19 Feb 2016

Ladies, Don;t Allow Your B0yfriend To Open This Se xy Photo If You Are Not H0t [PHOTO]

The Kenyan socialite and self-acclaimed Made Boss Queen, Vera Sidika, puts her juicy body and a peek at her new ‘milk factory’ in new photos she shared on Instagram. Sexy or juicy or hot or trashy? Lolsidika

FOR MEN ONLY: 4 Ways to Make Your Sperm Stronger, Faster, and More Fertilhttp://classyratchet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/last-longer-in-bed.jpg

Your money shot may be a blank. About 15 percent of couples have trouble conceiving, and at least a third of the time the guy’s sperm is at fault, according to the National Institutes of Health.
So get busy: Sperm quality peaks in winter and early spring, an Israeli study found, and low-stress weekends offer your best chances of success.
Ashok Agarwal, Ph.D., head of reproductive medicine at Cleveland Clinic, explains how four lifestyle changes can improve your baby-making odds.

Avoid Any Defects

Sperm are not perfectly shaped little tadpoles. In fact, 90-plus percent of the average guy’s swimmers may be too deformed to penetrate the egg. Excess free radicals may be to blame, Agarwal says ,Consuming foods rich in the antioxidant lycopene is one solution, Harvard scientists say. (For a quick boost, eat tomato sauce: A quarter cup has 8,500 micrograms.)

Lift Your Number

A typical ejaculation can contain 15 to 150 million sperm. To maximize your potential payload, you need to work up a sweat outside the bedroom, says Agarwal.
In fact, Harvard researchers found that men who worked out the most had a 33 percent higher sperm count than those who exercised the least. That’s because gym time helps burn fat while boosting testosterone.

Make Them Mobile

Your sperm must carry out their mission in 12 to 14 hours; that’s how long the egg, once it’s released, remains viable. Success can depend on their swimming speed.
So help them out: Put down the smartphone. In a Cleveland Clinic study, men who used their phones more had decreased sperm mobility, perhaps because of these phones’ electromagnetic waves.

Keep The Alive

Those swimmers need to stay alive—and your choice of lube matters. Even lubes that are touted as “all natural” may contain chemicals that are acidic or alkaline enough to poison your mini-Phelpses.
In fact, some brands can wipe out 72 percent of your offering in 30 minutes, say researchers in Australia. Save your sperm with a blend designed for procreation.

The bank officially unveiled the woman of the moment as the bank brand ambassador today

In the bank statement they are so delighted and
inspired by Olajumoke, we’d love to move her forward.

Daughter of Mercy Aigbe-Gentry, Michelle has caused controversies on her Instagram page after she shared a photo last night.
Many are bashing her for sharing the photo because of her age, mere 14, saying is too sensual. See the photo she shared below...

Nwa Afor Mberi was Buried Today , Popularly Known as Dede One day , indeed a great lost to the Nigerian Movie industry , Below re the Photos of the Top Nigerian Nollywood stars who attended the Burial of this comic actor Dede One Day.

The nollywood actor, Ik Ogbonna and wife, Sonia Morales put up a steamy display as they cover the Sex Issue of Ghoste Magazine. More photos below;345


Nigerian celebrities live larger than life but certain times, a number of them encountered near-death experiences in startling motor accidents that made them, as well as their fans, grateful for their God-given lives. Death is truly something no one prays for.

Here are 10 Nigerian celebrities who have cheated death at the hands of road accidents:-


There is no denying that Wizkid is one of Nigeria’s biggest music stars at the moment therefore it was a big scare when news broke of him crashing his newly acquired Porsche Panamera S car.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident was caused by a burst tyre. Thankfully the multi award winning act came out of the accident unhurt with his N15million car taking most of the damage. In a display of wealth he replaced the car in a week, Porsche again.

2. P-Square

Peter and Paul Okoye, two halves of the dynamic P Square duo, in the early hours of a Sunday morning in 2015 survived an auto crash on their way back from Ibadan where they had gone for a show sponsored by Glo.

The duo were in company of their official drummer, Papi Jameh, Kaffy’s husband and Wandoskie, their assistant manager when the accident occurred on Lagos-Ibadan express way. A lorry was said to have ran into them and dragged them for over 12 seconds.

3. Jim Iyke

Popular Nollywood stars Jim Iyke was involved in quite a number of car accidents and it’s quite unusual. He was in a car accident along with his close Nollywood friend, Emma Ehumadu which led to the later being hospitalized.

The duo had been shooting a robbery scene at a movie location in Delta state sometime back in March 2014 when the accident occurred.

He was also involved in a ghastly crash in Ghana on his way to the location of a new movie and another one in Las Vegas.

