13 Dec 2016

4 Foods That Negatively Affect Your Sex Drive

Feeling frisky? Say no to the following foods if sexy time is on the table or that lovely babe is coming to check on you.
The below listed foods can mess up your S*x game.
1. Beans
While high in protein, beans are one of the most gas-producing foods. If you just can’t stay away, soaking them in water overnight will help reduce gas.
2. Cruciferous veggies
Avoid brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, & cauliflower when sex is on the agenda. Though healthy and essential for your overall diet, they pack a ton of complex sugars, which equals bloating.
3. Onions
Not only will they give you vampire breath but onions are also full of fructose, which causes gas after the intestines break it down.
4. Alcohol
One glass of wine might give you liquid courage, but too many drinks can cause you to fall asleep mid-sex and increase your need to urinate during the night. Can you say turn-off?

7 Nigerian drug dealers sentenced to a combined 105 years imprisonment in South Africa.

Press release by the South African Police Service issued today, Monday December 12th:

The Gauteng Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation Major General Prince Mokotedi has welcomed the judgement handed down by the Benoni Magistrates Court against the seven suspects for drug dealing.

The seven (7) Nigerian nationals were sentenced and convicted to 105years imprisonment for dealing in drugs on Thursday, December 8th, after they were found guilty on 12 October 2016.

The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime members acted on a tip-off and arrested the convicts, Valentine Chigbo Okoye (36), Patrick Chime Uche (38), Chucks Ugo Thomas (37), Emeka Azodo (40), Chinaemelum Uba (24), and Chucku Imeka Ekwemozok (34) in October 2014 after they were found packaging heroine worth an estimated value of R214 000, into small wrappings for distribution in Crystalpark Benoni.

The attempted on several occasion to apply for bail however they were unable as they were considered flight risks. The suspects were each sentenced to an effective fifteen (15) years each without an option of any fine. The combined sentenced total (105) years all together.
Major General Mokotedi, welcomed the sentence passed on the seven suspects and praised the members for a job well done.

"This is indeed a welcomed precedent set by our courts and this will help our efforts to combat drug trafficking a great deal.  We are proud of our team’s efforts in ensuring a successful prosecution in this matter. Such convictions will motivate our members to work even harder. From now on, drug dealers will feel the full might of the law, we are more determined to fight this scourge," said Mokotedi.

12 Dec 2016

Aww! Man propose to his woman at the spot they met for the first time 11 years ago

Twitter user, Olusegun shared photos from his proposal. He took his woman to the spot they met 11 years ago and popped the question. So sweet!

Footballer Emmanuel Emenike celebrates his mum on her birthday.

Footballer, Emmanuel Emenike whose mom turned a year older today shared a lovely photo with her with the caption: "Happy birthday to my sweet mother I pray that my God will keep you years and years for me in Jesus name (Amen)"

Guys, That comic story! Four things You have got to know about Your lady in the course of Her period.

There are distinctive things a man simply has to learn about his lady for the period of her menstrual cycle. These are a few of these things.

Guys, there's a wealth of expertise you must learn about your girl when she’s preparing for her interval/menstrual cycle, or what’s normally known as Aunt waft.

Each month your lady is experiencing specific alterations in her body to arrange for ovulation. With this expertise comes a excessive possibility of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. The symptoms of PMS range from woman to lady, so it’s severely main that you study how your girl is littered with it.

Sadly, I’ve witnessed relationships fail because of a lack of knowledge and sensitivity for females affected by PMS. Please don’t enable Aunt glide to spoil your relationship.

Under are four matters that you simply should recognize as your lady prepares for her interval:

1. She’s extrasensitive.

You realize that really imply funny story you crack on her that she quite often laughs at? Crack that joke even as she’s on her interval and also you’ll on the whole have your head chewed off. You need to be very sensitive to her sensitivity. Stray faraway from merciless jokes or pranks. She’s commonly already irritable from the physical and psychological trade her body is enduring. Don’t make issues more elaborate for her.

2. She’s frustrated by using your presence but don’t leave.

Which you can be as ultimate as God however you’ll still manipulate to annoy her. My male purchasers think it’s first-rate to spend extra time with the fellows for the period of their lady’s menstrual cycle, as it could prevent arguments. They’ve usually found out their choice intensifies her anger. Despite the fact that you’re worrying her, she nonetheless wants to suppose love and affection from you. Large “away time” together with your male buddies will isolate her and make her think unwanted. Until she demands on my own time, stick around.

