4 Feb 2017

How to overcome premature ejaculation and last 30 minutes during sex, become your bedroom master

It doesn’t matter if you’re hitting the rights spots or not – if you last only 30 seconds there’s no way your partner is going to have orgasms. simple and short.

This article will tell you of the super effective method to bring your partner to orgasm, and 1 super effective method to make yourself last longer in bed. Click here now for the gist. 

Talking about giving your Woman Massive Orgasm In Bed, do you know that female orgasm will never be possible if you the man don’t last long in bed? Here is the gist…
It takes an average woman 10 to 15 min of deep intense sex for her to orgasm. I mean hard core digging…not just any type. click here now
Are you a bedroom magician? How do you intend to satisfy her when you only last 1 minute in bed with a tiny BLOKOS? click here
Stop dreaming and face the reality. 

Your Dream of making your wife, girlfriend remain glued to you will never be possible if you refuse to work on your sex life. 

Women are one of the funniest creatures I have ever encountered. At first, they will pretend and Make it look as if your bedroom performance doesn’t matter and letter on, when it’s time for the game, you will see her positioning herself to receive your manhood.

 I have created a secured platform for men where i intend to explain everything you need to know about bedroom and sexual performance. You can access the solution by  clicking( here)
Does Your Woman Scream Your Name When Having Sex With You? If No, Make It Happen Tonight. With this solution

Over 100,000 visas have been revoked since President Trump signed the order on immigration.

During a court session in Virginia on Friday, February 3, 2017, government lawyers revealed that over 100,000 visas have been revoked since President Trump's executive order on immigration and travel was signed on January 27.

The number came in response to a question from the judge about how many people have been affected by this order.

Erez Reuveni, from the Office of Immigration Litigation at the Civil Division of the Justice Department, also said no returning legal permanent residents have been denied entry.

 The judge also extended a temporary restraining order against removing lawful permanent residents until next Friday.

Donald Trump sanctions Iran after they launch ballistic missile test

U.S President Donald Trump's administration on Friday placed new sanctions on Iran for its test of ballistic missiles last week, saying Iran defied a United Nations Security Council resolution by carrying out the test.

Earlier this week the U.S put Iran on a ''notice" list and has now followed that up more aggressively with the new sanctions - the sanctions will cover Iranian companies and individuals involved in production, resaerch and funding of the missile test, ban of those providing support to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Qods Force, and freezing of American bank accounts and assets of people/companies involved in the missile test.

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn said the move was "provocative" and Trump has refused to rule out military action if Iran continues it's nuclear program.

"Iranian leaders must feel sufficient pressure to cease deeply destabilizing activities, from sponsoring terrorist groups to continued testing of ballistic missiles," Bi-partisan lawmakers wrote in a letter addressed to Donald Trump on Friday.
"Full enforcement of existing sanctions and the imposition of additional sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile program are necessary," the letter said.

The move by the U.S Treasury Department under Donald Trump's orders to sanction Iran also attracted praise from senators.

"Iran's dangerous and provocative acts are a direct threat to the United States and our allies," said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce in a statement.
 "I'm glad the administration is taking long-overdue steps to hold the regime accountable."

Confession of a frustrated Lekki housewife: I cheated on my husband because he is a 2 mins man with a small manhood.

This is a sponsored post...
 & how he almost caught me! ”
Good day , If you are a 2 mins man with a Tiny manhood only fit for kids only, better read this story to the very end & take action.
My name is Titi Davies, a banker, Married to Dr Segun Davies, and I have a dark confession to make.

A secret so powerful most “shy” women always hide from men, the worst part is they make these men think that all is well!

“I am sorry to brake the code Ladies..but we Ladies are Very Secretive”

So what Set of Men am I Referring to?

I’m talking of men who are 2 Mins Men on Bed & men who have small manhood!

***If you are a man who is either married or in a relationship, and down below you are just 4ich my brother, there is fire on the mountain for you!

***If you are a man who spill the milk in less than 2mins of action, bros you are in BIG soup!

You have to step up your “Egg Plant” game and find a way to last long, or risk your woman gisting her friends who will laugh at you when you walk pass them!

That Been Said, here’s my true life confession….

“True Story: How I Cheated on My Husband With a “Sugar Boy” Because of his 2 Mins Manliness & Pencil Blokos Issue!”

