13 Jan 2017

Shots Fired! If you sleep with other people's husband, when you get married don't be angry if karma comes - Tonto Dikeh's bestie, Shakar El.

Clearly we've not heard the last of Tonto Dikeh's troubled marriage. There's been allegations that her hubby's personal assistant is responsible for the crash of the marriage.

Now, Tonto Dikeh's one time best friend and rapper, Shakar El seems to be throwing shades at the actress. In his latest post on Instagram, he wrote,
'Karma is a Bitch that all Bitches out there should respect because it will always come and show you pepper. My advise to young girls out there, if you are sleeping with other people's husband and breaking homes, when you get married abeg don't be angry if karma comes knocking at your door'. Read his full post below...
Karma is a Bitch that all Bitches out there should Respect because it will always come and show you pepper, My advise to young girls out there, if you are sleeping with other people's Husband and breaking homes,when you get married abeg don't be angry if karma comes knocking at your door.

Turn a Blind eye and enjoy your husband's money and that is if you re lucky enough to marry a rich one sha. Don't Fight nor break things in the house oh because that is Domestic Violence. Always put yourself in the position of your Victim and their Children while you re in the act. I know a celebrity wedding Guest of a Lagos Society Wedding 3 years ago that Started Sleeping with the Groom just few days after the wedding, that was Brutal nwanne, no remorse for the newly wedded bride haba. And for Men,no need to talk about Us because like they do say in Nigeria 'Men are Scum' Shakar Nwa Mama is not a Saint in fact I am serious Sinner but I will only use the name of God when I truly mean it..God is Merciful and may He Forgive us all'.

Ex-boyfriend of Miss Italy beauty queen throws acid in her face, scarring her for life

Ex-boyfriend of Miss Italy beauty queen throws acid in her face, scarring her for life

A 28 year old 'Miss Italy' beauty queen, Gessica Notaro was rushed to the hospital this week after her ex-lover Jorge Edson Tavares, 29, allegedly threw acid on her face while she was at home in Rimini, Italy.
She suffered deep burns on her legs, hips, face, and hands and will require extensive plastic surgery according to the doctors in the hospital.

According to media sources in Italy, police issued Tavares a harassment order last summer after they broke up, but upon arrest by police, Tavares claimed he wasn't responsible for the attack.
The pair reportedly met in an aquarium in Rimini, Italy when she was working as a dolphin trainer.
Speaking to the Standard, Patrizia Mirigliani, a patron and organiser of the Miss Italy contest, said:
‘There can be no greater crime than defacing a person’s face in order to erase her identity, her beauty, her smile. These are outrageous attacks which keep being repeated.’
More photos below...

An insight on Nigeria’s deadly monsters by Femi Fani-Kayode.

When you take everything away from a man or a people, including their humanity, their loved ones, their land, their possessions, their faith, their God, their self-respect, their identity and their dignity and you put them and theirs under the fire and sword morning, day and night you cannot expect them not to voice their pain and not to scream and a shout.

And when the screaming and shouting goes unheeded you cannot expect them not to hit back and attempt to break the yoke of torment, subjugation, tyranny and slavery.

No matter how powerful you are and how long you have been killing them and all that are theirs, one day they will rise up, pull you down from your giddy heights and cut open your throats.

If history teaches us nothing else, it teaches us this. The morale of the tale is as follows: mind how you insult and mock your victims and those that you treat with contempt, kill at will and hold in bondage because one day their time will come.

It is in this context that I view the shameful call by the Council of Imams for the arrest of the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Christian leaders in Southern Kaduna for asking the people to defend themselves from genocide.

The call is not only reckless and provocative but it is also self-seeking and dangerous. They must stop this nonsense.

The facts are as follows. 808 Christians were butchered on Christmas eve and Christmas day by the Muslim Janjaweed Fulani militia in Southern Kaduna. Not one of the butchers and bloodthirsty murderers have been identified, apprehended, killed or arrested since then by our security forces.

The Christians of Nigeria are still in mourning and the people of Southern Kaduna are still in trauma.

Yet there have been no soothing words or expressions of regret, consolation or solidarity from any Sunni Muslim group in the country since the pogrom took place.