4. Uche Jombo

Multi talented diva Uche Jombo cheated death some years back on June 24, 2011 when her FJ Cruiser hit another car head-on along the Lekki/Chevron area of Lagos

          The actress later took to social media platform Twitter to thank God for saving her life, she tweeted: “Thank U lord 4 d gift of life! Only U lord did this! Thank U my rock!”. See the bashed car:

5. Bovi

Popular stand up comedian, Bovi suffered an accident in May 2015 after a car rammed into him at an intersection

Thankfully, Bovi came out of the hospital with just some minor injuries to the left eye.

6. Ubi Franklin

Iyanya’s manager, Ubi Franklin was involved in a near fatal car crash in August 2014.

According to him, he was heading back home from a night of partying with friends at different clubs in Victoria Island when it happened and the next thing he remembered was being covered in airbags and coming out of the car unscathed after which a good Samaritan took him and his friends in the car with him to the hospital.

7. Nonso Diobi


The dashing Nollywood actor was involved in a serious car crash that left his Pathfinder truck badly damaged. The incident happened on Wednesday April 14th, 2010 along Lekki/Epe Expressway, Lagos.

8. Jide Kosoko

Nollywood Actor Jide Kosoko narrowly missed death in 2014 when he survived a ghastly accident around Ikeja Shopping Mall. He was driving himself when his car lost control due to brake failure. The car was a write-off, but the leader of the Yoruba movie sector escaped death narrowly.

9. Yinka Ayefele

18 years ago, gospel singer, Yinka Ayefele, lost the use of his legs in a car accident and became saddled with the use of a wheelchair to aid his mobility.

Yinka Ayefele was on his way to Abeokuta when he had the accident. The irony of the accident is, even though it was a Volkswagen beetle that got him crippled, he went on to be a success and now drives exotic cars.

10. Kate Henshaw

Before her Lekki home was gutted by fire, Kate Henshaw stared in the face of death and left unharmed when she was almost crushed in her car by a BRT Bus D027 along Anthony in Lagos. She was on her way to the airport when it happened.
  Nollywood Actress Eniola Badmus Steps Out In Pyjamas also.

Is this a fashion trend?

How to satisfy a woman every time in bed and have her beg for more using this simple tricks

Author Brian Ike writes below...
“There is nothing as frustrating as a man who cannot satisfy a woman in bed. I’d rather remain single than have a man who does not know how to handle me in bed.” This was the exact word for word message my ex-finance sent me before she dumped me 2 years ago. It broke me down! I mean, she was my everything, but I guess the feeling wasn’t mutual.

By the way, my name is Brian Ike, the owner of www.lashgator.com, the only website in Nigeria that teaches men how to satisfy women in bed; and the author of How to Give Any Woman an Earth Shattering Orgasm.
Women are complicated beings. Very complicated.
2 years ago, I was in a relationship with a lady whom I was engaged to. We had our ups and downs like every other relationship. But I made the one MISTAKE almost 90% of all men make
A mistake I want every man reading this to avoid by all means.
A mistake that could ruin your relationship/marriage.
The mistake of thinking that getting your wife/girlfriend to fall in love with you once is all you need to do.