Before you keep reading, know that this must Exactly what an AVERAGE  wife or girl-friend must be going through if you are not a man that can fire her well on BED 100%, as you are meant to.

I got married to my man  as a “Virgin-Man ”

And I  must confess , even though Segun is a man of ANY woman’s dream, he lacks one very important thing that many women publicly accept…                                      

    “ Segun Couldn’t Do His Manly Duties!”

Nah! I don’t mean him giving me money, or showering me with gifts & care.
Ha! Uncle Segun is so sweet, he does all that “romantic” things very very well.

He is caring, Loving and Super Rich….

But….what he Lacks is a very VALUABLE thing most women will cherish More than all the Riches of life…

“A Man That Last Long & Have a rock solid man-hood!”

And this Dr Segun Lack this qualities…
For good 4 Years of Marriage, I was sexless, in short my friends call him a “Castrated Limp” during this period.

“I Was NEVER Satisfied!”

For 2 Years of terrible sex life, I was behaving like an insane woman, I think it’s because I was NEVER satisfied when ever we have sex , and studies shows that if a woman is not satisfied, she is plunged into an Emotional imbalance.

To make matter worse…..

“My BAD Friends Advised Me To Get a Sugar Boy to Service Me!”

My friends noticed this and advised me to better look for a  “Sugar Boy” to “Service me” so I will feel alright.

At first I was adamant, because I really loved my husband.

But I was behaving like a mad woman, always angry and moody…cos there was no man to take away my sorrow….sensually!

You see…it’s very easy for us women to pretend like everything is okay in our bedroom life when we are braking down like price of naira to dollar.

I am not excluded!

“I Cheated on My Husband”

I got a sugar boy to do “the Job” for me!

But Please Don’t Blame Me….

I was Sex Served for over 4 years and I needed a man to quench the raging fire down below my legs

The worst part is that Segun was so obsess with a new business he is building, and he was not performing well on bed!

Can You Imagine?
The worst part was that he was blaming his work, his new business for he lack of performance.

There was no day without a meeting, the weekends were spent virtually at his office, rarely does he have time for me!

“I Did Something Shameful…”

This made me idle and made me did somethings I am so ashamed to say…
It First Started with social Media…
When I was Horny & Lonely with no one to drill me honey pot, I will slide into Twitter and Facebook to rant about how men with small blokos and 2 mins manliness are more dangerous than men who have it and cheat.

On twitter I will dress in a sexy dress, discreetly tempting men who are man enough to “D.M” me.

faked smiles Hiding my critical “desire” for a hot steamy sex.

Then it happen…

Finally a fine ass guy hit me up on facebook!

Mr Remi

He was 8 years younger than myself and 25 yrs younger than my hubby Segun.

But take it from me, this dude was funny and witty!

“He caught me off guard!”

Remi pierce my heart with his sweet talks of how big his “mamba” was & how he could last as long as 45 mins during sex!

“Before a blink of an eye, we were dating!”

We did all sort of things..
Is it mid Night calls in my kids room?
Or sexting over whatsapp?

And the big one…

I invited him to my matrimonial home!

Remi was young but knew how to drill a woman well on bed…there was not dull moment with this guy!

All thanks to his big “mamba” & solid stamina to last for 25 mins…

“Totally Forgot I Had a Husband!”

Remi caught got me real good to the extent I didn’t even cared about y husband.

The worst part is Uncle Segun, get’s back from office & start gisting me about the (boring) this that happened to him at office then go to bed.

This was when I had time for my lover Remi.
Remi chat’s with me like I was a teenager again.

Please don't blame me at all…

“Body No Be Stone!”
I could vividly remember the first time Remi & I made love…he drove me insane, I could not get hold of him!

He sparked a fire in me…

All thanks to his Long Massive Blokos!

I won't lie, I always shouting 'Bros E don do! I’m satisfied!' 

Remi’s rod doesn't get tired!

The crazy part was this guy lass for 45 mins!

“I felt so bad for my husband & Naija Men Like Him!”

So I tease the hell out of Remi so he can tell me the secret to his 7inch Blokos & lasting long  so  that at least my rich caring husband who can’t make love to me well.
“Remi Showed Me The Secret!”
So Remi finally gave me the secret he uses to last long & also have a  massive package!