Three. She may choose to delight in disappointment, but she’s ok.

Many times a woman just wants to observe a tragic movie and cry. She’s not quite sad, she’s just having her second. A fashioned mistake my male purchasers make when their lady induces her own sadness is to scold her or again and again ask her why she’s crying. The exceptional solution to this concern is to ask her if there’s some thing you are able to do for her and to permit her to have her second.

4. She could out-devour you and grow a belly, however she isn’t particularly gaining weight.

An additional original mistake my male consumers make is to inspire their lady to see whilst she is experiencing PMS. I have an understanding of it can be horrifying to observe your lady consume a gallon of ice-cream and cookies, wine, cheeseburgers and french fries within an hour, however she’s not quite gaining weight. Don’t believe compelled to inspire her to recreation considering that her bloating stomach and aggressive appetite will fade after her interval.

This lady claims she's 38 year old mother of 3 and a grandmother.

That's her on the left at 21 and right at 38. Who believes her?

See The Massive Shark Caught By Amateur Fishermen In The UK. Photos

This is the moment a team of amateur British anglers caught a 450lb shark on rod and line -one of the biggest ever caught in UK‬ waters. The six men rented a boat for a day's fishing off the Cornish coast, in the hope that they would catch something half the size.

The group was just wrapping up a day of shark fishing near Morwenstow when the massive female bit. Everyone on the boat was stunned when the huge porbeagle ‪shark‬ - which was more than 7ft long - emerged from the water.

Nokia’s D1C Android Smartphone Will Be Way Cheaper Than We Thought

Nokia's D1C Android Smartphone Will Be Way Cheaper Than We Thought

Recently report claims that the Finnish company Nokia will soon launch its Android Smartphone Nokia D1C. Apart from this a report claims that Nokia’s D1C Android smartphone will be way cheaper than we thought.

Nokia’s D1C Android Smartphone Will Be Way Cheaper Than We Thought

The Finnish company Nokia got the whole tech community excited after it was known that the company CEO, Rajeev Suri would be giving an essence at the upcoming MWC (Mobile World Congress), which is expected to take place early next year.
An essential update on the Nokia website brought a section not seen for a long time. The company itself confirmed that its first smartphone running Android will be released in early 2017. The news marks the return of the Finnish company into the smartphone market, after the sale of the mobile devices division to Microsoft, in 2013.
The smartphones of Nokia will be manufactured by HMD global, a Finnish company that bought the rights to the iconic brand of mobile phones, as explained earlier. Nokia had done something similar in the tablet market with the N1, which looked a lot like the iPad mini and was produced by Foxconn, but the product was restricted to a few markets such as China and Russia.
While it is still not clear as to what the company CEO, Rajeev Suri will be presenting on stage, we already know that Nokia is expected to make a comeback in the smartphone market in 2017. There were lots of rumors spreading across the internet regarding Nokia handsets. Hence, many users have their hopes high that it would Nokia’s comeback to the smartphones world with some new exciting smartphones.
As, previously, we have seen few leaks which suggested that the Nokia D1C might be the upcoming Android powered tablet from Nokia. However, fresh image renders from Weibo shows a different story.
However, we already had rumours about a smartphone tagged as the Nokia D1C, but, now there is another major leak stating that the Finnish company Nokia is working on not one smartphone, yes, Nokia is currently working on two smartphones.
So, it is expected that the Finnish company Nokia may launch the Nokia D1C in two variants at MWC 2017. A new report claims that the two variants will come with a different display, RAM, and camera specifications.
But, now the question arose here that how much the rumoured Nokia ‘D1C’ device – the lower end option of the two rumoured Nokia phones will cost. According to the report from NokiaPowerUser, the new Nokia D1C will arrive in two variants as we told earlier, with the 2GB RAM model apparently set to cost $150 and the 3GB RAM variant set to go on sale for $200.
Arto Nummela, CEO of HMD Global has revealed that the company won’t be “highlighting the megapixels or gigahertz,” as the phone will surely be a mid to low-range device. However, the first new Android-powered Nokia smartphone is expected to arrive at MWC in February next year 2017. Moreover, the Finnish company Nokia is also expected to showcase a high-end Android smartphone at the MWC 2017.