Does this sound familiar?
You take your woman out for a date or romantic diner. Both of you are so happy and everything was so romantic & sexy. She’s laughing and holding your arm all through the night.
You get back home at night and retire for the night with your lady in your bed. And the sex? It was lovely! At least you think it was because it felt good to you (as usual).
I mean, sex always feels good for men.
The next day, you wake up only to notice a slight change in her mood. She’s not as happy as she was last night. She’s complaining about every single thing; even for things that doesn’t make sense.
The whole complaining gets too much that you had to leave the house for a while.
The next night, when you make a move for sex, she gives you an excuse saying things like, “not tonight dear, I have a headache.” Or she says, “why do you like sex a lot. Lets leave it for another night.”
As in, you (the man) always have to be the one to ask for sex from your woman every night or…
She always gives you sex on conditions or...
She complains of pains and not enjoying the whole thing or…
She screams too much that you start suspecting she’s faking it.
If you ever find yourself in any of this situation, the problem is one thing only—YOU!
Women are naturally hard to figure out and please especially in bed.
Most men don’t know what their women want in bed. We are CLUELESS.
Just last week Tuesday, Uncle Uche, my relative (aged 49) was diagnosed with severe emotional disorder and is still taking treatment as we speak after his wife divorced him. The doctors say he is lucky it's not a Stroke.
It was bad!
I mean, this man sponsored the woman all through the university, married and relocated her abroad and all he gets in the end is a divorce. Just because his business fell and the woman had to carry the financial burden for a few months.
20 years of marriage lost!
Now, Uncle Uche keeps blaming his poor finances and his ‘enemies’ from the village for his divorce and everything. But I know from statistics, that more than 75% of divorces and relationship breakdown comes from a faulty sex life or an unsatisfied partner. It's a fact!
Now, let’s look at my case for example…
I spent 2 whole years of my life in a relationship believing that I was doing everything right with my ex, including sex. I mean, she was always screaming my name every night. But I didn’t know she was faking it.
I thought the cause of my breakup was the minor problems we were constantly having until she sent me that text. Then I knew I was wrong. The cause was an unfulfilled SEX life.
I already said this in my former article (http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2015/10/why-you-dont-last-long-in-bed-and-how.html?m=1) and I’ll say it again—if you DON’T or CANNOT satisfy your woman in bed, she’ll NEVER truly be 100% in love with you. And she won't see you as a MAN.
Sex is the ultimate expression of love in any relationship.
And sex is very underrated especially in Africa.
Sex is as important to women as it is to men.
A man will be loved as never before when he is able to give his woman the greatest pleasure she can ever have—an ORGASM.
If on the other hand, he fails to do this, her love will be limited. I mean, no man can stay with any woman who does not know how to satisfy him in bed. So, why do you expect your woman to be happy when you cannot SATISFY her in bed by making her reach HOT WILD ORGASMS?
Her unsatisfied sexual needs will lead to frustration which will reflect in everything she does.
Listen bro, do you suffer from:
·        Premature ejaculation. Maybe you can't last for more than 5 minutes in bed …
·        Weak erections. You find it hard to maintain a ROCK-HARD erection all through sex …
·        Or do you want to improve on your sex skills in order to gain the ULTIMATE respect from your woman?!
Then there is hope…
After my ugly breakup with my ex, I learnt the hard way that after you get a woman to fall in love with you, you need to renew the love constantly by giving her not just good sex but sexual experiences that will drive her CRAZY with HOT WILD ORGASMS every night.
Don’t get me wrong! Sex is not everything in a relationship but trust me, any woman who tells you that sex is not everything is either not getting any sex at all or has never reached an ORGASM during sex before. Because her man probably doesn’t know how to handle her.
So, what do you do?
I'm going to give you 3 reasons why you don’t and can't satisfy your woman in bed and what to do about it.
·        Avoid sugars. Processed foods is killing us and it's killing your stamina in bed. You CANNOT perform well and long in bed if you consume processed foods a lot. Eat healthy (http://lashgator.com/3-fabulous-ways-you-can-boost-your-sperm-production-and-cheat-a-low-count/)
·        Avoid certain sex positions especially the missionary postion  and learn how to make her HORNY in less than 15 minutes in bed!
·        Get my eBook NOW.

In my eBook, How To Give Any Woman An Earth-Shattering Orgasm, I REVEALED HOT SEX SECRETS that I personally use in getting my current woman WET & BEGGING for more EVERYTIME in bed.
When you purchase this eBook, and follow my SIMPLE steps, here is what to expect after 1 WEEK:
·        You will learn how to turn a woman on in bed in less than 10 minutes GURANTEED and get her hooked to you.
·        I’ll show you SURE-FIRE natural ways of gaining & maintaining a FULL VEIN BULGING  LONG LASTING ERECTION no matter your age or size.
·        You will learn how to add an EXTRA 15-20 minutes of time to your sex duration (following the methods I mentioned in pgs 61-64)
·        You will get your woman to respect you as a MAN in & out of the bedroom.
·        You also get her to be addicted to you and fatithful to the end by giving her EXPLOSIVE ORGASMS.
·        You get to spicen up your bedroom action and avoid a relationship break up because of the so-called small ‘domestic problems.’
·        I will show you how to touch a woman in a way that will always give her an ORGASM no matter your size.
You also get 2 FREE ebooksas a BONUS just for purchasing this eBook.
 The two free ebooks are Tongues Of Fire (A Guide To Oral Sex)and101 Ways To Compliment A Woman That Will Get Her Sexually On Fire.

In the free ebooks, I revealed simple tips like:
·        How to use your tongue in giving your woman an unforgettable ORGASM in bed.
·        How to sex-chat (sexting) with your woman the right way.
·        You also learn how to locate her SENSITIVE SPOTS in bed which will make her CUM hard.
·        I tell you the exact words to use when sexting with a woman that will make her want you in her bed INSTANTLY.
You get to join the few fortunate men whom I personally coached.
As of yesterday, I have been in contact with a total of 2109 men (and women) so far. And all have made a significant progress in their sexual lives.
The progress and change was so incredible that I had to share some of their testimonies after I got their permission…

