26 Nov 2016

Hilary Clinton campaign announces it will join vote recount efforts.

Read the report from CNN below...
Hillary Clinton's campaign said Saturday it will take part in efforts to push for recounts in several key states, joining with Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who has raised millions of dollars to have votes counted again in Wisconsin.
But, in a post on Medium, Marc Elias, the campaign's counsel, said the campaign's own investigation has not uncovered any evidence of hacking of voting systems.
In the campaign's most detailed comments to date on the recount, Elias wrote that while the campaign was not going to contest the results itself, it has decided now to take part in the effort to "ensure that it is fair to all sides."
But President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday dismissed the recount and said that "the election is over."
"The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, 'We must accept this result and then look to the future,'" Trump said in a statement, which called the recount "ridiculous" in a headline.
The President-elect blasted the Green Party's effort as a "scam" and accused the party's nominee, Jill Stein, of trying to reel in donations that she won't actually spend on a recount.
"This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn't even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount," Trump said. "This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing."
Green Party officials filed Friday for a recount in Wisconsin after reports of voting discrepancies.
Wisconsin Green Party co-chairman George Martin said that the party was seeking a "reconciliation of paper records" -- a request that would go one step further than a simple recount, which is expected to begin next week, and that he hopes will spur an investigation into the integrity of the state's voting system.
"This is a process, a first step to examine whether our electoral democracy is working," Martin said.
Elias said the campaign had been quietly investigating accusations for a while and had received hundreds of requests that it do so. 
"Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves, but now that a recount has been initiated in Wisconsin, we intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides," Elias wrote on Medium. 
"If Jill Stein follows through as she has promised and pursues recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan, we will take the same approach in those states as well," he added.
Brian Fallon, spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said the team would not have sought the recount on its own and that they see no evidence of tampering so far. 
"We note we are guarding our prerogatives now that someone else has launched a recount. Not sure what you could point to to suggest there is anything here that calls the results into question," he told CNN.
In addition to Trump's total combined margin of victory in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania being only about 107,000 votes -- by contrast, the Florida margin in Bush-Gore was 537 ballots -- Elias said concerns about Russia's interference in the election continue to raise concerns.
"This election cycle was unique in the degree of foreign interference witnessed throughout the campaign: the U.S. government concluded that Russian state actors were behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee and the personal email accounts of Hillary for America campaign officials, and just yesterday, the Washington Post reported that the Russian government was behind much of the "fake news" propaganda that circulated online in the closing weeks of the election," he wrote.
A senior administration official said in a statement that there is no evidence of any hacking.
"The federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on Election Day," the official said. "As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on Election Day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."
The Clinton campaign has met with lawyers, data scientists and analysts to assess anomalies in the results that would suggest a hacked result. Private meetings with outside experts involved sharing both groups concerns about the data and findings. 
Clinton's team said they investigated every theory presented and examined laws and practices pertaining to recounts, contests and audits.
"And most importantly, we have monitored and staffed the post-election canvasses -- where voting machine tapes are compared to poll-books, provisional ballots are resolved, and all of the math is double checked from election night," Elias said. "During that process, we have seen Secretary Clinton's vote total grow, so that, today, her national popular vote lead now exceeds more than 2 million votes."
The campaign plans to move forward in monitoring activities to better understand the results.
"In the coming days, we will continue to perform our due diligence and actively follow all further activities that are to occur prior to the certification of any election results," he said.
It is "unfortunate" that all states don't conduct "post-election" audits.
"Wisconsin and Pennsylvania conduct post-election audits using a sampling of precincts. Michigan and many other states still do not," Elias wrote. "This is unfortunate; it is our strong belief that, in addition to an election canvass, every state should do this basic audit to ensure accuracy and public confidence in the election."

Suffering from baldness & hair loss? See the weird hair serum I used to cure my ugly baldness palava in less than 27 days!

This is a sponsored Post….
 (and how You too Can!)
Dear Loyal LIB Reader,My Name is xbaldie Segun  and If you have hair loss problem or bald hair problem, I want you to take a look at the picture below…

OK, did you do it?

Did you take a good look at those amazing pictures?
What they show you is a “Before & After” Picture of a young man (me) whose life was
once a nightmare. All thanks to my formal Bald hair.
         “My Friends Laughed At Me All Because I Had a Bald Hair!”

My brothers and sisters being bald is so embarrassing oh!
All because of this bald hair matter my friends usually pure rains of insults like Half a Plot, moon head, mirror in the sun, express road, shine shine bobo..oh men! 

In short, the insults got me so hard, I became an introvert with no social life whatsoever.
Basically, I had a pitiful social life then!
That was like 12 years ago.

Fast forward today, I now have a full hair, all thanks to the 100% Natural Secret!

But Truth is…

“It Runs in the Family BUT this 100% Natural Cure Stopped it…Permanently!”

You see, my grandfather on my mothers side was bald!
My dad has a terrible bald hair too.
Even my mom suffers from hair loss too.

When I saw my mum elder sister’s own, Sister Ronke, then I know “the Struggle was real”, as the woman suffers from severe hair loss too, then I knew women too suffer from hair loss too.
See it here..
“If my Family Members Suffers from Serious Hair Loss, What Was in Store for Me?”

But one thing was sure, I will do everything I could to keep my hair from falling off!
I have a very big head and robust “Ogor” so I will look like Humpty Dumpty if I am always on skin, which was the normal style for guys with bald hair.

 So back then when I used to have nice looking hair there was this day I tried combing my hair, because I do comb them according to the wave of the hair.
I started noticing that I begin to lose some hair and some hair will stand straight up after combing, at first I ignored that, thinking it was a new strand of hair re-growing.

         “The Reverse Was the Case!”
***I was losing my fine hair “slowly”!
***It was falling out!
***I was losing my youthful look!

After like a week time it was like the witches in my village caused me with rapid hair loss!

Look at this..

