24 Aug 2016

Give Buhari all the powers he wants, he'll still fail - Fayose's aide.

Aide to Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti state, Lere Olayinka has said that Nigerians should give President Muhammadu Buhari the emergency powers he requested for, saying that the President will fail..

Olayinka, on his twitter handle, said “Give Buhari all the EMERGENCY POWERS, he will still fail. As military Head of State with ABSOLUTE POWERS, he failed”.

"In 2019, Nigerians are likely to be told that under the PRESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY POWERS; “For Economic reasons, elections cannot hold because money to conduct the elections will be used to revive the economy,” and Buhari will remain in power indefinitely!"

Avoid Nigerian politics, you can't be wiser that all Catholic Bishops - MASSOB advises Mbaka.

The Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, has warned fiery priest, Rev’d Fr. Ejike Mbaka to leave Nigerian politics alone and face his spiritual calling, stressing that the kind of dirty politics played in Nigeria was not for clerics like him.

Just on Sunday, the Catholic priest had while delivering his homily in Enugu, gone ahead to castigate the administration of former president, Goodluck Jonathan, reiterating his earlier prophecy that some people were plotting to kill President Muhammadu Buhari over anti-graft war.

However, in a statement issued by a MASSOB official, David Chinedu Eboson, the group while calling on Mbaka to choose between politics and priesthood, advised him to steer clear of the murky waters of Nigerian politics because, “Nigeria politics is beyond your understanding.”

It added: “God forbid that we will be among the party that will be clapping for you while you are going wrong. He should stay clear of the Nigerian politics before it drags his spirituality to the dust. We are not saying he should not give prophecy of what God has revealed to him concerning Nigeria and as an anointed man of God, but his today’s (Sunday) Adoration preaching are far away from what is happening in the country, as if the anointing is not with him again.

“People now see him as a Priest who is always going to Aso Villa for selfish interest. He can never serve two masters at a time, if he wants to be a politician, he should forget about priesthood.”

MASSOB accused Buhari and other Northern leaders of celebrating the 21 years of priesthood of the Catholic priest because he was dancing to their music, stressing that the priest could not have been wiser than all the Catholic Bishops put together.

It advised Mbaka to join forces with those it described as freedom fighters clergies who it said are agitating for the liberation of millions of Biafrans from Nigeria’s enslavement, if he wants to win souls for God and not to soil his white rob in the murky waters of Nigerian politics.

I Hate Being Popular - Frank Edoho.

Frank Edoho
Frank Edoho who is popular for being the host of Nigerian longest game show "Who Wants to Be A  Millionaire" has come out to talk about the fame that comes with being on TV and how he would rather be a normal human being who know n0-one can recognise on the street.

He however admits that he needs to change his perspective about fame being a public figure himself.

Watch him talk about it below.

EFCC set to seize Diezani’s assets in America.

Former Petroleum Resources Minister Diezani Alison-Madueke is likely to lose some United States properties traced to her.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) is probing Mrs Alison-Madueke for over $10 billion slush funds. It has initiated a process for the seizure of the assets – in line with United States laws.

EFCC Chairman Ibrahim Magu has just returned from the United States where he discussed with the authorities how to attach the properties, The Nation learnt yesterday.

In the last one year, the EFCC has traced assets and items worth about $10billion to Mrs. Alison-Madueke and her business associates, Mr. Kola Aluko and Chief Jide Omokore.

Some of the assets include an $18million peoperty (over N6.3billion at N350 exchange rate) in Abuja.

A top EFCC source, who spoke in confidence, said: “We have located some assets allegedly owned by Diezani and some of her business associates in the United States. We are already collaborating with the US Government to attach these assets.

“In fact, the EFCC chairman, Mr. Ibrahim Magu, spent about one and a half weeks in the US to work with the relevant agencies to trace Diezani’s properties, some of which are believed to have been secured through business fronts like Kola Aluko.

“We have submitted relevant documents to the US authorities in order to facilitate the seizure of the assets.”

Responding to a question, the source added: “Some of these properties were acquired through some business fronts like Aluko and Omokore.

“We even have a in which houses on a street in Switzerland have been traced to an associate of Diezani.”

The EFCC is working with anti-graft agencies in Britain and the United States.