Only threats and insults from the Council of Imams. The only exceptions are the Shiite Muslims who have consistently expressed outrage about what is going on in Southern Kaduna and who have themselves also been subjected to mass murder and genocide in Kaduna state simply because they are not Sunnis.

You first butcher the flock and then you say that the shepherd dare not complain or attempt to protect those that are still left behind and alive. What type of monsters are these?

The Supreme Council Of Islamic Affairs made matters worse by saying that those that killed 808 Christians in Southern Kaduna on Christmas eve and Christmas day were “unkown elements”.

Really? This, perhaps, is the biggest insult of all. It is rather like saying that those that perpetuated the holocaust against the Jews which resulted on the cold-blooded murder of 6 million Jews were “unkown elements”. It is insensitive and it is callous.

It represents the greatest perversion of truth and most bestial denial of decency and justice that Nigeria has witnessed in many years.

It is falsehood and pefidy, cooked up and served by a group of unconscioble and uncontrollable dark and evil men who believe that they can get away with anything and that they are a law into themselves.

Meanwhile, Miyetti Allah, an umbrella organisation that speaks for the Fulani herdsmen and the Janjaweed militia, have said that the mass murder of Christians that took place in Southern Kaduna on Christmas eve and Christmas day were “reprisal” and “revenge” killings for the murder of their kith and kin by the Christians of Southern Kaduna in 201. Need we look any further for who the culprits are?

In his own contribution the Minister of Internal Affairs, General Dambazzau, who is himself a Fulani Muslim, has roundly condemned CAN’s call on the Federal Government to do its job and protect the people of Southern Kaduna and their counsel to the Christians to defend themselves where and when the government fails to do so. I ask again, what type of monsters are these?

And why has our President refused to call them to order? Is it because he shares the same faith and comes from the same region as them? Is it because the President himself is not only a Muslim and a Fulani man but also the Life Patron of Miyetti Allah?

Professor Wole Soyinka provides profound insight into the matter. He said,

“Religion in the history of this continent has been a disastrous venture, a disaster in many zones and continues to be even so today. In this very nation in Southern Kaduna, over 800 souls were brutally extinguished suddenly. While the issue of grazing lands versus farming is unquestionably part of the conflict, it is equally undeniable that religious differences have played crucial role in the conflict. And yet some weeks before the latest outrage, the governor of that state was quoted to have claimed that peace was nigh since he had sent funds to the earlier wave of killers and they had agreed to end their killing spree. What astonished me was not the admission by the governor but the astonishment of others at such governmental response to atrocity. There was nothing new about it. Has appeasement to religious forces not become a Nigerian face of justice and equity? First lethargy and then appeasement. Wasn’t Boko Haram’s Muhammed Yusuf not a beneficiary of appeasement in a similar fashion? Southern Kaduna has reminded us once again that the monster always lying waiting to pounce under the guise of religion. If you ask why General Buhari did not act fast enough when these events take place, which degrade us as human beings, well it is perhaps he has been waiting for the governor of that state to send money to the killers first for them to stop the killing.”

Whatever the reasons are for the indifference of our President and the callousness and insensitivity of the Council of Imams, the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, Miyetti Allah, Governor Nasir El Rufai, General Dambazzau and all those that support them, it would be wise for them to appreciate the fact that the patience of the rest of the country is fast running out and that they are set to provoke a chain of ugly events the end of which will not augur well for them or their cause.

Nothing reflects this better than the words of Bishop David Oyedepo of Winners Chapel, who is one of the most influential and powerful clerics in the country, when he said,

“Since when has it become a crime for Christians to say they can defend themselves ?
Must the north always rule? If Nigeria will break let it break. No marriage is by force. I curse every Islamic northern forces sponsoring this uprising of Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram in Jesus name. You catch anyone that looks like them, kill him! There is no reporting to anybody. Kill him! Pull off his neck! And we spill his blood on the ground. What nonsense. They said why should Christians say they could defend themselves, hold it! What stupid statement, why should Christians say they could defend themselves? So, they should watch for you to put a knife to their necks? You think we are dummies? What! What? All those zeros census they are fake. Where are the human beings?Where are they? We go around the place. Where are they? We’ve never had a successful census in this country. Where are they? Don’t mistake only those in politics as in power. The anointed in the Lord are the ones in power. By divine ordination, don’t mistake that. There was a king in the land but Elijah was determining the events of the nation. If I say it will not rain here for three years, it will not drop. What nonsense! Who born their mother, who born their father? They are too small. Come! Get excited and walk in confidence. Any devil that misbehaves around you will be slain by the fire!”