For over 7yrs I tried several things….
Is it mixing weed with spirt?
Is it using onion and vinegar?
I even used egg too!


My brothers and sisters I tried it all..

But nothing worked…but I got “Gingered” when the girl of my dream embarrassed me…
Then the Turning point came when I feel deeply in love with one fine and fresh babe, Amaka Eze....
Amaka was the kind of babe I desire to get married to..beautiful, caring and loving.
I tried toasting her severally, but she “Friend-Zoned” me.

I tried all I could but this babe no gree oh!

So on this blessed day, I decided to ask her why she never even gave me any attention all.

Then she dropped the reason…
She said, sorry Segun, Bald guys are not my type!

I was so furious and disappointed…

So I asked why..

"Then she said, I will be make fun of, and people will use your bald hair to describe you as my boyfriend."

I never felt so embarrassed about my hair loss condition until that day.

I got angry and furious.

Then I went on a rampage to search for a quick solution to my Bald hair Palava.

For good 2 years, I tried all sort of things that never worked, then I was chatting with a friend in the U.S.A on facebook, then I told him about my Bald hair issues…he was surprise that I haven’t solved the problem, then he told me about a permanent Solution he used to cure his Hair loss

 Look at How His Hair Before & After…

All Thanks to Snazi Hair Serum!

At first I was skeptical as hell!

But I had to give it a try first..

Then I got in contact with the direct seller who sold if for me for N18,000 per bottle, so I got 4 bottles (i.e N18,000 x 2= N38,000) for a standard 4 month treatment!

Snazi Hair Serum is made up of 100% Natural Ingredient.
Although I don’t promise an overnight miracle,  results vary, but for me, I started seeing the result in just 27 days!  
As if that’s not enough…

To make my hair grow faster, I  did a bit of research for a POTENT hair food, lo and behold I was introduced to an amazing hair food Approved by NAFDAC!

The name of the product is Hair Wonder and it have been performing wonders on my hair like kilode!

So I use the Bald Hair Killer Kit  for good 2 months then I saw amazing results as you have seen above!

At first the hair was not re-growing first, but after like 7 days of usage I saw some small small  cool changes!
⦁    In 27 days I got my sexy face back!
⦁    In 4 Month’s all My Bald Hair was gone!
⦁    I was becoming the man I want to look like!
⦁    I was gaining my confidence back!
How Sweet!
Like wide fire my new started spreading and I had to help over 25 people, both men and women…

Check of pics of people Who Have Used it …

Check Out Tobis’s Bald Hair Before & After Using Snazi Hair Serum, now the Bad Guy is Looking Fresher than Ever

Look at Antonio’ Tobis’s Friend in the USA Who Gave it a Try

                        Check Out Ronke, she Used to Have Terrible Hair Loss, Look at Her Hair No

Shade’s Hair  Used to Make Her a  Laughing Stock, now Her friends BEG her to show them Her Secret…the Almight Snazi Hair Serum it is!

Look at What a Loyal Customer is Saying About Snazi

Too..All thanks to Snazi Hair Serum!

Who Else Want to Cure His Or Her Hair Loss & Baldness in 27 Days?

“Snazi Hair Serum”

With this potent Bald Hair killer , I can confidently tell you that all your Baldness & Hair Loss issues is Over  within 24 days!

⦁    Are you a Man Suffering from Baldness?

⦁    Are You a Woman Suffering from Hair Loss?

Then this is the best thing you’ll ever get in Nigeria!

Truth be told, I have used it and I can testify to it’s power.

Now it’s time for you to try it too.

So What’s About the Snazi Bald Hair Killer?

Snazi Hair Serum: When you Put a Dab of the Snazi Hair Serum on your bald hair region regularly, you’ll discover a visible change in the affected area. And in less than 27 days, your hair will start growing.

The scientific formulation of Snazi  Hair Serum uses a patent bioengineering technology that is used to extract active herbal ingredients, that RAPIDLY accelerate hair growth, on even totally bald hair.

Snazi Hair serum is tested and trusted worldwide as it contains potent natural herbs that fights hair loss.

Specifically designed for African people with unique hair styling, Snazi Hair Serum fit’s any hair type in Nigeria.
Best Part is, I know it I will work well for you as it have also worked for me too, it’s the BEST solution for any hair loss wahala

So Go Here to get it==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

With Snazi Hair Serum, you can kiss your annoying Bald hair “bye-bye” as you will permanently cure your ugly Bald Hair & Hair Loss Wahala today.

Now You can be..
⦁    Happy Without Sorrow
⦁    Confident Without Doubts
⦁    Beautiful With A Slick Full Hair
⦁    Handsome Looking With no “Moon Shine” in front.

Lock Down Your Slot Here==>   https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Believe me…hair loss could be embarrassing, it could make you feel “incomplete” as the “crown” of your beauty-Your Hair is Shaky and not even full.

Get it here==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Finally say good “bye” to your annoying Hair Loss and Baldness HERE
The Reason I am showing you this secret is not solely to make profit, but rather to HELP you become a more beautiful or Handsome person because I discovered that this is a serious need for a WORKING hair loss serum.
So I spoke with the seller who sent it to me all the way from USA to send me 50 pcs to help my fellow Nigerians.

As soon as it landed I got over 30 people rushing for it!

Now I’m left with JUST 20 sets! =>Get it HERE<=

And it’s Up to you to grab it today or risk never getting this amazing hair loss solution forever.

As I don’t plan to import more of this package due to the High rate of dollars, so

I’m sorry for you if you leave this page without placing your order as you might never get this offer anymore.

More So, More Newspapers, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter are covering this epic discovery, leading to this amazing product.

So how can you get it?
We Have 2 Options for You…

                     2 Months Treatment (2 Bottle) = N17,000

       (Instead of  Normal N30,000)

100%, no side effect, gives lasting result.

                                     Duly Approved by International  Regulatory Bodies.