11 Dec 2016

British Member of Parliament is banned from the Prime Minister's residence after criticizing her expensive leather trousers.

Nicky Morgan who represents Loughborough constituency in the British parliament drew the ire of political bigwigs when she publicly criticised the Prime Minister, Theresa May for wearing £995 leather trousers. She was banned from attending a meeting at the Prime Minister's official residence by Mrs May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill.

It all began when Morgan and and fellow MP Alistair Burt met Hill at Downing Street and were subsequently invited to table their cases before the Prime Minister herself at a later date.

The 'Trousergate' row as it has come to be known kicked off in earnest  when Ms Morgan said: 'My barometer is always, 'How am I going to explain this in Loughborough market?',' adding that Mrs May's trousers had 'been noticed and discussed' in party circles. She added: 'I've never spent that much on anything – apart from my wedding dress.'

This ticked off Ms Hill who fired off a curt text to Alistair Burt telling him: 'Don't bring that woman to Downing Street again'. Ms Morgan was infuriated that rather than issue the rebuke directly, Ms Hill went through a man. The Loughborough MP replied with an equally sharp text asserting her independence as a woman and MP who doesn't need to hang onto a man's arm to see the Prime Minister.  

Three days later, No 10 Downing Street told Morgan formally her name had been axed from the list of MPs invited to see May on at the scheduled date. Aside the bizarre trousergate row, one can see from the infographic below that Theresa May does have a rather expensive fashion taste.

Photo of a police officer killed in the Rivers State Nigeria (west Africa)legislative rerun election

DSP Alkali Mohammed was killed alongside two other officers during the Rivers state legislative rerun election yesterday December 10th. The election was marred by violence in some parts of the state. Five other police officers who served during the election are reportedly missing.

10 Dec 2016

How to enlarge your penis naturally (without taking any drugs & pills)

This in a sponsored post. Read below...
Inless than 5 minutes, I will personally take you by the hand and expose the secrets of how to enlarge your penis naturally. You should know me by now.
My name is Brian Ike, the owner of lashgator.com and the only website in this country that teaches men how to satisfy their women in bed and become better lovers. Most people call me the greatest SEX coach in Nigeria.

I will give you lasting SOLUTIONS that are tested and proven to give you fast and efficient results. GUARANTEED!

Now I don’t know what exactly you must have suffered because of the size of your penis…

• Maybe you have received countless insults and rejections from a lot of woman because of your small penis…
• Maybe your erection goes weak 5 minutes into sex or you cannot have a full erection in bed…
• Or maybe your woman has cheated on you because of your small penis

DON’T BE SCARED. Whatever your problem is regarding penis size, I will show you exactly how to overcome it today. Once and for all.

All you have to do is read this article slowly and carefully like your life depends on it.
Now, if you don’t have a small penis and you are comfortable with your penis size, please leave now. This article is not for you.

Listen carefully bro…

The SECRETS I am about to reveal to you is 100% NATURAL AND SAFE!

What do I mean by this?

I mean that you don’t have to take any kind of drug, pills or herbal bitters in order to achieve the results.
I have trained exactly 71 men on the issue of ‘small penis’ and 69 of them who are through with the training are all happy and satisfied men with better sex life and bigger penis sizes.
And I want you to be one of such satisfied men with an OUTSTANDING PENIS GROWTH leading to BETTER SEX LIFE, MORE CONFIDENCE and more women.

Every man on earth has two major concerns:
1. His finances/wealth and
2. His sex life.

You see, I was once in a situation like you.
I was in a worse situation than you.

You were not born with a big penis, it’s not your fault.
It would only be your fault if you fail to do something about it.
I was not born with a big penis either. I was below average size.
I was dumped by 2 of my girlfriends in less than a year because I had a small penis.

Many years ago, after taking the dangerous buruntashi, I once had sex with a girl and she was busy playing candycrush on her phone.


Because BURUNTASHI didn’t work for me! Imagine!!

I did every sex styles I learnt from porn movies yet I couldn’t satisfy her, when I was through, she just pushed me off and entered the bathroom to wash off.
I went through her phone later and saw she was already telling her friend on WhatsApp that I had a small dick.

I CRIED after she left the room, I was DEVASTATED. My life was in a mess.

I didn’t feel like a man!
I stopped eating, started losing weight until I swore to find a cure to my problems or die trying because it was not the first time I was getting an insult because of my size.