Again Darius Ishaku, the Governor of Taraba state, said,

”The people of Southern Kaduna must wake up from their slumber and defend themselves. You can’t just lie down and allow yourselves to be annihilated by other groups. You have a constitutional right to self-defense and now is the time to use it. The government alone cannot do it.”

Clearly the drums of war and conflict are already beating in our nation and no-one takes a greater share of the blame for this than those identifiable forces that are encouraging, sponsoring, protecting and covertly supporting these barbaric and murderous Fulani militias and herdsmen. They are all, to the last man, nothing but monsters and beasts. (TO BE CONCLUDED).

illegal Immigrants escape from Police Custody in South Africa.

South African Police Service is presently hunting for a group of illegal immigrants that escaped from the Department of Home Affairs transport vehicle. The illegal immigrants reportedly escaped custody at the Mooi River Toll Plaza in KwaZulu-Natal Midlands this morning.
Police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Thulani Zwane confirmed the story, saying the prisoners ‘were being transferred by Home Affairs officials from Ladysmith to Pietermaritzburg.
‘The scene is still active and we are gathering information.'
An eyewitness, who was at the scene, was also quoted to have said: ‘They broke the door open and then scattered into traffic. As they made their escape, shots were fired but all the commotion caused a multi-vehicle pile-up. 
'The prisoners then ran into Bruntville -an informal settlement that lies adjacent to the toll plaza and now, there is a search for them. The problem is that the prisoners were dressed in civilian clothing so they are hard to spot.’
However, the number of the illegal immigrants that escaped is yet to be confirmed but sources say it’s not fewer than nine of them are at large.
Source: Buzz SA

Exclusive video: 'We'll treat Pretty Mike's case as a criminal Investigation' - Lagos State CP, Fatai Owoseni.

Yesterday, LIB told you that Lagos club owner Pretty Mike was invited for questioning on order of Governor Ambode over the recent viral photos of him putting dog leash on girls in Lagos. Incase you are still doubting, LIB had a chat with Lagos state police commissioner, Fatai Owoseni who confirmed the story.

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Its is very common to every smartphone user to desire for more than enough space for their precious pictures, music tracks, video, etc. However, there are many Android smartphones in the market that has a good amount of space, but sometimes, these spaces can't do. The good part is that as days goes by, micro SD cards offer more storage space with cheaper prices. However, not all micro SD card offer the same performance, some will even slow down your device, thus not recommended for Androids and Tablets. In other to make things better, ScanDisk at CES 2017, unveiled the largest microSD card to receive A1-certification for Android devices.Credit to source Techvillz.com

ScanDisk A1

If you are an Android user, you'll know that have a beautiful and awesome Android phone that always tell you that your storage space is running low is really an annoying experience. And this experience really stings if you went to an event and took several pictures but you can't have it because your memory space is running low. Read More...

ScanDisk A1

According to ScanDisk release notes, A1, is a short-term  for App Performance Class 1. It is a classification meant to ensure that apps will run properly when installed on a microSD card instead of a device’s internal storage. “The A1 spec allows the new card to manage random read input-output access per-second (IOPS) of 1,500 and write IOPS of 500, so it can quickly open apps and process accompanying tasks, such as audio, graphics, saved profiles and in-app permissions.Read More...

The A1 micro SD card is supposed to deliver “premium transfer speeds of up to 95MB/s and will be available worldwide for $199.99.

PHOTOS: Peter Okoye Of P-Square Shows Off His Magnificent Poolside

We broke the news last year about Peter Okoye’s new exquisite mansion and the singer has since been sharing photos of different parts of the magnificent edifice.

Peter took to social media days ago to show off the huge poolside that gets constantly filled up from a fountain built into the fence of the house.