Check it Out Here=> http://bit.ly/2in1trick

I had to pass the info to my husband via his best friend Tobi.

A week later I observed my hubby and observed that he have started using it!

That shows he really want to improve on his  “Bedmatic” skills!

In less than 2 weeks, hubby’s Blokos have grown astronomically!
           ==>You need to see the Trick He Used Here<== 

Segun Went from a mere 4inch to a massive 7ich!


To now top it up, he is now a German machine!
He can go on me for 45 mins on me..and make me feel alright!

Now that’s what real men are made of”

All thanks to the amazing 2-in-1 Solution Remi revealed to me.

Now that Segun is a COMPLETE man, I have to dumped Remi and erase all memories I have of him or I ruin the MAD fun Segun is give me!

Segun is now like an African Hungry lion just released from a cage!

       The  once “Mick-Mouse” is now a “Spartacus”!
Thanks to the all new 2-in-1 Solution that is changing lives of men who is suffering from premature ejaculation & small manhood.

If you are a man and you want to quit premature ejaculation & have a Big blokos, then hook up with my man, Dr Segun for HERE for the 2-in-1 Solution or risk you wifey leaving you for another man.

The good  thing is that now that my Hubby is cured from 2 min manliness & small blokos he now want’s to help men who are like him too so he he have brought in just 50pcs of this amazing 2-in-1 solution into the country & now I want to help him reach out to men here, that’s why I’m revealing my deepest secret to you….

         ==>Click here to save Your Marriage Today<==

Over 50,000 Nigerian men have tried it and it worked magic for them1
See Testimonies of People Who Have Used it….

A word they say is enough for the wise….

If you are a man, be wise enough to act now and save your marriage.
Go here=> http://bit.ly/2in1trick

Or you risk losing…
    Your Wife to Another Man
    You wonderful family to another man
    Being Insulted by your wonder I your face or in her mind!
    Or being called a “worthless man” when there is a little argument.

With the 2-in-1 cure cry no more..your private solution have been cure finally.

All you need to do is go here==> http://bit.ly/2in1trick

I hope this helps Naija Men our there, have a nice day.

DOGS Lolz! >A new report says sex pills is selling more than any other product in Gabon.

The quest to enjoy sex in Gabon have now seen citizens depend so much on sex enhancement pills to put out an impressive performance during lovemaking.

According to Nairobi News, the sale of sex enhancement pills have dramatically increased and have become so alarming among residents of Libreville.

Young and old, men and women, are said to be addicted to the pill which they don't see as a big deal when purchasing it. .

SPONSORED>>>At last in Naija! miracle American solution that fade’s off dark knuckles, blemishes and skin problems instantly!

This is a sponsored post
Dear GSV TRUST WINDOWS. Addicts, Are you struggling with annoying dark knuckles?  Is your acne and Skin Whiten Blemishes making you so sad? Do You Really Want to Get Rid of It Finally?
If you answer to the above question is a resounding YES, then your prayer have been finally answered in this post!


This is Because in the next few mins, you’ll discover how a sure fire  product will help you finally eradicate this annoying problem.

But right before I reveal it this  miracle working product, I hope you wont mind hearing the painful story of how Bad skin Bleaching also destroyed my life, so you can know that I FEEL how you FEEL.

5 Yrs ago, I was  a skin Bleaching Junkie who used almost all the Skin Bleaching cream on the surface of the earth, the saddest part was that I went for the cheap ones….
Caro White…and the Likes…then I Graduated to once that are a bit expensive…at first, I looked  so fair and beautiful. I was the center of attraction!

All the guys wanted to MARRY me and all the ladies want to BE me!

It was totally insane!
I was on top of the world!
I was a fair looking woman!
But what happened in 6 months after that was not a good story….  

I Had skin blemishes all over my body…my face was RED…my veins where green..I was looking like a clown..
Dark Knuckles?  That was  my second name!

 So I started to be self conscious that I don't show my hands when taking pictures, I even hide them in public.
I bet you will agree with me that it is very depressing to be  fair and having a dark knuckles and toes.
This problem drained my confidence.
I was totally unhappy with what I’ve done with my skin..

I strongly advice all ladies to desist from bleaching…it’s not a good thing to do.