                                                            OPTION #2
                                  4 Month Treatment (4 Bottles)+ Free Hair Wonder=> N29,000

                                               (Instead of Normal N60,000)

If you Go for the 4 Month Treatment You’ll win a chance to join the “Preferred Customers” club where you’ll win a FREE hair wonder cream worth N5,000.
Get It  here=> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Here’s About Hair Wonder:

Hair Wonder: Hair Wonder promote healthier and more vibrant hair. It will make it look darker and smoother, every your wifey will love torching your hair after using it!

Formulated with refined Natural herbs and certified by NAFDAC hair wonder gives you that long, thick & strong hair that grows rapidly

Here are some of the ingredients in
·   Moringaoleifera,
·   Peppermint
·   Sweet almond oil
·   Sunflower oil
·   Soya-bean oil
·   Castor oil
·   Olive oil
·   Ginger
·   Garlic
·   Aloe Vera and more.

 When you grab the 4 Month Kit of  Snazi Hair Serum today, you’ll get a chance to win a free jar of Hair Wonder!

Yes you heard that..

All you need to get this ruthless Baldness Terminator is JUST N17,000 for a 2 Month Treatment & for a chance to win a free hair wonder…
Buy the 4 Month Treatment for N29,000 and get a FREE Hair Wonder cream today
instead of the normal price of N34,000, how ridiculous?

Get it here==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Hurry up and grab the 4 Months Treatment to win a free Hair wonder before sharp guys and sharp babes grabs it all.


If you know you want it very fast, why not hurry up and place your order right way before it get’s sold out?

Here’s how to get Lock down Your Slot “today-today”

Send the follow info as an SMS to 
Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064
**Snazi Hair Kit**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

**Snazi Hair Kit*Option 2*Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

All to==>  0909-515-9064

Deliver is Free!

**Delivery for Orders Within Lagos is 24-48 Hours
**Delivery for Orders Outside Lagos is Within 3-5 Working Days 

Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.
To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

Simple: You’ll receive it within 3-5 business days & pay the dispatch the cash On delivery!

I really hope you don't miss out in the 47 available slots.

Don’t Forget if You Buy the 4 Month Treatment, You’ll Get a Free Hair Wonder

Why not go ahead, place your order and regain your confidence!

Hurry Up & place your order  to me like this…

Send the follow info as an SMS to 

Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064
**Snazi Hair Kit**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**
**Snazi Hair Kit*Option 2*Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

All to==>  0909-515-9064

You Pay On Delivery!
Deliver is Free!

**Delivery for Orders Within Lagos is 24-48 Hours
**Delivery for Orders Outside Lagos is Within 3-5 Working Days 

Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How Effective is amazing Snazi Baldness Killer?

Extremely effective, I have used it and in less than a 1 month,  I have already got a full blow hair back!

 All thanks to the Snazi Baldness Killer.
 I promise you’ll regain your youthfulness when you grab this amazing Baldness curing cream today.
 So don’t dull yourself, place your orders ASAP or risk being Yabbed by close friends and even enemies lol

Questions: Can women with Hair Loss Use?

 Yes Women with extreme hair loss can grab the amazing Snazi hair Serum as it prevents hair loss and boost hair growth too!

Question: Hope the price will not increase soon?

Answer: YES the price will shoot up in the next 5 working days as N17,000 for 2 bottles & N29,000 for 4 Bottle  is just a bonanza price that will last for just 5 working days.

Now your know what you need to know about this amazing Baldness Killer, so what are you waiting for?

Question: If I use if for 27 Days and it I don’t see The Effect Can I Ask For Refund? 

Answer: Although results are not typical, but if you use it for a full 2 months and you still don’t see any result at all, Yes you can, I will send over your money and will even tell you to keep the bonus product…Hair wonder!

In short…
You Are Covered By Ex-Baldie Segun No Super Story, Iron Clad, Take it to the Bank 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

Now that you see, that we mean serious business, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead & Place Your Order today!
Don’t forget, you are getting a free Hair Wonder Cream Worth N5,000 for free if you go for 4 Bottles, so why not hurry up and grab this offer ASAP?

Go ahead, place your order and regain your confidence! 

**Snazi Hair Kit**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

**Snazi Hair Kit*Option 2*Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

All to==>  0909-515-9064

Deliver is Free!

**Delivery for Orders Within Lagos is 24-48 Hours
**Delivery for Orders Outside Lagos is Within 3-5 Working Days 

Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

Deliver is Free!

**Delivery for Orders Within Lagos is 24-48 Hours
**Delivery for Orders Outside Lagos is Within 3-5 Working Days

You’ll receive it within 3-5 business days & pay the dispatch the cash on delivery!

I really hope you don't miss out in the 47 available slots!
Have a Nice Day

 Ex-baldie  Segun


Suffering from baldness & hair loss? See the weird hair serum I used to cure my ugly baldness palava in less than 27 days!

This is a sponsored Post….
 (and how You too Can!)
Dear Loyal LIB Reader,My Name is xbaldie Segun  and If you have hair loss problem or bald hair problem, I want you to take a look at the picture below…

OK, did you do it?

Did you take a good look at those amazing pictures?
What they show you is a “Before & After” Picture of a young man (me) whose life was
once a nightmare. All thanks to my formal Bald hair.
         “My Friends Laughed At Me All Because I Had a Bald Hair!”

My brothers and sisters being bald is so embarrassing oh!
All because of this bald hair matter my friends usually pure rains of insults like Half a Plot, moon head, mirror in the sun, express road, shine shine bobo..oh men! 

In short, the insults got me so hard, I became an introvert with no social life whatsoever.
Basically, I had a pitiful social life then!
That was like 12 years ago.

Fast forward today, I now have a full hair, all thanks to the 100% Natural Secret!

But Truth is…

“It Runs in the Family BUT this 100% Natural Cure Stopped it…Permanently!”

You see, my grandfather on my mothers side was bald!
My dad has a terrible bald hair too.
Even my mom suffers from hair loss too.