“Don’t forget that the EFCC initially secured a Mareva Injunction from Justice O.O. Oguntoyinbo to freeze some foreign accounts and seize some assets linked with Diezani’s associates in the United Kingdom,” the source said.

Accounts have been frozen in some of overseas financial institutions. They include BNP Paribas (Switzerland), LGT Bank (Switzerland), Standard Chartered Bank (London),Barclays Bank (London), Standard Energy (Voduz, Switzerland), HSBC (London), Corner Bank (Lugano, Switzerland) and Deutsche Bank (Geneva).

Section 34 (1) of the EFCC Act 2004 empowers the Commission to freeze any account suspected of being used for financial crimes.

The section stipulates that “the chairman of the commission or any officer authorised by him may, if satisfied that the money in the account of a person is made through the commission of an offence under this Act or any enactment specified under Section 6(2) (a)-(f) of this Act, apply to the court ex parte for power to issue or instruct a bank examiner or such other appropriate authority to freeze the account.”

The National Crime Agency (NCA) in the UK arrested and quizzed Mrs Alison-Madueke and four others on October 2, 2015 for alleged bribery, corruption and money laundering.
Also the EFCC has interrogated five more suspects since her interrogation.

The NCA last year obtained permission from a Westminster Magistrate’s Court to seize 27,000 pounds from Alison-Madueke and two other women.

Although NCA detectives have visited the country this year in line with the probe, it was unclear as at press time when she will be formally arraigned in court in the UK.

While the UK investigation was in progress, the EFCC uncovered another $115million poll bribery scam in which the ex-minister was implicated.

But Mrs Alison-Madueke has described allegations against her as “cold-hearted” and inhuman because she is ill.

Her statement said in part: “Coming at such a critical time in my life when I am battling cancer, this poorly executed propaganda bares on its face like tribal marks, a clearly malicious attempt to victimise an innocent woman in what appears an exaggerated plot to validate and give credibility to the anti-corruption crusade under Nigeria’s new regime.

“People who are battling cancer or those who have lost their loved ones to this medical condition understand what I am going through at this time.

“This is what makes me ponder at the cold-heartedness of those who will go any length to defame and destroy in the name of propaganda. What happened to our shared humanity?

”I have absolute regard for the law and believe that people who have breached the laws that govern societies should be made to face the wrath of the law.

“But in a civilized society, a responsible government owes its citizens absolute commitment to the principles of rule of law, equity, fairness and justice. I have been wrongfully and maliciously maligned and those behind this reckless action know it.

“I leave them to posterity, their conscience and above all the Almighty God who is the final judge of all.”

New Landlord Sues Rapper Tyga for Mishandling a Rented Property.

Tyga who recently just got off a legal battle with his former landlord which cost him thousands of dollars has found himself in another financial mess, after another landlord case erupted from the blues.

According to TMZ, the lawyer won a judgment against him against him for his shabby handling of an apartment he rented for his Egypt Last Kings Clothing company.

It was alleged that the rapper poured ink down the drainage system, as well as other conduct that breached rent agreement between him and the landlord

He is now expected to pay a sum of $186,275.89 to F&S Investment Properties, the leasing agency that offered him the apartment.

Earthquake in central Italy leaves at least 21 people dead.

Earthquake in Amatrice,  Italy
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck central Italy, leaving at least 21 people dead and many others trapped under rubble, reports say.

Many of the dead were in the village of Pescara del Tronto which was levelled to the ground and there were fears the number could rise.

Much of the town of Amatrice was reduced to rubble and a family of four were feared dead nearby in Accumoli.

The quake hit at 03:36 (01:36 GMT), 100km (65 miles) north-east of Rome.

Although it struck at a shallow depth of 10km, its intensity was compared to the Aquila earthquake in April 2009 in which 309 people died. The epicentre was around Accumoli where several people died.

Some buildings in the capital shook for 20 seconds as the quake struck an area between the regions of Umbria, Lazio and Marche. It was felt from Bologna in the north to Naples in the south.

The highest casualties were reported in the small village of Pescara del Tronto, where 10 people were reported dead, among them children. Twenty people have been taken to hospital.

Two boys aged four and seven were pulled alive from the rubble of the house they had been staying in with their grandmother, Ansa news agency reported. Rescuers said they had been sheltering under a bed.

More damage was reported a short distance up the road in Arquata del Tronto.