My Fiancee of 5yrs Dumped Me Because I Had Dark Knuckles & Blemishes
Since when I had this issue I never really took it that serious until when my lover, Jide dumped me for good! 

When I confronted him to explain the main reason why he dumped me, the response I got gave me the shocker of my life…

Here’s Why he said he dumped me…

“I Am No More Interested in you  Because I Think You Smell Funny Due to the Mixture of Bleaching Cream You Used. Besides Yours dark knuckles are so embarrassing I am ashamed to associate with you!”

I felt empty after he said all these to me….In short I felt depressed and inferior.

So I knew I had to do something really quick to solve this huge problem or risk facing embarrassing situations like this..

It even got  to a stage that friends make jest of me, calling me all sort of funny names like…Fanta face coke hand. 

It was really embarrassing and frustrating.

My turning point came the day I chatted with my friend in America, she told me about this Miracle  product that she used to even up her dark knuckles and skin blemishes.

 I didn’t believe her at first, I was  not even ready to listen to her because it looked  like I want to fall into the same trap over again.
You Relate?

But something in me just told me to JUST give it a try……

So  I decided to take the risk……

She sent it to Nigeria & gave me direction as to usage..
So I  used the product and in less than 2 weeks what I saw still amaze me till today….

See My Result Here⇒ http://bit.ly/darkeraser

“I had a WELL TONED Body without Using A Beaching Cream!”

The product cleared all the dark knuckles away, it was like a dream, I couldn't believe it, all the dark knuckles became lighter. Also, my skin was tender and also smother.

Don't take my word for it, check out the amazing result that people have seen:


With this product, your worries on dark knuckles and acne is over.

How is it possible for me and my friends to clear dark knuckles and acne easily?

The answer is not far fetch….All thanks to the 2-in-1 Blemishes Killer


“Forever Smooth Skin Kit”

This is the amazing 2-in-1 dark knuckles and Blemishes solution that evened my formally ugly looking skin tone.  My dear sister, with this 2 “Weapons of Mass Dark Knuckle Destroyer” in your Arsenal, I GUARANTEE that you’ll never have any issue of dark knuckles anymore! 

Why am I so confident?

I am because I have personally used it and it have worked miracle for me and my friends.

So what’s About the 2-in-1 Forever Smooth Skin Kit?

Aloe Propolis Crem

This is a very powerful skin healing gel that is made of “Bee Propolis”. Bee Porplis is an extract made by bees that is used to fight all sort of skin disease whatsoever. With this Gel, you are sure to say goodbye to all sort of dark knucles, dark spots, acne.
Here comes the Boomer: Bee Propolis have been said to help heal Cancer! What does this means? See…if it can heal cancer what’s will it do to your Dark Knuckles? It will CURE it permanently!

Avocado Face & Body Wash Soap: 

This is the yet another powerful Skin healing soap  that is made from “Avocado” extract.

Avocado contains a whole lot of vitamins E and a whole lot of natural nutrients which helps “heal” dead skin and show you inner skin layers.

With the Avocado Face & Body Wash Soap you are sure to have a flawless skin that your friends will be jealous of.

 Get this amazing soap, use it to baths daily, and trust me, your blemishes will be a old gist.

Get the gel and apply it to the affected area and it will look like nothing happened.

Why Am I So Confident?

Because I have used it and I know how powerful it is!
As if that’s not enough I have also giving friends who had similar dark knuckles and skin coloration problems and they are giving their testimonies….

                  Before & After Pictures of Successful Clients

Now you can see that I’m not blabbing?
So after I saw the boat load of success stories coming from people who used my amazing product, I hurriedly placed order for just 50 pcs of the kit and decided to help other people suffering from all sort of skin infections and problems such as dark spots.
Although it cos me over N500k to get just that, I will be giving you for a reduced price.

So how much will it cost you?

Aloe Propolis Creme: This have a value of over N15,000 per jar, but if you get ti today, you’ll be getting it for a ridiculous reduced price.

See Price here=> http://bit.ly/darkeraser

Avocado Face & Body Wash Soap: This soap is a RARE soap that is hard to find, if you are lucky to see one, it might cost you over N8,000 per bar! Act fast today and get it as a kit you’ll get it at a dime sale price.