She was the 2nd girl that would dump me immediately after we had sex. And things were going on fine between us until we had sex.

Quote me anywhere, women love it when their man has a BIG DICK.

I am talking from experience. But why most of them pretend to hate it is because of the bad experience they have gotten from having sex.

3 out of 4 men in the world have a SMALL DICK and all they do in bed is thrust, thrust and ejaculate and climb down, they just satisfy their selves and don’t bother about satisfying their woman.

I have a few questions for you, bro…

Do You Know That 95% Of Women Prefer A Big Penis To A Small Dick?
Do You Know That Women Value And Respect Men That Satisfy Them In Bed?
Do You Know That A Woman Can Be Addicted In Bed To You Because You Have A Big Dick?

You might say having a big penis is not a big deal, is it food or money? but you are wrong, bro.
I have watched marriages CRUMBLE, relationships DESTROYED, men lose their RESPECT in the family all because of a small penis.

Yes sir, having a small penis can DESTROY YOUR MARRIAGE. Quote me anywhere.

Ask women who are married and do not feel anything whenever they are in bed with their men…
Again the fact that your partner is not complaining doesn’t mean she is enjoying your sex.

Women are normally SHY about sex matters and won’t want to speak out else they would be called sluts.

A small penis will make you lose your ego and pride as a man.

The same way men love big breasts and big booties, WOMEN LOVE BIG PENISES, but they are too shy to admit it.
You might say, “this article is not for me…”
You might say, “I have a normal average penis, it’s not big or small. its just there”

But my man, you can be better.

If only you have heard the disgraceful and shameful things women say behind your back after they’ve seen your small THING.
Even married women discuss penis issues among themselves. It’s normal for them.

It’s something you can’t run from.

Sex is a natural activity and everybody wants the best they can get. Women are always disappointed after agreeing to have sex with you and find out you have a small dick.
That’s why after having what you called an “amazing sex” with her, she would end up not calling you again and will not agree to have sex with you again.

Now, I am about to show you the SECRETS I discovered…

During my search for a better bigger penis, I discovered this secret in my higher institution days. And now that I’m 42 years, I’m grateful I for these secrets I used.

I didn’t want to mess things up and embarrass myself again so I used the secrets am about to show you. I got so big in my pants that my girlfriend started calling me SUPER MAN!

In public, she may jokingly ask me How is our Super Man?” No one but the two of us will understand

And it gives me pride, my man. My ego suddenly returned. And it makes me feel better as a man that my woman wants me.

I wish I can scream this out loud! “GIRLS LOVE MEN WITH BIG PENIS”
Not too big though but an above average size. It is something we have tested and proven.

You think you don’t need this trick, you are pretending to be okay with your size because she hasn’t left you or because she has not yet met a guy with a bigger penis.

As a child growing up, you didn’t need penis pills, penis weights, buruntashi or whatever rubbish being sold now.

You didn’t need all this to watch your penis grow during puberty, please stop taking those pills, it has outrageous side effects and the manufacturers would never tell you the truth about them.


People that produce this drugs don’t even use them.
Doctors who prescribe these drugs have NEVER taken them.
It’s a marketing trick, bro.

Listen bro, you can enlarge your penis NATURALLY if you want to. I will show you how in a minute…

I will show you the simple TRICKS I used to increase mine naturally.

I know the only question going through your mind right now is

What Is This BIG Secrets of Enlarging Your Penis Naturally?

First of all, before I show you the secrets, I want you to know that it is not a one-day magic secret.
It took me exactly 5 hard years to discover the secrets I am about to show you now.

These secrets will give you MASSIVE STRONGER AND BIGGER PENIS and will make you have HARDER ERECTIONS like MrKunle from Osun…see pic below

Taiwofrom badagry..

There are a list of other testimonies on my website, you can see for yourself by clicking HERE


The How to Enlarge Your Penis Naturally is an eBook that contains everything any man needs to do to increase the size of his penis in less than 2 months—GUARANTEED!


 ADD 2 – 4 INCHES EXTRA to your penis girth and length in just 2months regardless of your age.
 100% NATURAL GROWTH. This ebook will help you kick start growth like in puberty

 INCREASE in STAMINA AND SEX DRIVE. In addition to making your penis bigger, we would also give you TRICKS to bedroom secrets and lasting long in bed. (Pages 24 – 27.)

