24 Jun 2017

Lol. Great response!


The Queen of England reported to Police for not wearing a seat belt

The Queen of England was on Wednesday reported to West Yorkshire Police for not wearing a seatbelt as she travelled to the State Opening of Parliament.

According to the Authorities, they received a 999 call from someone saying the Queen was not wearing a seat belt as she travelled with Prince Charles through London from Buckingham Palace to Westminster.

Confirming the call in a tweet, it was indicated that the call was not an emergency and shouldn't have been made to 999. 

"999 call received reporting that the Queen isn't wearing a seatbelt. #not999 #notevenwestyorkshire," the tweet read. 

Under UK law, civil and criminal proceedings cannot be taken against the Queen, but under the Queen and law section of the Royal Family's website, it states: "The Queen is careful to ensure that all her activities in her personal capacities are carried out in strict accordance with the law." 

23 Jun 2017

Photos: A German model undergoes a full makeover to become a black woman

A German white model, Martina Big has undergone full surgery to become a black woman. She medically started the transformation process in January. She also documents her journey as a 'black' woman and the difficulties she faces in the society.

In her vlog, she narrated how difficult it was for her to get a hotel room in Stockholms just because of her dark skin. See more before and after photos after the cut...

Cheating doesn't make men bad, it just makes them men- actress Funke Adesiyan tells women

Yesterday, actress Funke Adesiyan shared a post on IG where she called on women not to leave their husbands because they cheated.
"Leaving a man because he cheats is like relocating from Nigeria to America because of rain. News flash: it rains everywhere. Find a good man who loves you and appreciates you. Every other thing can be worked on. Men are naturally born to cheat. Look beyond this flaw and focus on how he treats you"she wrote.
Following the reactions she got on the post, Funke came on her page this morning to defend herself. Read what she wrote after the cut ...

"Good morning guys. I read many comments from my last post and I couldn't stop laughing. It's funny that it's women who are answering for their men that the men don't cheat on them. My sisters, let the men answer for themselves. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. You cannot answer for people. I stand by my position 100%. I know that as a modern woman, we aim to break away from the norm and be as westernised as possible but believe me, it happens everywhere. It's only those who got caught that are referred to as offenders. Not many men can sincerely say they have been with only their partner for 10yrs without "playing". It doesn't make them bad people, it just makes them men. #factfile #nofilter #skingoals".

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Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

A 31-year-old convicted child sex trafficker,  Brock Franklin , has received the longest sentence for human trafficking in U.S. history...