See cost here=> http://bit.ly/darkeraser

So How much does it cost?
If you act fast you can get it today a a reduced rate…

Option 1==> N18,000

(Instead of the Normal price of N25,000)

Option 2==> N30,000

(Instead of the Normal Price of N30,000)

Act fast and place your order today as this offer will last for just 5 working days after that, price shoots up to the ORIGINAL price!

How to Place Your Order Now…
Send the following info to ==>09033612522

*Forever Skin kit***option #1***Your Full Name***Delivery address*Active Phone Numbers*

Example==> ; *Forever Skin Kit*option #2**adebimpe kunle*45, Aja street, Kano, Kano East LGA, Kano, 08020002822"

Send all Info to==> 09033612522

As soon as we received the order, our agent will get it over to you as soon as possible.
Delivery Timing
Lagos=> 24-48 Hours!
Nation Wide=> 3-5 Working Days

Payment Is On Delivery!

You only pay when you see your order, so have no fear of being scammed!

As soon as you get it & start using it, all your dark knuckles wahala will all be gone! 

Now You Can Forget
Having Ugly Dark Spots disturbing your beauty!
Bearing Embarrassing Scars & Dark Spots!
Thinking About the Next Awful Herbal Solution to your Dark Knuckles

With the forever Smooth Skin Kit, all your Skin Care Sorrows are Over!

Who Else Want to Get There Own Kit Today?

My dear friend, I will strongly advice your to hurry up and grab this miracle working skin smoothing solution right away….don’t get it tomorrow…or next tomorrow…because it might be to late…so hurry up and place your order right away!

Option 1==> N18,000

(Instead of the Normal price of N25,000)

Option 2==> N30,000

(Instead of the Normal Price of N30,000)

Act fast and place your order today as this offer will last for just 5 working days after that, price shoots up to the ORIGINAL price!

How to Place Your Order Now…
Send the following info to ==>09033612522

*Forever Skin kit***option #1***Your Full Name***Delivery address*Active Phone Numbers*

Example==> ; *Forever Skin Kit*option #2**adebimpe kunle*45, Aja street, Kano, Kano East LGA, Kano, 08020002822"

Send all Info to==> 09033612522

As soon as we received the order, our agent will get it over to you as soon as possible.
Delivery Timing
Lagos=> 24-48 Hours!
Nation Wide=> 3-5 Working Days!

Payment Is On Delivery!

You only pay when you see your order, so have no fear of being scammed!

As soon as you get it & start using it, all your dark knuckles wahala will all be gone!

As if that’s not enough, you are covered by a 60 days money back guarantee!

I.e: Use this product for 60 days, come back to me if it does not work as promised and I will return all your money to you and tell you “sorry” for wasting your time.

So there you go⇒ http://bit.ly/darkeraser
If you have annoying dark knuckles say no more…
This ultimate knuckles fader will make your skin baby smooth..

Cheers to a Fresher Skin

DSS picks up James Ibori.

Operatives of the Department of State Security, DSS, have picked up former Delta state governor, James Ibori. A source at DSS says he was picked up for a routine questioning with the Director General of DSS, Lawal Daura. The source added that he will not be detained.

Nigeria vs Ghana: 5 top highlife songs that will never die

Today we go back to the days when music was more than life, it was high life. Ghana and Nigeria schooled each other on the art long before Mr Eazi, social media and the jollof wars.

Music was played live too then and musicians, whether Ghanaians or Nigerians, learned an instrument as a trade rite of passage. You just had to be good at something to be part of the band. Read more on music

CNN :Convicted Ex Delta Governor James Ibori arrives Nigeria from UK.

Ex Delta governor James Ibori who released from a UK prison in December 2016 has arrived Nigeria from the United Kingdom.

Photos: Korede Bello acquires 33million Chevrolet Corvette 2017

Nigerian singer, Korede Bello seems to have just acquired a new whip! The Godwin singer took to Instagram to share photos of himself smiling as he posed beside a new 2017 Chevrolet Corvette. LIB investigations reveal that the sport car currently retails at over $66k which is over N33 million naira with the current exchange rate. If indeed he just bought the car, we say Congrats!