 GAIN AND MAINTAIN A SOLID ROCK HARD PENIS. In addition to increasing your penis size, you would also be able to maintain a solid rock hard erections simply by following the directions on (pages 31 – 37)

 GET TOTAL CONTROL OVER ANY WOMAN’S ORGASMS AND BE ABLE TO GIVE WOMEN THE KIND OF RED-HOT, ENDLESSLY ORGASMIC SEX. The power of a hard erection and big penis is limitless and can make any woman addicted to your penis. (pages 37 – 39)

 GET THE BLOOD FLOWING AND RUSHING BACK TO YOUR PENIS. This ebook will expose ways you can get those blood flowing back to your genital leading to INSTANT penis growth (pages 40 – 43)

 BUILD YOUR PERSONAL SEXUAL POWER AND MAINTAIN IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. You will personally be part of my exclusive member List and have EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to my very own personal penis exercise timetable.

 SEXUAL POWER AND LONGEVITY TIPS. Here you’ll discover how to build your SEXUAL POWER and maintain it for years to come.


You even MORE to giain if you get this eBook NOW…

Along with this eBook, I will also be giving out lots of FREE other bonuses that will help you transform your small penis into a MASSIVE, AMAZING manhood easier.
In addition to the eBook, you’ll be getting:

• An EXTRA BONUSeBook that will show you the specific ingredients and foods that you can prepare and eat at home to help your penis growth and erection quality to be FASTER and BETTER
• A 13FREE mp4 VIDEOSon penis exercises that you can perform in the privacy of your room. This one is just for the first 10 buyers only.

BONUS 1: The Massive Erection Juice Formula

Here is an easy to make formula to a powerful home-made juice that will give you a bigger, harder and long lasting erection

BONUS 2: 13 Ultimate Videos Guides To Penis Exercises

The 13 FREE Ultimate Video Guide to Penis Exercise will show you, using video direction and words how to perform the required exercises for your penis growth.

These free bonuses are only available for the first 21 customers that contact us.
The truth about the tricks in this book is that it takes time before you start seeing results; about 2 to 3 months.
So, if you are looking for a sharp-sharp and quick penis enlargement, then I’m sorry, please this eBook is not for you.
I want you to forget all those lies you may have seen on the internet or newspaper about gaining a bigger penis in 3 days.
My man it is NOT POSSIBLE!
Those guys just want your money.
But if you want a gradual and natural penis enlargement process which will give you healthy and noticeable results that will also not affect your reproduction in the futurethen this eBook and videos is for YOU.

• We don’t and will not sell to anyone under 18 years of age.
• We will stop sales after the first 39 men contact us because we love to follow up our readers and direct them personally. So, the smaller the amount of men the better for us.

In order to avoid any form of piracy which is rampant nowadays, we have also decided to end the sale of this solution after 3 DAYS.
It is SIMPLE..

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8. Get free Email accounts - Unlimited storage, mobile device support, modern spam protection and webmail access - freemail by mail.com.  Mail.com provides its users with an unparalleled selection of more than 300 unique domains to pair with their desired address at no cost. Users can choose a domain that fits their lifestyle, profession, location, or personality, and through this personalization, their email address will become an expression of who they are, or where they are from. For example USA.com, Europe.com and Asia.com as well as many other geographically focused domains are available. Mail.com's professional virus protection is based on a leading provider's scan engine. It locates viruses, worms, and Trojans, even in compressed file formats. With this security, mail.com mailboxes are protected from spam with seven anti-spam modules, resulting in an almost completely spam-free account. Mail.com takes the users’ privacy very seriously (user security is a main priority for mail.com) and does not transfer any data to third-party companies.

9. Get a free email account from Inbox.com - Rated as one of the best free web-based email services by About.com and TopTenReviews. Register with Inbox.com and take advantage of this amazing offer. Not only will you get a free 5GB webmail account with safe online data storage, but you will also get a personalized Inbox.com homepage and many other cool features such as: Free Online Photosharing, Up to 30GB of Online Storage, Calendar, Tasks & Notes, SMTP/POP3 Access, Free Email Notifier and much more.

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Mail2World provides an extensive set of useful and provocative features, designed to elevate service - and its members' user experience - far above expectations for standard Web-based email.

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20. The fastest growing e-mail in the Philippines - E-mail.ph is easyto remember and has 1 GB of free webspace. It is possible to extent this e-mail to 5 GB.


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Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

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