When I saw my mum elder sister’s own, Sister Ronke, then I know “the Struggle was real”, as the woman suffers from severe hair loss too, then I knew women too suffer from hair loss too.
See it here..
“If my Family Members Suffers from Serious Hair Loss, What Was in Store for Me?”

But one thing was sure, I will do everything I could to keep my hair from falling off!
I have a very big head and robust “Ogor” so I will look like Humpty Dumpty if I am always on skin, which was the normal style for guys with bald hair.

 So back then when I used to have nice looking hair there was this day I tried combing my hair, because I do comb them according to the wave of the hair.
I started noticing that I begin to lose some hair and some hair will stand straight up after combing, at first I ignored that, thinking it was a new strand of hair re-growing.

         “The Reverse Was the Case!”
***I was losing my fine hair “slowly”!
***It was falling out!
***I was losing my youthful look!

After like a week time it was like the witches in my village caused me with rapid hair loss!

Look at this..

For over 7yrs I tried several things….
Is it mixing weed with spirt?
Is it using onion and vinegar?
I even used egg too!


My brothers and sisters I tried it all..

But nothing worked…but I got “Gingered” when the girl of my dream embarrassed me…
Then the Turning point came when I feel deeply in love with one fine and fresh babe, Amaka Eze....
Amaka was the kind of babe I desire to get married to..beautiful, caring and loving.
I tried toasting her severally, but she “Friend-Zoned” me.

I tried all I could but this babe no gree oh!

So on this blessed day, I decided to ask her why she never even gave me any attention all.

Then she dropped the reason…
She said, sorry Segun, Bald guys are not my type!

I was so furious and disappointed…

So I asked why..

"Then she said, I will be make fun of, and people will use your bald hair to describe you as my boyfriend."

I never felt so embarrassed about my hair loss condition until that day.

I got angry and furious.

Then I went on a rampage to search for a quick solution to my Bald hair Palava.

For good 2 years, I tried all sort of things that never worked, then I was chatting with a friend in the U.S.A on facebook, then I told him about my Bald hair issues…he was surprise that I haven’t solved the problem, then he told me about a permanent Solution he used to cure his Hair loss

 Look at How His Hair Before & After…

All Thanks to Snazi Hair Serum!

At first I was skeptical as hell!

But I had to give it a try first..

Then I got in contact with the direct seller who sold if for me for N18,000 per bottle, so I got 4 bottles (i.e N18,000 x 2= N38,000) for a standard 4 month treatment!

Snazi Hair Serum is made up of 100% Natural Ingredient.
Although I don’t promise an overnight miracle,  results vary, but for me, I started seeing the result in just 27 days!  
As if that’s not enough…

To make my hair grow faster, I  did a bit of research for a POTENT hair food, lo and behold I was introduced to an amazing hair food Approved by NAFDAC!

The name of the product is Hair Wonder and it have been performing wonders on my hair like kilode!

So I use the Bald Hair Killer Kit  for good 2 months then I saw amazing results as you have seen above!

At first the hair was not re-growing first, but after like 7 days of usage I saw some small small  cool changes!
⦁    In 27 days I got my sexy face back!
⦁    In 4 Month’s all My Bald Hair was gone!
⦁    I was becoming the man I want to look like!
⦁    I was gaining my confidence back!
How Sweet!
Like wide fire my new started spreading and I had to help over 25 people, both men and women…

Check of pics of people Who Have Used it …

Check Out Tobis’s Bald Hair Before & After Using Snazi Hair Serum, now the Bad Guy is Looking Fresher than Ever

Look at Antonio’ Tobis’s Friend in the USA Who Gave it a Try

                        Check Out Ronke, she Used to Have Terrible Hair Loss, Look at Her Hair No

Shade’s Hair  Used to Make Her a  Laughing Stock, now Her friends BEG her to show them Her Secret…the Almight Snazi Hair Serum it is!

Look at What a Loyal Customer is Saying About Snazi

Too..All thanks to Snazi Hair Serum!

Who Else Want to Cure His Or Her Hair Loss & Baldness in 27 Days?

“Snazi Hair Serum”

With this potent Bald Hair killer , I can confidently tell you that all your Baldness & Hair Loss issues is Over  within 24 days!

⦁    Are you a Man Suffering from Baldness?

⦁    Are You a Woman Suffering from Hair Loss?

Then this is the best thing you’ll ever get in Nigeria!

Truth be told, I have used it and I can testify to it’s power.

Now it’s time for you to try it too.

So What’s About the Snazi Bald Hair Killer?

Snazi Hair Serum: When you Put a Dab of the Snazi Hair Serum on your bald hair region regularly, you’ll discover a visible change in the affected area. And in less than 27 days, your hair will start growing.

The scientific formulation of Snazi  Hair Serum uses a patent bioengineering technology that is used to extract active herbal ingredients, that RAPIDLY accelerate hair growth, on even totally bald hair.

Snazi Hair serum is tested and trusted worldwide as it contains potent natural herbs that fights hair loss.

Specifically designed for African people with unique hair styling, Snazi Hair Serum fit’s any hair type in Nigeria.
Best Part is, I know it I will work well for you as it have also worked for me too, it’s the BEST solution for any hair loss wahala

So Go Here to get it==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

With Snazi Hair Serum, you can kiss your annoying Bald hair “bye-bye” as you will permanently cure your ugly Bald Hair & Hair Loss Wahala today.

Now You can be..
⦁    Happy Without Sorrow
⦁    Confident Without Doubts
⦁    Beautiful With A Slick Full Hair
⦁    Handsome Looking With no “Moon Shine” in front.

Lock Down Your Slot Here==>   https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Believe me…hair loss could be embarrassing, it could make you feel “incomplete” as the “crown” of your beauty-Your Hair is Shaky and not even full.

Get it here==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Finally say good “bye” to your annoying Hair Loss and Baldness HERE
The Reason I am showing you this secret is not solely to make profit, but rather to HELP you become a more beautiful or Handsome person because I discovered that this is a serious need for a WORKING hair loss serum.
So I spoke with the seller who sent it to me all the way from USA to send me 50 pcs to help my fellow Nigerians.