Some of the worst damage was in the town of Amatrice, where at least five died and rescue efforts were under way to find survivors.

"The roads in and out of town are cut off.

Half the town is gone. There are people under the rubble. There's been a landslide and a bridge might collapse," said mayor Sergio Pirozzi.

"There are tens of victims, so many under the rubble. We're preparing a place for the bodies," he said.

In Accumoli, a short distance to the north, Mayor Stefano Petrucci said one person had been pulled out of the rubble during the night.

"Then there is a family of four under a collapsed house and sadly there are two small children among them."
A local photographer spoke of 15 rescuers digging with their bare hands trying reach the family.

Seismologist Andrea Tertulliani said there were sure to be further, numerous shocks that would probably diminish in intensity.

"But it can't be ruled out that there could be another shock on the same scale as the main one," he said.
"They hear the screams of the mum and one of the children," he said.

The main street through the town has been devastated and emergency workers are trying to reach six people in a collapsed building.

Italy's Civil Protection agency described the earthquake as "severe".

"It was so strong. It seemed the bed was walking across the room by itself with us on it," Lina Mercantini of Ceselli, Umbria, told Reuters.

Rescue teams are being sent to the worst-hit areas, the prime minister's office said.


The simple trick that turns £59 a month into £1,842 in savings.




The simple trick that turns £59 a month into £1,842 in savings

This trick doesn't just let you get debt free sooner, it also potentially saves you thousands in interest on your mortgage

You can pull this one off with a single phone call
Homeowners could enjoy big savings and wipe years off their mortgage term by taking advantage of rock-bottom interest rates to make regular overpayments.
Research from comparison site Comparethemarket.com has found borrowers could save a combined £14billion over the next two decades by regularly overpaying.
Paying an extra £59 a month, that’s around 10% of the average monthly mortgage repayment, would reduce the term by one year and four months and save £1,842 in interest.
For first-time buyers the savings can be much bigger.
Overpaying by £68 a month – 10% of a typical £687 monthly repayment on a £142,582 loan – would chop two years and eight months off the mortgage term and save an impressive £6,553 in interest.

Mortgage overpayments

A month extra
How much sooner you're mortgage free
Saved in interest
Source: Comparethemarket.com - figures for a £142,582 loan
While many homeowners are aware of the benefits of overpayment with more than half saying it would make them feel more financially secure if they paid more towards their debt, just two-fifths of borrowers do it.
Of those who don’t overpay nearly half say they couldn’t afford the extra money and have too many other bills to pay.
Jody Baker of comparethemarket.com said: “While committing more of your wages towards your mortgage can seem financially daunting, making small contributions each month or even a one-off lump sum overpayment could save mortgage holders thousands of pounds in the long term.
“Sacrificing one meal out at a restaurant or regularly bringing lunch in to work from home could make all the difference.
“Now that interest rates have been lowered to 0.25%, overpaying on your mortgage could be seen as a savvy alternative to traditional saving and could result in some huge savings in the long term for homeowners.”

Are there any problems?

Getty Couple inspecting mortgage
Always check the Ts&Cs
Lenders typically restrict the amount you can overpay, usually to 10% of your outstanding mortgage each year.
If your lender imposes penalties for overpaying it may be worth considering reducing the term of your loan instead.
This would mean your monthly repayments increase, so in effect you will be permanently overpaying.
But check how much the administration fee would be for this and make sure you can afford the higher repayments going forward – don’t be tempted to stretch your finances too far.

Other ways to save

A different lender might save you thousands
Whatever your situation, it’s a good exercise to check whether you are on the best mortgage deal.
Despite the base-rate drop to 0.25% and many lenders chopping their standard variable rates (SVR), there are millions of people still paying over the odds.
That money could be spent overpaying their loan.
SVRs are not meant to be a long term product. With an average rate of 4.78% they are a lot higher than some of the best mortgage deals currently available that can be well below 3%.
Yorkshire Building Society, for example, offers a three-year fix at 2.09% for those with a 25% deposit and it comes with no fees.
And First Direct has a five-year fix at 2.18% for borrowers with a deposit of at least 25% – and that too comes with no fees.

French police enforce burkini ban by ordering mum to remove Muslim garments on beach.