Video: Keke Palmer speaks on being molested as a child and the Trey Songz lawsuit on Wendy Williams show

Video: Keke Palmer speaks on being molested as a child and the Trey Songz lawsuit on Wendy Williams show

 Good girl gone bad, Keke Palmer was a guest on the Wendy Williams show recently where she spoke about her beef within Trey Songz and the resulting lawsuit saying “it’s a dumb lawsuit.” 

During the interview, Keke revealed she was sexually molested by a female family member when she was 5 and the woman is very much close to her. Watch the interview after the cut...

Dear Toke Makinwa, is that a shade to Maje Ayida's lawsuit threat?

The media personality took to her Instagram page to share a meme shading reports that ex-husband Maje Ayida is threatening to file a defamation lawsuit against her for all she revealed about him in her book 'On Becoming'...

Here comes the bride! First photo of actress, Yvonne Jegede on her wedding today

Nollywood Actor.
Earlier today, LIB exclusively revealed that actress, Yvonne Jegede is getting married to late Bukky Ajayi's son, Olakunle 'Abounce' Fawole on his birthday in Lagos today. The beautiful bride has now confirmed this by sharing a photo of her first look. Congratulations to them!

3 Feb 2017

5 Most Used Gadgets In 21st Century

The trends and evolution of technology in our time is really amazing. Over the years, technology been what it used to be, there are now several fresh and awesome gadgets which are used every day, every minute all over the world where technology existed but was going to mention only but 5 of them. 

5 Most Used Gadgets In 21st Century

You can as well go ahead and say your own list of gadget which you feel are the most used devices in our world today.

1.    ATM CARD/ATM MACHINE: These two has been in use for more than a decade now. They are used in banks to mostly withdraw cash. They can also be used to send money (with a few extra charges attached). I am sure that most people hate long queue at the banks, so the Automated Teller Machine is used to fasten the banking activities especially for the customers who are doing small-scale transactions. You can perform a wide range of banking activities and transactions like making cash deposits,  account balance check at any time, Phone airtime top-up recharge, etc.

2.    DESKTOP/LAPTOP: This is the number 2 in our list of the most frequently/all time used gadget. Without computers, office functions and pretty much most other functions will be impeded or slowed down which will result in low output. The computer is a huge and vital equipment which are used in our world today, most organizations can hardly work without computers - same with individuals. This is because computers perform unlimited functions which can’t be done manually and in a compressed period of time.

3.    MUSIC PLAYER: The number 3 in our list is the music player. Whether you use your own personal music player or do listen to music straight from your computer, mobile phone, iPod etc, you’d probably miss your digital music if it suddenly disappeared. An added benefit is that music players promote harmony at the workplace. Employees can listen to their preferred tunes without annoying their workmates. Individuals can go about their daily business listening to their favourite tunes and tracks while the world goes by swift and smoothly.  Have you ever wondered what the world will be like without music or music players?

4.    MOBILE PHONE: Before the advent of telephone or any other means of electronic/wireless means of communication, the early man used several means to send and receive messages. They wrote letters by hand and waited days, weeks and sometimes months for their messages to get delivered. Thanks to the invention of the telephone, and eventually the mobile phone and now smartphones. News, reports, pretty much everything can be shared can be shared instantly and at ease just from anywhere and at any time. Most people can barely live without their phones. Now, Chatsim has really made some indivduals to spend most hours out of their 24hrsna day in Social Media. 

5.    SMOKE DETECTORS: This list can't be completed without mentioning the life-saving smoke detectors, It has proven over and over again to be a life-saving gadget, and some people would literally not be alive now without smoke detectors. It can be found/used in many homes and offices. This is another essential device you can hardly do without. However, some people are oblivious about smoke detectors and would say that it is of no use. Believe, your thinking and understanding towards smoke detectors will change any day your life live would be saved because the smoke detector in a building you went off, and you took pace before the fire started. 

There are several other electronic gadgets out there, but depnding on individuals and variety of needs,this list may differ from the one you have in mind, but feel free to tell us your different most used gadgets.

February Data Review: Best Data Plans For Smartphones & PC Users in February

Let me officially welcome all of you guys to February which is the month of Love. Without wasting much time, let's quickly review the available data plans available in Nigeria. Be it a smartphone or PC user, there is definitely a data plan that will be convenient for you. 