As soon as it landed I got over 30 people rushing for it!

Now I’m left with JUST 20 sets! =>Get it HERE<=

And it’s Up to you to grab it today or risk never getting this amazing hair loss solution forever.

As I don’t plan to import more of this package due to the High rate of dollars, so

I’m sorry for you if you leave this page without placing your order as you might never get this offer anymore.

More So, More Newspapers, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter are covering this epic discovery, leading to this amazing product.

So how can you get it?
We Have 2 Options for You…

                     2 Months Treatment (2 Bottle) = N17,000

       (Instead of  Normal N30,000)

100%, no side effect, gives lasting result.

                                     Duly Approved by International  Regulatory Bodies.

                                                            OPTION #2
                                  4 Month Treatment (4 Bottles)+ Free Hair Wonder=> N29,000

                                               (Instead of Normal N60,000)

If you Go for the 4 Month Treatment You’ll win a chance to join the “Preferred Customers” club where you’ll win a FREE hair wonder cream worth N5,000.
Get It  here=> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Here’s About Hair Wonder:

Hair Wonder: Hair Wonder promote healthier and more vibrant hair. It will make it look darker and smoother, every your wifey will love torching your hair after using it!

Formulated with refined Natural herbs and certified by NAFDAC hair wonder gives you that long, thick & strong hair that grows rapidly

Here are some of the ingredients in
·   Moringaoleifera,
·   Peppermint
·   Sweet almond oil
·   Sunflower oil
·   Soya-bean oil
·   Castor oil
·   Olive oil
·   Ginger
·   Garlic
·   Aloe Vera and more.

 When you grab the 4 Month Kit of  Snazi Hair Serum today, you’ll get a chance to win a free jar of Hair Wonder!

Yes you heard that..

All you need to get this ruthless Baldness Terminator is JUST N17,000 for a 2 Month Treatment & for a chance to win a free hair wonder…
Buy the 4 Month Treatment for N29,000 and get a FREE Hair Wonder cream today
instead of the normal price of N34,000, how ridiculous?

Get it here==> https://goo.gl/hwf1n3

Hurry up and grab the 4 Months Treatment to win a free Hair wonder before sharp guys and sharp babes grabs it all.


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Why I had a secret wedding and never share photos of my husband online - Di’ja

Mavin star, Afro Di’ja, aka Hadiza Salma Blell, had an exclusive interview with LIB recently where she gave reasons why she had a secret wedding to her husband Rotimi and why she never shares photos of him online.
"It was very intimate and it was also in my home town, Kaduna, so it’s kind of hard to get people to come over there and then Kaduna is not as ‘Noisy’ as Lagos. So anything like that could be probably called low key. I just don’t translate them into being posted on my page.And I guess in the ‘Post it’ ‘Tweet it’ world; you almost kind of look abnormal if you don’t
But it’s not like am going out of my way not to, i guess it’s just not in my character to do it all the time, but i’m also getting better at my Instagram.  At least you see my baby and all other stuff, (laughs). So I always say there is difference between privacy and secrecy, it’s not something to hide. Again, i guess people forget that when you are in the entertainment industry, you also have to live a normal life. For instance, i wake up in the morning and i give my son a bath, and sometimes my mom will, and other times, it is a maid and an aunt that would help me with him. So don’t forget you have a real life too and you have people to answer to as well. Again you wake up and you have people that are depending on you, and people you pay for the work they do for you, you know as much as we have this entertainment life, and it’s amazing, i mean, God bless you all for liking us so much because it’s actually your love that has put us on the pedestal, but we also do these things and wake up with a regular life, so in that sense and sometimes because i could get carried away, that's majorly the problem.

Read the full interview below...

LIB: Tell us how it’s been, working with Don Jazzy, and Mavin Record as a whole?

Working with Mavin has really, really been a dream come true, because, the record is like a family. It’s like working with your brother. I mean sometimes you have your arguments and other times you have your fun moments. There are so many memorable moments and pretty cool ones. Sometimes when you are working in Mavin, you don’t get to see each other that much. Sometimes you see, Korede, sometimes you see, Reekado, and sometimes you see Tiwa, but we are getting to a point where we see each other alot more now. So it’s fun, it’s exciting and it has its own moments too. But what you do is to pick up and you start moving again, yeah!

LIB: talking about the record label, you guys recently got a new addition to the family. What do you think of Iyanya joining the label?

 It is Iyanya, and i mean, he is Iyanya. He is a brand on his own, so him coming in, only adds to the label and makes it greater especially for someone like myself that is still seeing so many new things that I could add and then increase my own talents and what I want to share with everybody. He is a blessing, because there is so much we can learn from him, and there is so much I can learn from him. You know, in Mavin record we are like a family, we like to collaborate with each other, and by the Grace of God, we are going to get to that point where we start doing songs together, so i think it’s a new chapter that we should all look forward to.

LIB: How do you manage being a mother and an artiste?

: (Laughs) Well, there are so many people that have done this before me, thousands and millions of them. So I think that the best thing to have is an amazing support system, when you have an amazing support system and you have people that are willing to work together with you, for your interest as well as theirs, it makes it a lot easier to get bye especially when you are doing stuff. I mean, I can’t tell you it’s been easy. I give my mom so much respect, I respect her so much already for the kind of support i get from her. it makes you want to appreciate your own mom or your parents like ten times more. It is amazing, for me. It’s an amazing journey right now. My son is the light of my life. You know what i mean. I also have an amazing husband that is very supportive, and i have an amazing family, and we all work together to make it happen, yeah.

LIB: You don’t share pictures of your husband on the social media, why is that?