Mum-of-two Siam was fined £32 for breaking the ban, which French officials say is for 'security reasons'


Vantage News Police patrolling the promenade des anglais beach in Nice fine a woman for wearing a burkini
Police patrolling the promenade des anglais beach in Nice fine a woman for wearing a burkini
Heavy-handed French police enforcing a 'burkini ban' forced a woman to remove her Muslim dress as she sunbathed on a beach.
Mum-of-two Siam, was approached by four officers in Nice and told to take off the baggy blue hooded top which she teamed with leggings.
The former air hostess, whose family members have been French citizens for at least three generations, said: “I wasn’t even planning to swim, just to dip my feet.”
Pictures show her soaking up the sun before being approached by the uniformed cops and surrounded. She is then seen removing the garment. It is understood she was fined the equivalent of £32 for breaking a burkini ban.
Vantage News Siam was relaxing on the beach
Siam was relaxing on the beach
The Nice administration issued an order on Thursday banning swimwear with religious connotations, citing security concerns.
Several other cities on France’s Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts have banned burkinis this summer.

Vantage News She was approached by officers as she sunbathed
She was approached by officers as she sunbathed
Leading officials argue that the swimwear, resembling a full-body wetsuit with a hood, oppresses women and violates France’s secular principles.
But many see the bans as discriminatory.
Vantage News Police told her to remove her Muslim garments
Police told her to remove her Muslim garments
In court in Nice on Monday judges upheld the ‘burkini ban’ in the resort of Villeneuve-Loubet – ruling that the female swimwear was liable to cause offence and to provoke people to violence.
Two human rights groups challenged the controversial measure at the Administrative Tribunal in Nice, on the Riviera.

Vantage News She was fined £32 for breaking the 'burkini ban'
She was fined £32 for breaking the 'burkini ban'
They argued that the ban on a garment that does not cover the face was petty, and designed to spread hatred against a small group of mainly Muslim mothers and grandmothers.

But judges said the ban was ‘necessary, appropriate and proportionate’.
Vantage News Swimwear with religious connotations is banned for security reasons
Swimwear with religious connotations is banned for security reasons
Judges also ruled the clothing could be viewed as a ‘provocation exacerbating tensions’ within France, which is currently under a State of Emergency following a series of attacks by Islamic State.
A lorry was used to kill 86 people in Nice on July 14th, in an attack which took place next to the city’s main beach.

First picture of dad seriously injured in £1.2million Ferrari horror crash that killed 13-year-old schoolboy.

  First picture of dad injured in £1.2m Ferrari crash that killed boy, 13
Matt Cobden, who has been named locally as the driver of the Ferrari supercar
These are the first pictures of the dad who was seriously injured in a £1.2million Ferrari horror smash that claimed the life of a 13-year-old schoolboy.
Matt Cobden is believed to have been behind the wheel of the rare F50 supercar when it crashed through a wooden fence on a 10mph private road.
The 37-year-old, who has been named locally, was rushed to North Hampshire Hospital in a serious condition after the incident on Monday night.
He remains there in a 'stable' condition.
Tragically, a schoolboy who was travelling in the 4.7-litre Ferrari - one of only 349 ever made - with Mr Cobden was pronounced dead at the scene.
facebook The 37-year-old, who has a young son, suffered serious injuries in the crash
The 37-year-old, who has a young son, suffered serious injuries in the crash
The unidentified teenager, from Winchester, Hampshire, is believed to have suffered a fatal chest injury in the crash, possibly from a fence post.
The two victims are unrelated, police said.
The Ferrari F50 ploughed through the fence and flipped over after careering off the quiet farm access road in Hook at around 8.35pm.
The smash left skid marks and broken glass on the road.

Matt Cobden, 37, is believed to have been driving the rare F50 super car when it crashed through a wooden fence, killing a young schoolboy

First picture of dad injured in £1.2m Ferrari crash that killed boy, 13
Matt Cobden, who has been named locally as the driver of the Ferrari supercar
These are the first pictures of the dad who was seriously injured in a £1.2million Ferrari horror smash that claimed the life of a 13-year-old schoolboy.
Matt Cobden is believed to have been behind the wheel of the rare F50 supercar when it crashed through a wooden fence on a 10mph private road.
The 37-year-old, who has been named locally, was rushed to North Hampshire Hospital in a serious condition after the incident on Monday night.
He remains there in a 'stable' condition.
Tragically, a schoolboy who was travelling in the 4.7-litre Ferrari - one of only 349 ever made - with Mr Cobden was pronounced dead at the scene.
facebook The 37-year-old, who has a young son, suffered serious injuries in the crash
The 37-year-old, who has a young son, suffered serious injuries in the crash
The unidentified teenager, from Winchester, Hampshire, is believed to have suffered a fatal chest injury in the crash, possibly from a fence post.
The two victims are unrelated, police said.
The Ferrari F50 ploughed through the fence and flipped over after careering off the quiet farm access road in Hook at around 8.35pm.
The smash left skid marks and broken glass on the road.