See some of the snapshots below…

12 Jan 2017

Juliet Ibrahim defends Mr Eazi... Nigerian Twitter roasts them both.

It's over 12 hours now and mr Eazi is still the number one trending topic on Nigerian twitter over a comment he made last night saying, 'Ghana's influence on present day "Naija Sound" cannot be over emphasized'.

Nigerians on Twitter have been roasting him and now, Ghanian actress, Juliet Ibrahim has entered the mix. She tweeted her support for Mr Eazi saying, 'Some naija sound is azonto inspired, alkaida inspired, hi-life inspired,even if u hear "mad over you" you'll think it's a Ghanaian singing'.

 With this, she played herself as Nigerians with zero chills on Twitter began dragging her.... 

World Bank predicts Nigeria will get out of recession this year

The World Bank has released its January 2017 Global Economic Prospects report(read here) in which it predicted that Nigeria will get out of the current economic recession this year. The report in part reads...

“Sub-Saharan African growth is expected to pick up modestly to 2.9 per cent in 2017 as the region continues to adjust to lower commodity prices. Growth in South Africa and oil exporters is expected to be weaker, while growth in economies that are not natural-resource intensive should remain robust. Growth in South Africa is expected to edge up to a 1.1 per cent pace this year. Nigeria is forecast to rebound from recession and grow at a 1 per cent pace. Angola is projected to expand at a 1.2 per cent pace.”

Here is the 2 in 1 solution that worked for me and over 53 others to cure premature ejaculation and small manhood problems permanently.

 This is a sponsored post...
 If you really want to stop Premature Ejaculation And Small Manhood Problems then you need to read this to the end to see how to get yours at a very discount price.

The Next NAFDAC Approved Supplement that has been having lots of wave amongst our well satisfied customer which actually worked great for me most especially when it comes to sexual energy and stamina while extending your ability to enjoy the activity you used to love.

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The answer comes from east and west: the eastern Asia and the western United States. 

Forever Living’s Gin-Chia is a potent combination of herbs that our ancestors used to increase power, energy, and circulation.

Its two main ingredients are Ginseng, originally from Korea and Manchuria, and Golden Chia, originally from California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.
This powerful combination of herbs gives your body back what your busy lifestyle takes out! Together these legendary herbs pack a powerful punch to help you get through the day. Gin-Chia cost N16,500

Is This Approved And Legal To Use? 

Absolutely, Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC itself, It has also been approved by various agencies round the world including the Kosher Seal which is the highest form of approval in the world that any product can have.

 The Second Product Is called "Vitolize for Men". This is how it looks like; 

 This NAFDAC Approved Supplement that has been having lots of wave amongst our well satisfied customers which actually worked great for me most especially when it comes to Vitolize for Men
Is a highly effective herbal blend which includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which helps maintain normal urinary flow, support optimal prostrate health and healthy testicular function.
It provides the much needed nutritional support that provides you a complete prostrate support. It also improves overall health of older men who are more prone to prostrate issues. Other benefits include the maintaining of the immune system. Vitolize Men gives the confidence to enjoy a lifestyle which is free from male health issues.


Benefits of vitolize for men:

• It promote prostrate health
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This powerful combination gives your body back what your busy lifestyle takes out! Together these legendary herbs pack a powerful punch to help you get through the day. Vitolize for Men cost N15,500

Is This Approved And Legal To Use? 

Absolutely, Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC itself, It has also been approved by various agencies round the world including the Kosher Seal which is the highest form of approval in the world that any product can have.

 And When you combine Gin Chia and vitolize. The Result will be massive!
Gin Chia cost N16,500 flat !
Vitolize for Men - N15,500 flat !

As you can see above, if we are to calculate the cost of the 2 in 1 Solution. The Total Value is N32,000. That's not a big money for those who know what it means to have Premature Ejaculation and Small Manhood Problems. I can recall I spent N79,500 on a product that didn't give me desired result.

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Direction on How to Use the Product; Vitolize is 1 in the morning and night, Gin Chia is 1 three times daily (i.e Morning, Afternoon and Night).