 Even before we got married he is a very private person, and i actually believe in respecting people’s zones until they are ready. It’s not like we don’t. So because a lot of things don’t happen right now-people are like, why are you not doing this and why are you not doing that, what’s wrong, what are you hiding, you know what i mean? We are not hiding anything, we actually go to events together and do stuff together, and i just feel, for me, am not very good at..., I like enjoying the moment, yeah, and am actually very bad at doing the posting thing. I don’t know if you have noticed, i mean recently, I started doing selfies when people were like, Di’ja, why are you not doing selfies? So not long ago, i did my very first mirror selfie, (Laughs). Not like i don’t want to do these things sometimes, I just enjoy the moments and forget to take pictures when we hang out, that’s why presently, i am always begging my crew, (‘please help me take pictures mek me sef dey pose na, wetin dey happen?’) So, it’s just that thing where I am enjoying the moment and then I forget. So we are not hiding anything. Sometimes if he can make it with me to an event, he comes, and if can’t, he will come to the next. So it’s not like he is not there, or that it doesn’t happen, i guess it’s just that, it happens and i don’t get to translate it on my page.

LIB: Was that why you did a very low key wedding?

Well, i mean, if you call having about 400 people grace your wedding low key, then i guess, yeah.  It was more of just intimate and it’s also in my home town, Kaduna, so it’s kind of hard to get people to come over there and then Kaduna is not as ‘Noisy’ as Lagos. So anything like that could be probably called low key, but like i said, most of these things are happening but, where the problem lies is that i just don’t translate them onto being posted on my page. And i guess in the ‘Post it’ ‘Tweet it’ world; you almost kind of look abnormal if you don’t. But it’s not like am going out of my way not to, i guess it’s just not in my character to do it all the time, but i’m also getting better at my Instagram.  At least you see my baby and all other stuff, (laughs). So I always say there is difference between privacy and secrecy, it’s not something to hide. Again, i guess people forget that when you are in the entertainment industry, you also have to live a normal life. For instance, i wake up in the morning and i give my son a bath, and sometimes my mom will, and other times, it is a maid and an aunt that would help me with him. So don’t forget you have a real life too and you have people to answer to as well. Again you wake up and you have people that are depending on you, and people you pay for the work they do for you, you know as much as we have this entertainment life, and it’s amazing, i mean, God bless you all for liking us so much because it’s actually your love that has put us on the pedestal, but we also do these things and wake up with a regular life, so in that sense and sometimes because i could get carried away, that's majorly the problem.

LIB: Let’s get back to music. Your music kind of stands out from what every other Mavin artiste does. How have you been able to maintain your distinct style of music?

 First of all, thank you so much for even listening to my music, but i don’t think, adding new things into your music or adding commercial things into your music, makes you un-original. I actually love commercial music. I think I’m in my own world because sometimes i actually think that my music is not commercial pop, but it is everybody else that tells me something else. So i guess as the saying goes, the word celebrity means you are a celebrated person, meaning, you are working for the people. So i don’t run away from being influenced by certain things because no matter how you look at it, everything from when you are born is influenced by something, even how you think and what you are, regardless that somebody told you that, that’s what you are going to be, it’s later, later that you will start forming that, ah!, ‘i want to be myself; you know what i mean. So we have a platform called 'music' to express different things. But first of all, i always give it up to the grace of God, i cannot lie, I’m very much in the believe that it’s not all me, because, as much as i have plans, it’s God that says it all. So apart from that, i honestly just do what i love. I do music i would love to hear and when same is compared to what every other person is doing, people would kind it. But i don’t really think there is so much difference in music in terms of how it makes people feel. For me music is how you interpret it, if it makes you feel good and you are listening to it, then that is your kind of music and there is no need to be figuring it out, like what kind of genre it is, because even as we dey now, (everything just dey fuse) you know, everything just ends up coming back together. So for me, i think i just enjoy what i do and i do what i enjoy, and if you like it along the way, I’m very grateful and if you don’t, i hope that i do something  you’d like. But i try not to... (as you guys deh talk am, trend setter), i just  try my best, even if I try it and I look somehow doing it, I try it again and you know, one might just end up refining it. Everybody started somehow, and refined themselves later. For me, i just keep doing what am doing and refining same, so the more people I know and the more things that influence me, the more it allows me to form my own music. Again, I also think it’s the lack of my ability to copy someone, that gives me the 'how' to form my own music. (So because i no fit be you, i go com add one kind style like this to my song), and people would be like, ‘ah! You are original. So nothing under the sun is original my dear, we are just influenced by something somehow.

LIB: How come apart from ‘Dorobucci’ you and Tiwa have not collaborated?

Uhm, do you see how many we are? And how do you know we haven’t? I keep telling people that, it’s not all the songs that you recorded today, that you’d be release today. So depending on how long you have been working. When you started is only as irrelevant as whatever people feel that they already know about what you are doing, but then you have been working on many things, but I always say, how do you even know we haven’t collaborated yet, it’s just that the said song, you haven’t heard it yet. Then there are so many of us, and there are so many songs in Mavin right now, because we like music, and each and every one of us, bring something very different, which is why it works so well. So sometimes you see similarities some other times you see differences, and it is those differences that complements the other. So you never know what to expect until you see.

LIB: How do you feel about Tiwa being referred to as the first lady of Mavin records?

 But i met her there, right? I mean, she is the first lady of Mavin records. It’s kind of funny when people want to state the obvious. Tiwa is such an inspiring person. Set aside the fact that we are even in the same record label, i mean, she has done so much and been through so much, and she still keeps this standard of performance that she does all the time, you know what i mean, you can see it. For me, it’s inspiring, and like i said, i met her there. When you go to a place and you meet someone there, it’s one of two things, it’s either you learn from them or you don’t, and so what i am doing and what would be good for me is to learn from somebody that is that strong and that can inspire me and it’s really mad cool, yeah.

LIB: So what is the biggest challenge you’ve faced working with Mavin record?