Best and cheapest data subscription

Airtel:    As of this moment, only Airtel is the only ISP that currently and still offers support to Blackberry users. So if you still use a Blackberry phone, Airtel's Blackberry plan of 1k for 3GB is your best bet. Blackberry 10 users can as well use this plan on their devices. Simply recharge your line with 1k and dial *431#
Still, on Airtel, Android users can also use the Airtel Blackberry plan on the Android, the procedure on how to configure it is detailed here

Etisalat:    Unfortunately, Etisalat isn't doing so well right now regarding a cheap data plan. However, if for some reasons regarding your location, Etisalat is the best option for browsing the internet, you can always opt for patronizing third-party data resellers. You can get Etisalat 500mb as low as 400naira via cash, and 500niara via airtime. 

1Gb goes for 600naira via cash, and 700 via airtime
2Gb data sell at 1200naira via cash, and 1300 via airtime.  Secondly, If you become a regular buyer, you get to enjoy discounted prices very often.

MTN:    I have not gotten a definite confirmation concerning acclaimed fixed price that will be charged on share and sell. However, MTN is still the best option internet to a good number of smartphone users. On Christmas, MTN graced their customers with 100% data bonus on every data bundle they purchase. But now the holidays are over, and things have gone back to default. MTN 1.5Gb sells at 1k while 3.5Gb sells at 2k. However, you can get MTN data from third-party sellers at a cheaper rate of 800 naira for 1Gb and 1400 for 2Gb. Please note that payment via cash or bank transfer is cheaper, while payment with airtime adds 100 of 200 naira extra depending on the seller.

GLO:    I give it up for baba GLO, they are truly the best option for internet data subscription. They can also be very annoying because the network is very slow. I have come to observe that sluggishness of the network is at its peak between 11:50 am to 12:30 pm or above. But above all, Glo NG does not only happen to be the cheapest 4G data bundle providers, but their 3G data plans are also the cheapest when compared to their competitors. 
Best and cheapest data subscription

Glo 3.2Gb sells at 1k
7.5Gb sells at 2k
10Gb sells at 2.5k
12Gb sells at 3k etc. Just dial *777# to get started

All data plans come with a 30 days validity and can as well roll over any unused data.

GEJ replies man who called him out on social media in 2014 over increased Foreign exchange rate

The former President today replied a twitter user who apologized for calling him out on social media back in 2014, saying he'd finished Nigeria following an increase in foreign exchange rate. ‎Not knowing it will get far worse in 2017. See GEJ's reply after the cut...

Get smart U.S - Donald Trump reacts to 'Islamic terrorist' attack in Paris

As tweeted by President Donald Trump in reaction to French soldiers shooting a machete-wielding man who yelled 'Allahu Akbar' as he tried to enter Louvre Museum, Paris. Read the story here.

Ben Murray-Bruce mocks the change slogan of this administration

Reacting to the current high exchange rate, N500 to $1, Senator Ben Murray-Bruce mocked the change slogan of the present administration. On his Facebook page, he shared the photo above and wrote "This $100 was just changed by Adeyemi Juwoninto ₦50,000. What a change Nigeria! Oh what a promised change indeed!".

Baller Alert couldn't be bothered to get Arnold Schwarzenegger's name right......

They should have kuku written...'Arnold Whatever!'...lol

2 Feb 2017

Photos: Ugandan police officer kills wife, turns gun on himself

A police officer in Nsyambya, Uganda shot and killed his wife, before turning the gun on himself this morning at the Nsabya Police Barracks according to local media reports.

The officer has been identified as Police Constable Godfrey Sabiiti, while the murdered wife as Carol Akol.

One of the neighbours said she first confused the first gunshot with an electric shock in the Sabiiti’s house.

She says when she went to check what had happened, she saw the blood and then heard the second shot, presumably of the officer killing himself; and that at this point she made an alarm and run away.
"I advised the other neighbors not to go in there, and we waited until the police came," the witness said.
A source said Sabiiti, who hails from Alur district, was deployed in Mbarara. He returned yesterday to Kampala and went to the armory and lied that he had been assigned in the city, and therefore got a gun, before heading for the Barracks.

It is still unclear when transpired in the night between him and his wife leading him to shoot her dead and himself. Sabiiti according to the source has served in the police force for 12 years.

The bodies of the two have been taken to the City Mortuary for post mortem.

More photos below...

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Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker,  Brock Franklin , has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history...