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Q. What is the side effect of this Solution? Answer: This solution has no side effect, and it has been approved by Nafdac

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Q. I want to buy one of these two solutions? Answer: We only sell the two together so as to get the desired result

Q. Do I have to keep using these supplements always? Answer: You only have to use this solution once to permanently Cure Premature Ejaculation and small manhood.

Q. What is the dosage/ how do I use this solution: Answer: Vitolize is 1 in the morning and night. Gin Chia is 1- 3 times daily.

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Q. what if I mistakenly have sex during the first 15 days? Answer:  This does no harm at all, but its better you stay away from sex so the supplement can take its full course.

Q. Do I have to make payment before delivery? Answer: No, You only have to make the payment to the delivery man.

Q.  Do I still have to call you before placing my order? Answer: No, Just follow the steps below to place your order

No Need To Fear If This is real or Not because...
We Offer Pay On Delivery.
You only pay when the goods have been brought to you face-to-face by our delivery agent within the next 24 - 48 hours after ordering. You will only pay when this product has been physically brought down to you face-to-face by our delivery agent.

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NOTE: Your address Must Include Local Government and State. Detailed enough to make it traceable by our courier company that will come around to deliver to you. Once we receive your Text Message, Our Agent Will reply to your message that your order has been approved and after that we shall hand the product over to our delivery person.
The Delivery Person shall package the product and shall put a call across to you for delivery to your doorsteps within 24 - 48 Hours of ordering.

PS: We understand the importance of PRIVACY. We shall package this product very well and no-one else but you will understand what this package is all about 

Make sure you pick calls and your phone must be On. Our Delivery agent will give you a call before coming to deliver the item.  Make Sure your phone is on always Please. We wouldn’t like a case whereby the delivery person will pay transport from a very distance place to deliver the item to you and you are not available to pay and receive your item.

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If you would love to buy in bulk to resell (10pieces and above), you may ring us on 07084299508 to get the reseller price.

Note: To enjoy the reseller's price, you must buy from 10pieces and above.

11 Jan 2017

Photos: Man jailed for torturing 20-year-old woman with burning iron and raping her repeatedly for 3 days

A man who imprisoned a woman in his flat while he raped, brutally beat and tortured her with a burning iron has been jailed for a total of 23 years.

Courtney Hutchinson,32, also known as DVS, force-fed and burnt the 20-year-old woman, made her take scalding showers and savagely beat her before repeatedly raping and telling her she would die.

Hutchinson pleaded guilty to rape and false imprisonment on the second day of his trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Tuesday, 12 July. He was sentenced on Monday, 9 January and will remain on the sex offenders register for life.

Detective Sergeant Jimi Tele, from Newham police, said: "I would like to praise the bravery and determination of the victim of this truly harrowing ordeal. Her resoluteness in coming forward and working with the police in securing the imprisonment of a truly dangerous offender is worthy of the highest recognition.

"Courtney Hutchinson subjected his victim to the most shocking and repeated levels of violence. It was her determination, in company with the skill of the investigation team, that allowed the full severity of the attack to be revealed and that ultimately led to Hutchinson's arrest and conviction.
"The level of violence he inflicted was so severe it demonstrated his total disregard for the victim as a human being, subjecting her to levels of callousness and danger that are rarely seen. The evidence against him was overwhelming but the fact that he decided to plead guilty, removing further ordeal for the victim, can only be welcomed.

"The victim and the public can be safe in knowing that Hutchinson no longer poses a risk to them as he begins a significant term of imprisonment. Finally, I would like to add that the Metropolitan Police Service is committed to pursuing those who commit violence and particularly those most dangerous offenders. I am conscious that there may be others who have suffered similar violence, whether at the hands of this offender or another, and I would urge them to approach the police."

On Friday, 5 February the woman drove to a flat Hutchinson used in Inverness Mews, E16.
Hutchinson - also known as rapper DVS and as 1ARDA on social media - immediately attacked, punching and kicking her. Afterwards he forced her to eat a meal before going to bed. The following morning Hutchinson became even angrier and repeatedly hit the victim.
He went on to push the legs of a chair into her stomach, drag her around the flat by her hair and whip her repeatedly with a phone charger cable. He pressed a heated iron onto her exposed skin several times before holding it above her face and demanding she burn herself as she pleaded with him to stop.