 I think one of the greatest challenge you will face working with Mavin is actually feeling like you are creating hits. Because hits are being made in that place, and na you go tell yourself sey, (omoh, mek i stand up), you know what i mean. Whatever challenge i am going to be talking about now, is going to be my strength later, because, those guys force you to be better, because you can’t be in Mavin and not do great music, i mean, we have hard times and no matter what, you are going to try certain things and people are not going to like it, but if you are in that group of people, you would be inspired to try something else. So it’s more or less of saying, ‘How do you keep up? That’s what you should be asking me, because everybody is hungry and everybody is working, and what i like about Mavin is that nobody is going to tell you to work. When you see what people are creating, you yourself you’d just be like, (omoh, make i do something or, why i dey sleep sef, why i dey nap). So it’s a beautiful place to be in.

LIB: So do you plan to own a record label

Uhm, it is not in my plans, and it’s not like there is anything to fear about doing that, it’s just that owning a record label is a very hard work. Dealing with artist with very different personality types, thoughts and creativity is not very easy. So is not something i can say, oh, because you did it then i can do it. So right now, in my mind, i will never tell you that nothing is ever going to make me own one, but as of now, i don’t feel i am that kind of person to own one. But then i can have artistes, i mean people that are doing very well that i can be part of their lives and development ‘cos i always believe that if God blesses you with something, if you can in turn do it for somebody else, even if it is one person, then you’ve tried. So i can help someone else build, but to say to own a label right now, i don’t think i am just about that kind of a person right now.

LIB: You are actually a very beautiful lady, and we believe you would have lots of male admirers, so how do you manage that part of your life?

Anybody that kind of walks around have admirers, even babies, people chuckle and admirer them. Having admirers is not something only me encounters, everybody does. So you treat them with respect. If he crosses the line, then you check him, but i believe you treat everybody with some kind of respect.

LIB: Tell us how many children you plan to have as an artiste?

You know artistes call their albums children too, so which one are you talking about-(Laughs). Uhm, as many as God gives me I will take. I mean if you get to a point where, if God continues to bless you, then you say, okay, I want to chill, then fine. But as of now, I have just had my first one and it’s also a very amazing experience and hard work, but it’s not that kind of hard work that you are never going to do. It is just that kind of work that no matter how tired you are, you are just gonna do it, but honestly, God is the one that can answer that question for you, because i have learnt that no matter how much i tell you the things i want to do, they will change. So i would rather not go back and then look at it and when they ask me a question and be like how is it that i said i want ten kids and i only have two? But i would say, as many healthy kids as God can give me, that i can handle, I’d take. 

LIB:  How has it been working as a married woman now, compared to when you were not married?

: Honestly it is a whole new experience, because you equally have people who need your attention, a hundred per cent. So i am not going to say, i would put fifty per cent here and put the rest there. I have to put in two hundred per cent. Because, like i was saying, regardless of how you live your life, you are still going to do your work. So you can’t say you want to give your family fifty per cent and all that, you have to give them even more love. For me, it has just increased my heart and increased how much i actually have the capacity to love something actually beyond myself. So it’s something i am doing because it’s there now, and am not changing the situation. It is fun and it’s hard work, because you are balancing studio time and home.

LIB: So what kind of support do you get from your husband

I get a lot of support. You like a woman, it’s either meeting expectations or not meeting expectations, you know the way the world is moving, and the love that people have for you, so for me it’s a learning experience and it is beyond anything i can actually tell you in words. It is something i didn’t plan and i am grateful for it.

LIB: Going back to divorce rate in the country, especially amongst celebrities, how do you feel about it and what’s your take about it?

Well, i don’t know if it is necessarily fair to say amongst celebrities, it is just because celebrity lives are kind of out there in the open and sort of magnified, it looks like it’s that much. But there is a lot that goes on in the country that I feel like it’s actually neglected in terms of..., i mean, it’s almost like a psychological warfare people are dealing with in this country. So there is just so much out there happening in people's homes. So it’s not like these things are so much amongst celebrities. It is just that when you see something in a certain industry over and over again, you just believe that it is so much there. But I just think, it is everywhere and it is what it is. If you have a divorce experience, people should more of be asking, ‘how do you deal with it’ as opposed to why it’s happening because there are certain things that are happening and we can stop them, so if it is happening, then we should be dealing with, how to take care of people after it happens as opposed to beating it on the head that it is actually happening. So let's actually focus our energy on ‘how to help people after a divorce or something', as opposed to, oh, it’s happening so much, is it because of the industry, is it because of this or that, because alot of things happen every day, and then the social media has just made it magnified on a certain group of people, so that's my take and how i feel about it.

LIB: So how do you think it can be managed then?

Everything can be managed by the power of God. I mean, I can’t tell you how to manage things happening in people’s homes. So I don’t even know the root of the problem so, i can’t really tell you how to fix something if i don’t even know the root of the problem. But i think, the problem is, we have so much opinion with surface knowledge and we do not even know the root of certain problems, and we can’t really fix something that we feel we have answer to already. I think the power that the public has is that they can have a public opinion, and when you have an opinion, you suddenly start feeling that things are not moving the way they should, or things are not the way they should be. So it’s time, first of all they need time. You need time to fix everything and nothing is going to happen overnight, nothing good is happens overnight, or nothing that will be everlasting will happen overnight. So you need time in order to manage things like that. For me the biggest thing is, the less people prying into things and making them magnified than they really are, the better these people would also sort of manage their lives. And i think managing information would also help people psychologically to sort of deal with their internal problems. You know we are in the new age of spreading information whether it is true or not, and these thinks actually affect people, you kind of have to be psychologically strong to deal with all the information sometimes. We are not really dealing with guns we are dealing with psychological warfare in the world, like; people’s minds are actually messing with them; because people sometimes look at something that should be in their marriages, and they compare it with someone else’s and you are like telling yourself, ‘ah ah! My own is not like this and so on and so forth. You know, i think, we really need to work in healing each other and healing ourselves within and kind of not try to focus on every other person’s problems, because if we start fixing our problems, that’s one problem down right? So everybody should ‘kinda mind your own’ because if you mind your own and you deal with your problems internally, then everything on the outside will be automatically fixed, let's start there first, yeah!

