18 Mar 2017

8 Tips On How Men Can Delay Rel ease To Last Longer In Bed.


Trust me this is one of a kind, Tips you will never get elsewhere, seat back as I ex pose to you 8 Tips on how men can delay rel ease while making lo-ve,read below the useful tips. - See more At Alphaaccuracy.com

1. Massage the pro state gland – When you practice delaying Rel ease, the pro state gland turns sore.
Hence it is important to massage the gland to prevent any kind of pain.
2. Blueberries – This berry is known to delay Release, as it relaxes the nerves in the man-hood.

3. Woman-on-top – This s*x position reduces your chances of premature Release, thereby helping you last longer in bed. Switch to the woman-on-top sex position to delay Release.

4. Perineum pressure – Delay Rele ase by applying pressure to the perineum, which is the spot between the anus and scrotum. The prostate gland expands and contracts while reaching clim ax or Release. So, by applying pressure on this spot, one can prolong Release. 

5. self service – self service can help you prolong sex, so delay Release by self servicing at least an hour before intercourse.

6. Control your climax – Without any lubrication self service to the point of climax and stop. Do it a couple of times and then Release; over a period of time you can control Release

7. Pelvic muscles – Squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle to stop ejaculating. Contract these muscles, which are used for controlling urine; doing so regularly helps you delay Release. 


8. Start and stop – When you have the urge to Rele ase, stop, pull out and then thrust again. Also, the start and stop method helps a couple to last longer in bed and enjoy the full sexual experience.

In Conclusion:
I hope this useful tips add value to your relations or sex life.

17 Mar 2017

GTB Target Account Helps You Save Money For A Purpose (e.g Wedding)

GT Target account is an automatic saving system by GTBank that encourages financial discipline through savings. This product is designed to enable you save towards a specific target - whether it’s a wedding, holiday, new car or higher education.  Whatever your financial goal is, the GT Target account can help you achieve it.

Once you create your GT Target account, you can proceed to set up standing instruction orders to fund the GT Target account at your desired frequency. You will be required to provide the account which will be debited for the standing instruction, the amount to be debited, the frequency (30days, 3 months etc), start date and end date.

Say you want to have N150,000 in six months, you can place a standing order to have N25,000 automatically transferred from your GTB savings account into your GTTarget account at a certain time every month for 6 months.

save money gtbank target account

What are you saving up for? Your next car? Your favourite smartphone? Just place a standing order to GTBank to make regular, fixed payments from your savings or current bank account to the GT Target account. Whenever you are set to withdraw the GT Target savings for the purpose you saved for, you can transfer it to your Savings account and withdraw the money at the bank or at the ATM.

Features of GT Target Savings Account

  • Zero account opening balance
  • Non-transactional account
  • Mandatory standing order of N5, 000 (minimum) 
  • Standing order frequency can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually
  • Minimum savings period of six months
  • Maximum of 3 sub accounts can be opened for different financial goals and targets
  • Can be opened on GTBank internet banking platform or by walking into any GTBank branch

open gtbank target savings account

How To Open GT Target Account Via GTBank Internet Banking

==> Sign in to the GTB Internet Banking Platform
==> Click on "Self Service" on the side menu
==> Click on "GT Target Account" and follow the instruction.
==> GT Target Account number will be generated for you.
==> Thereafter, proceed to place your standing order instruction.

That's all.

What's your take on this?

How I Moved My .Ng Domain From DomainKing Nigeria To Garanntor Without EPP Code, Technology today.

Garanntor.ng has rescued me from the "technical issues" domainking nigeria claims to be facing since last month. My .ng domain name was successfully moved yesterday from my domainking.ng account to my account at garanntor.ng without having to provide epp code to the guys at garanntor. Now, I can renew the .ng domain, change nameservers etc at garanntor.ng

If you have a .ng domain trapped in your domainking.ng account, you can contact garanntor.ng to help you move it out and transfer it to your account at garanntor.ng.

To get started, you will have to sign up for an account at garanntor.ng here.

Thereafter, you will have to send a mail to support@garanntor.com and include the following :
  1.  The email address you use to sign in to garanntor.ng
  2.  The .ng domains (including .com.ng, .gov.ng etc) you want to transfer from domainking.ng
  3. Government issued ID card for identification. Must match the contact details of the domain names.
  4. An invoice (pdf) you received from domainking.ng after you paid for the domain name. 

You must use the email address you use to sign in to domainking.ng to send the mail to support@garanntor.com.

All these are required to prevent domain hijacking.

If you do as stated above and you pass the verification process, you will receive an invoice from garanntor.ng.

Once you click on the link in the invoice and make the payment, garanntor will complete the transfer for you and you will receive an email similar to the one in the screenshot below:

transfer .ng domain from domainking to garanntor.ng

That's all.

NB : If your .ng domain names are not legit, it's better you forget them. Garanntor don't provide services for criminals.

Next week, I will share with you, how I moved my .com domain names out of my domainking.ng account.

I will be in Lagos next week to meet with bloggers in Lagos. FIll the form below if you would like to attend the meetup.

Photos: Nigerian, 7 other suspects who attacked security personnel in Saudi Arabia arrested.