Hutchinson told the victim she needed to be punished and made her put her hands behind her back while he punched her in the face and throat.
The force of his attack left the woman with 40 injuries, including a fractured eye socket, broken nose, dislocated shoulder, stab wound to the hand and severe burns.

Hutchinson told the victim that she would die the next day. He counted down the hours, telling the victim to call her mother and say goodbye.
He went on to rape her. The following day, Sunday 7 February, Hutchinson continued his assault, also forcing the victim into a hot shower and stamping on her burns.

He filmed her, making her state on camera that she was a bad person. Throughout the entire ordeal he kept her naked while he controlled her every movement. She truly believed she would die.
When the victim finally saw an opportunity to escape, she fled naked into the street. Hutchinson, also naked, ran after her, saying "I have got you now."

A member of the public came to her aid, despite Hutchinson claiming the victim was his wife and everything was OK. Police were called around 23:00hrs. The victim was taken to the Royal London Hospital and continues to receive treatment for the injuries Hutchinson inflicted.

Hutchinson was arrested on Wednesday, 10 February and questioned about the events of that weekend plus a separate incident the victim told police about. On Wednesday, 6 January 2015, he threw a plate at the woman, causing facial injuries.

He was charged and pleaded guilty to GBH with intent at an earlier hearing on Friday, 15 April. His sentence includes this offence. The rapper – best known for songs Hometown and Passion - played Brownie in a gangster film called The Intent. The film was released in July 2016 and also stars grime artists and rappers including Krept and Kronen. In one scene Brownin is seen burning a man with a hot iron – the same form of torture he was to inflict on his victim months later.

The filmmakers have since released a statement apologising to Hutchinson’s victim and condemning his crimes but the film is still available in its original form online.

Hutchinson was arrested on February 10. He pleaded guilty to GBH with intent, rape and false imprisonment despite a Tweet being posted from his Twitter account seemingly proclaiming his innocence. A statement published by the makers of The Intent in July, when Hutchinson pleaded guilty to the crimes, said:

"In light of a recent criminal case surrounding one of the supporting actors from The Intent cast, we would like to release this statement expressing that in no way do we condone the actions and behaviour of the individual or any persons involved.

“Before the production of The Intent commenced, (two years ago - in July 2014) all cast members were vigorously screened with respect to any criminal activity and gang affiliations before being allowed to participate.
"We would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the victim of the crime and hope that she makes a speedy recovery. Like most people, we are shocked and appalled by this heinous crime."

Source: Metropolitan Police/Evening Standard

10 Jan 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo and girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez make first red carpet debut (photos)

Ever since Football star Cristiano Ronaldo broke up with supermodel Irina Shayk in December 2014, the footballer has been linked with so many girls, but he never spoke about them or confirmed any of them to the media. Some models even upped their social media following after they did interviews claiming they were dating the footballer, but he never publicly confirmed or denied dating any one of them.

But at last night's FIFA The Best awards in Zurich, Ronaldo proved to the watching world that he and Spanish beauty Georgina Rodriguez, 21, are really an item. He took her and his son Cristiano Jr to the event, strolled the red carpet with her and even kissed her after he was named as the winner of the Best award.
Coupled with the fact that he took her to visit his mum and siblings in his hometown Madeira over a week ago. Reports even have it that were dating secretly for months before he was spotted publicly showing affection to her in Disneyland, Paris last year November.
​​​​​​​​ Good to know he's found love again... See more photos below.

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Photos: IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, appears in court, rejects secret trial.

Justice Binta Nyako of a Federal High Court in Abuja, this morning reportedly stormed out of the Federal High Court Abuja following the refusal of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, to be tried secretly.

Kanu who is standing trial for treasonable offences, vehemently refused an application by the Federal government that the witnesses to testify against him should be protected.

This reportedly caused chaos in the court which led to the presiding judge leaving the court abruptly. Meanwhile his supporters were outside the court premises, drumming support for him.
More photos below...

Featured post.

Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker,  Brock Franklin , has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history...