LIB: Yeah, so do you mind sharing how you have managed to keep the bond alive in your marriage? Let there be a message to someone who is already struggling with his or her marriage right now, or celebrities who actually have divorced or are struggling with theirs right now.

 (Sings song with her fingers pointed upward—Oluwa ni, you don see Oluwa ni, ooo?). You see your mama prayers enh, mek you no joke with your mama prayer at all. I earnestly believe so strong in prayers. I am not trying to skip your question or anything, but nothing is possible if there is no strength in God. If you don’t love God, you cannot love a human being. I am not trying to tell you that people that don’t have love for God now that that's why we are separating so much, or maybe that okay the God i pray to, is not the God they pray to, and different things or whatever. For me if you have something higher than you that you love, the love that you will give to a human being would be priceless. So you can’t..., i mean, i believe so greatly in the Almighty. So this is how i am going to answer this question, i have love for God and i have fear for the almighty. So it’s hard for me to take my hand and not use it to help somebody. If you pray, you will find the answers you need for your marriage i believe. There is so many answers in sitting down to yourself and having a conversation with God, or even a relationship with him. It is called faith. We believe in what we don’t see, so if you have faith, there is so many boundaries you can break, yeah!

LIB: So when is Di’ja giving her fans an album?

 By 2017, at least. We have been working on a beautiful music and great music for you to dance to. I love music, and that’s the truth, my category in Nigeria, is Alternative. There is so much that is going to happen (in sha Allah) in 2017, and it’s already happening, so i just need your support and your attention.

LIB: Have you regretted anything in life?

 I don’t regret anything because whether i like or not, it happens.

LIB: What do you think the Nigerian music Industry can do differently, what advice do you have to give the Industry?

Di’ja: Honestly, what i would actually like to say is, ‘more support from the people, more support from everybody. You have to realise that there is something we don’t do. We actually don’t give credit enough here in Nigeria. The Nigerian Music Industry has employed a lot of people, and as much as it might not be up to the standards that we expect it to be, it has given jobs, and i think that the more assistance we get from different organisations that are related to the Nigerian music industry, even from outside as well, you know, if anybody has better ways to do something, where ever we can get extra funding coming from, it would help the industry. I mean, alot of people are actually trying. So, I don’t particularly like talking down on what feeds me, because there moments when i have had really bad moments, yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that for you it’s been all bad, because when i was having it fun i wasn’t complaining but when thing are not going so cool, that’s when i start saying how crappie it is and all that stuff.  So if we have the right arms and support, everything is going to flourish in the industry more than it is already doing, but you have to give it credit for where it is already, i mean it still has holes, but it’s definitely feeding us.

LIB: Is there anything you don’t like happening in the industry you want to point out.

Di’ja: There is always something you don’t like. The thing is, what you actually don’t really like in the industry is what is actually needed in the industry to make it flourish, ‘cos it is entertainment we talking about. So as much as am going to sit here and tell you i don’t like certain things, the whole idea is to have our audience entertained. So anything i don’t like, will probably be entertaining somebody else. So for me, it’s anything you are doing, you try and do it in your favor, as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process, i mean, yeah, that's it.

LIB: In one of Lynxxx’s recent reports as a singer, he said he switched from circular to doing what many people now brand as Gospel music, because according to him, he wasn’t finding fulfillment in the former, so as a circular music artiste, are you finding fulfillment in what you are doing in relation with serving God?

Di’ja: First of all, i would actually give credit to Lynxxx for mentioning a few times that being close to God doesn’t necessarily mean, he is shutting everyone else out.  He is singing songs that he feels is glorifying his God, you know, but he didn’t tell anybody he is a gospel artiste. Again, I think we always try to define certain things the way it makes sense to us and we actually do not listen to what the other person is trying to tell us, like if it doesn’t fit into what we have in our minds, we think it is its wrong. I really can’t tell you, I mean even in terms of religion, there is still so much that i am even learning, because i don’t know it all; and i am constantly asking God, whatever is not good enough for me, push it far, and whatever is good for me, bring it close. I don’t know what those things really are sometimes, and sometimes i do know what they are. So when God answers your questions sometimes he answers them in such a way that you are the one that can really tell he has answered your questions. So i just ask God anything that i am doing that i am not supposed to be doing, please take it far from me. And i can’t tell you other than that, because sometimes somebody else be saying 'if you are really close to God, you shouldn’t be doing what you are doing', so i really can’t even argue with them, because, the truth is, i don’t even know exactly what i should be doing until am even doing it, because a lot of us ask which way is the right way? And there are ways that we’ve learnt, that (no matter how you do am, naim be dey right way), and then (e get some people wey be sey, no matter how the thing do you), make you respect your elders and parents sha, and they don’t really look at how you try do am. So this question with God, i really can’t tell you that what I’m doing is the right thing o, but i can tell you that every time i pray to God, i tell him to push anything that is not good for me far, and any door that is okay for me, if he opens it, i will take it as a blessing and if he closes it, i’d take it that it means i should move the other direction, so yeah.

LIB:  what’s your advice to upcoming artistes?

Di’ja: honestly if you really believe in what you are doing, really don’t give up. There is really no hard formula to this, just hard work; so no hard formula to making it. There is this quote i always like to say; ‘you can’t really cheat a hustle.’ As much as some people look so good on camera, and it’s looking as if nothing has ever touched them, that’s the art of this entertainment industry that no matter how sad you are, once you on that camera, you have to make that smile come back. So just keep doing what you are doing to pursue your dreams, as long as you are not hurting anybody, put the 'pedal to the meddle,' keep pushing it and then you honestly pray, ‘cos you really can’t joke with your prayers and I’m not trying to change anybody’s mind or anything, but i really do believe in it, in terms of faith, i really believe it helps do things people say you can’t do". 

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