Last night, a spokesman for Hampshire Police said that inquiries into the incident suggest that Mr Cobden, from Surrey, was driving the vehicle.
This is contrary to earlier claims that the schoolboy may have been behind the wheel.
The spokesman said: "Officers from the Serious Collision Investigation Unit have been continuing their investigations into the exact circumstances of the incident throughout the day and have indicated that the driver of the vehicle was the 37-year-old man."
The supercar crashed through a wooden fence on a 10mph private road
The supercar crashed through a wooden fence on a 10mph private road
Mr Cobden, who is married with a young son, is the owner of Toy Stor-Age, a bespoke luxury car storage facility that the access road leads to.
His wife, Nicky, 37, told The Sun: "There is really nothing to say yet I’m afraid," while his 67-year-old mum, Caroline, did not wish to comment.
Yesterday, locals living in North Warnborough told of how they heard sirens and saw flashing lights and a helicopter circling overhead after the crash.

One said: "I could see the lights from the window at the top of the stairs and there was a helicopter circling for a while.
"It landed on the field just next to that road but you couldn't tell from here what it was doing.
"I only realised what had happened when I saw the news this afternoon."
Solent News Mr Cobden is the owner of Toy Stor-Age, a bespoke luxury car storage facility that the access road leads to
Mr Cobden is the owner of Toy Stor-Age, a bespoke luxury car storage facility that the access road leads to
A man working on the nearby industrial estate said he had seen the classic red Ferrari parked earlier in the day.
He said: "It stands out, doesn't it, it's not a car you see every day. It was parked up here.
"I saw the fence broken in when I got in his morning because I get in quite early but at that time I had no idea.

"I didn't look that bad but I heard that a little boy died which is terrible. The rumour is going round that the little boy was driving but that is pure speculation."
Regulars in the nearby Derby Inn said that the pub was busy, and they saw sirens and emergency vehicles.
Hampshire police confirmed the pair in the car were not related, but were insistent the vehicle was a super-rare Ferrari F50.
facebook Mr Cobden is unrelated to the schoolboy who died, police said
Mr Cobden is unrelated to the schoolboy who died, police said
A spokesperson said: "There were two people inside the vehicle, which was a red Ferrari F50, a 37-year-old man from Surrey and a 13-year-old boy from the Winchester area.
"Sadly, the teenager suffered life-threatening injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.
"The 37-year-old suffered serious injuries and is being treated at the North Hampshire Hospital where his condition is described as stable.

"Officers who are continuing this morning to investigate the exact circumstances of this collision are appealing for any witnesses who may have been in the area to come forward."
A South Central Ambulance Service spokeswoman said: "At 20:35 last night we were called to a road traffic collision involving one vehicle.
"We sent two crews, including an ambulance officer and co-responder, to the scene, as well as the Thames Valley air ambulance.

Getty The Ferrari F50 is a mid-engined supercar introduced in 1995 - with only 349 ever being made (file picture)
The Ferrari F50 is a mid-engined supercar introduced in 1995 - with only 349 ever being made (file picture)

"We treated two patients - a young teenager, who was unfortunately pronounced dead at the scene, and a man in his thirties who was assessed and taken to North Hampshire hospital in Basingstoke by road."
Officers who are continuing to investigate the exact circumstances surrounding the collision are appealing for any witnesses who may have been in the area to come forward.
The access road where the crash took place leads to Toy Stor-Age.
The Ferrari F50 is a mid-engined supercar introduced in 1995 - with only 349 ever being made.
The two-door, two seat roadster with a removable hardtop has a 4.7L V12 engine developed from the 3.5L V12 used in the 1990 Ferrari 641 Formula One car.
Anyone with any information on the crash is asked to contact Sgt Richard Grant, at the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, on 101, quoting 44160315889, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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