Police in Jeddah have arrested seven men, including a Nigerian national suspected of attacking a police officer for preventing them from driving their all-terrain vehicles at the corniche, Saudi Ararbia on Tuesday, March 7th.
The alleged attackers were identified as Haroun Adam Kooper, a Nigerian and holder of a residency card, Majid Sadiq Alrushaidi, an 18-year-old Saudi national and the alleged assailant who ran over the policeman; Husain Abdulkareem, a 25-year-old Chadian national, who holds no personal identification card; Haroun Adam Kooper, and Yacoub Ahmad Mohammad Abdulfatah, a 28-year-old Yemeni national, who holds a visitor’s card.
The men reportedly confessed their crimes and said that two others were also involved - Wajdi Naser Ali Basabreen, a 24-year-old Yemeni national and illegal resident in the Kingdom and Hassan Ali Musa, a 20-year-old Chadian national, also an illegal resident.
A police spokesman said that security authorities will not be tolerant and will not allow any actions or practices that will disrupt public order, endanger the safety of people, or cause chaos. They warned anyone who might attempt to undertake such actions that authorities will not be lenient and the law will be enforced.
Makkah Police Spokesman Col. Atti bin Attiah Al-Quraishi said the incident occurred at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. While the security authorities in Jeddah were on duty in the Jeddah Corniche area, they spotted several motorcyclists disturbing the public order and threatening the safety of picnickers.
"When the authorities addressed the situation, the offenders attacked one of the security members and deliberately ran him over with the motorbike,” Al-Quraishi said. 
“The bikers also attacked one private security guard when he tried to help the security member. Their actions resulted in injuries among the security members, who were moved to the hospital for treatment"
Source: Arab News

World's heaviest woman undergoes weight reduction surgery, Pardon me "she Looks like an Animal".

Egypt's Eman Ahmed, believed to be the world's heaviest woman, successfully underwent weight reduction surgery yesterday in India.
Before she traveled to India for her operation, Eman weighed 1,102 pounds (500 kg) and she'd barely left her bedroom in more than two decades.
Over the last couple of years she'd been confined to her bed after a stroke severely impaired her speech and mobility.
Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala who headed the surgery said, 'her parameters are all stabilized, kidney is much better, electrolytes are much better. She has done well post-surgery; she's back in her room and taking liquids," 
He said if all went well, the intention was to take another 155 to 175 pounds (70 to 80 kg) off her weight before sending her home to Egypt within the next couple of months.

Garanntor : The First Nigerian Web Hosting Company to Host All Its Infrastructure in Nigeria.

If you are in need of a web hosting company in Nigeria that could meet your hosting requirements, allows you pay in Naira for website hosting services & domain name registration, has a physical office which you can walk into and is always there to provide 24/7 support, then you need to give Garanntor a try. I was at their office at Opebi Lagos, in December 2015 and to be honest with you, I was impressed with their offerings.

Garanntor is an accredited domain registrar and the first web hosting company in Nigeria to host all its infrastructure in Nigeria without ever hosting outside the country, and it offers Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions to developers, SMEs, NGOs, corporate and government organizations.

With Garanntor, Nigerians now have access to affordable, fast, premium data hosting services which include, but are not limited to – domain names, virtual private servers, cloud servers, web hosting, web security, cloud solutions, content delivery network, application hosting, cloud storage, disaster recovery and co-location.

Garanntor’s infrastructure is engineered to deliver services that are in line with global standards and their pricing is affordable. Web hosting services at Garanntor Nigeria starts from N125 per month as seen here.
cost of hosting website in nigeria at garanntor

If you're also looking for where you can pay for cheap domain name registration in Nigeria, you should also try Garanntor. As at the time of publishing this post, you can buy .com.ng domain for as low as N1,150 and .ng domain for as low as N9,500.

price of domain registration in nigeria at garanntor nigeria

I am currently subscribed to Garanntor reseller web hosting plan which simply allows me to create a number of cPannel administrator interface systems and then rent them out to those 
that pay me for web design and management.

garanntor nigeria web hosting company

With the number of hosting companies we have in the world today, it is commendable to see a Nigerian company doing things differently.

You can check out Garanntor at : www.garanntor.ng

If you prefer to pay in USD, you can check out : www.garanntor.com

How to host and manage you wordpress webpage.

Yesterday, I successfully restored a softaculous backup of a client's WordPress site to a new domain and host.

So, if you are moving WordPress site to new domain ( from www.oldsite.com to www.newsite.com) and to another host (eg from domainking.ng to garanntor.ng), this tutorial will help you provided you've used softaculous to back up the site files and database.

First thing you have to do is to ensure that you create a new cPanel account on the new host with the same username used for the cPanel account on the old host. You can do this easily via WHM if you are subscribed to reseller web hosting. Else, you can send the username to your host and insist they use it when setting up your account.

Thereafter, sign in to your cPanel, navigate to "File Manager" and create a softaculous backup directory.

Next step is to upload the softaculous backup file you downloaded from your old host to the newly created softaculous folder/directory.

Once the upload completes, navigate to "Softaculous apps installer" section in cPanel and click on "WordPress".

Click on the "backups and restore" icon.  You should see the softaculous back up file you uploaded right there.

Click on the restore icon as seen in the screenshot above.

restore wordpress installation with softaculous in cpanel

Select both options as seen above.

Click "restore installation" and chill till the process completes.

Once completed, go back to your cPanel, navigate to "databases" section and click on "PhpMyAdmin" icon.

cpanel phpmyadmin

Once in phpMyAdmin, click on the site WordPress database and click on the table "wp_options". Find the options siteurl and home and change their values to the new domain name.

edit wordpress database

That's all.

Sign in to the WordPress admin area to ensure everything is OK.  Also check your theme settings and update settings (eg logo URL) that contain the old URL.

If you come across any issues with the migration, you can check out WpBeginner's guide on the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

If you would like to redirect your old pages for SEO reasons, you should use 301 redirects, which are permanent redirects as explained in step 6 of the article here.

NB : If you want to move WordPress site to a new host or server but same domain, read this guide,

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Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker,  Brock Franklin , has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history...