, Barton, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee apologized on Wednesday.
 In a statement released he said that while he was separated from his second wife he had consensual sexual relationships "with other mature adult women" that are now over.
 "While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women. Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended."
He adds, "I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down."
His spokeswoman Sarah Dodd, told journalists on Wednesday that the congressman, who was first elected to Congress in 1984 has no plans to resign having filed for re-election earlier this month.
In a second statement released  Barton said he had accepted an offer from the United States Capitol Police to investigate the incident.
"This woman admitted that we had a consensual relationship. When I ended that relationship, she threatened to publicly share my private photographs and intimate correspondence in retaliation," Barton said.
US Congressman Joe Barton exposed on Twitter for sending his nude and sexting a woman (Photo)

Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker, Brock Franklin, has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history. According to Fox News, Franklin was sentenced to 472 years in prison for running a prostitution ring in Colorado that preyed on young girls. .
Back in March, a jury found Franklin guilty on 30 counts including human trafficking, sexual exploitation of a child, child prostitution, and kidnapping.
“A 400 year sentence sends a strong message across the country that we’re not going to tolerate this kind of violence to women and vulnerable populations,” Janet Drake with the Colorado Attorney General’s office told Fox 31.

Prosecutors said Franklin used drugs and violence to control young girls, forcing them to have sex with him and selling the girls for sex online.

“I can’t begin to even explain what he did to my life,” Brehannah Leary, one of Franklin’s victims, told the court.

Below is a list of the gcharges that he pled guilty to........
-Violating the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act
-Human trafficking of a minor
-Pimping a child
-Patronizing a prostituted child
-Soliciting for child prostitution
-Inducement of child prostitution
-Pandering of a child
-Procurement of a child
-Sexual exploitation of a child — producing a performance
-Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
-Human trafficking of a minor
-Second-degree kidnapping
-Pimping a child
-Patronizing a prostituted child
-Soliciting for child prostitution
-Inducement of child prostitution
-Pandering of a child
-Procurement of a child
-Contributing to the delinquency of a minor — prostitution
-Contributing to the delinquency of a minor — unlawful use of controlled substance
-Distribution of a Schedule 1 or 2 controlled substance to a minor
-Soliciting for child prostitution
-Human trafficking of an adult
-Five counts of pimping
-Sexual assault
-Attempt to commit pimping

FULL LIST: Wizkid, Davido win big at 2017 MOBO awards

Wizkid and Davido emerged winners at the 2017 Music of Black Origin (Mobo) awards which held on Wednesday at the First Direct Arena in Leeds.
Wizkid, Davido win at 2017 Mobo Awards | TheCable.ng

Davido won best African act while Wizkid beat music heavyweights Kendrick Lamar, DJ Khaled, Solange, SZA, Migos, Jay-Z, Drake and Travis Scott to be crowned best international act.
Wizkid was also nominated in the best African category, Other African stars nominated in the category won by Davido are Wande Coal, Tekno, Tiwa Savage, Mr Eazi, Eugy, Juls, Sarkodie, and Maleek Berry.
Stormzy, the British grime MC, was the biggest winner at the 2017 Mobo awards.
He won best male act, best grime act, and best album for his chart-topping hit ‘Gang Signs & Prayer’

Here is the full list of 2017 Mobo awards winners:

Best Male Act: Stormzy

Best Female Act: Stefflon Don

Best Album: Stormzy – Gang Signs & Prayer

Best Newcomer: Dave

Best Song: J Hus – Did You See

Best Video (in association with Link Up TV): Mist – Hot Property

Best Hip Hop Act: Giggs

Best Grime Act: Stormzy

BestR&B/Soul Act (supported by Mi-Soul): Craig David

Best International Act: Wizkid

Best African Act (in association with The Beat London 103.6FM): Davido

Best Reggae Act: Damian Marley

Best Jazz Act (supported by Jazz FM): Moses Boyd

Best Gospel Act (supported by Premier Gospel): Volney Morgan & New-Ye

Featured post.

Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker,  Brock Franklin , has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history...