I just wanted to show you that it is possible and not just cheap talk.
To get the eBooks today, contact my sales rep (Kenny) by sending a WhatsApp message to 09050047973 or CALL 08032133222 (8am-6pm) or you can still visit www.lashgator.com/products.
The bad newsisthat I don’t sell to everybody as usual.
Firstly, I don’t sell to people under 18 years.
Secondly, the offer—the free eBooks, the free guidance & counselling and price slash is ONLY available for the first people who purchase the eBook. Just the first 20 people!
As you know, I follow up people even after sales, so the lesser the better for me. That is why I want just 20 people for the free offers.
CALL 08032133222 or WhatsApp 09050047973 NOW!
Remember, women will NEVER tell you outrightly how they feel and yet they expect you to do something about it.
Women are complicated like that.
Listen bro, your relationship/marriage won't get better unless you take a bold move. Those little problems that you face with your woman should not be ignored because it may be the cause of a major disaster in the future.
I mean, look at my Uncle. Who would have guessed that his sweet marriage which we all envied could crash all of a sudden.
Take advantage of this offer while you have the chance to. You may think that you don’t have a need for this now but remember my relative, Uche. That was exactly the same thing he said to himself when the problems in his relationship started.
It is not enough to get a woman to love you or marry you. You just have to get her to fall in love everyday over again with everything you do. Sex included!
REMEMBER: if you don't last long in bed and you want to put a STOP to it, call me too.
CALL 08032133222 NOW, send a message on WhatsApp to 09050047973. Or visit www.lashgator.com/products or email brianike000@gmail.com.

Nigerian men are always in a rush when it comes to sex- sex expert says

Sex Therapist, pastor Funmi Akingbade says the average Nigerian man is not the most patient lover. In an interview with City People magazine, pastor Akingbade said Nigerian men see foreplay and other activities before intercourse as a waste of time. She says to have a bliss marital life, great sex must be incorporated and that the woman should not be seen as an object just to 'release' into.

Excerpts from the interview below.. 
How would you describe the Nigerian man when it comes to sex?
The Nigerian man is always in a rush when it comes to sex. They rush into it and quickly rush out once they "come". Every driver that wants an accident-free trip must drive safely, know his road signs, have good driving skills and be a good observer. This is also true with sex because marital sex is a journey and not to be done in a rush. Those who want to succeed in marriage give their sex life a lot of attention and sex is what makes it different and wonderful. So, for no reason must a spouse "beg" or "plead" for sex from her partner. Rather, good sex should be given mutually at all times" Continue...
Why then do you think that the Nigerian man rush into and out of sex?
Even though a penis is controlled by the nervous system, it still has a mind of its own. Every woman loves foreplay  but the African man has not much time for those sweet touching of a woman's body or genital before sex, they see it as a waste of time. If men tend to rush through foreplay, if at all they want to do it, they do it mildly and hurriedly. This is because they are ever ready the moment they have an erection. Delaying intercourse when they have an erection and a willing woman nearby? That sounds idiotic to them because they see it as a waste of their precious time. A true Nigerian woman is not frigid. It is the way and manner a Nigerian man, lets say a black man, gives sex to her that makes a black woman frigid. A Nigerian man goes out from his own point of need and not from the woman's point of need. They rush into the woman's private part and rush out. They see the woman as an object to release into. They don't care whether she has an orgasm. All they are after is about themselves. They fail to realize that she has her sexual Libido which should be touched or aroused before dipping their manhood into her. But we let them know that they should never rush the woman. A man should ask a woman to give him different styles and positions during sex. She should be free to ask for sex whenever she feels the urge. Our men should allow the women to have sex the way they enjoy doing it too. It shouldn't be just the Adam and Eve style where the man commands her to open and raise her legs and all of a sudden he rushes inside immediately. This means she has just been legally raped. Ask a woman what she wants in bed or during sex, she will tell you she wants to be romanced, touched, kissed, she wants to be friendly. She wants to be bounced with her partner first and this will really make her come easily and sweetly. She will never be frigid if the man presses the right buttons in her because sex to a woman is emotion and she can trade sex for affections because he wants sex. The moment she gets affection from her man, she will be able to open up well for her man to come inside her. So a woman you can easily go into her heart is a woman you can easily get into her legs. Before sex, a woman will want the man to start with talk even if the talk is not relevant but she just needs your attention. She will want to be touched all over but not immediately at the main point of her body so that so it does not appear like you are only interested in getting in-between her legs. Give her the attention, get bonded, get connected first because she wants to feel you. So sex to a man is a show of love he derives during sex or after the sex while that of a woman is a show of emotion she gets before sex. So if you don't understand what a woman really needs in sex, she will tighten her legs and lie down like a log or dead body lying in state because she is not feeling the man emotionally" she said. thanks everyone

Photos: Gov. Ambode appoints Wole Soyinka, Gbadamosi as Co-Chairmen of Lagos at 50 Planning Committee

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode on Wednesday, February 10, appointed Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka and Mr. Rasheed Gbadamosi as Co-Chairmen of the Lagos at 50 Planning Committee, just as he expressed optimism that the celebration will go a long way to showcase Lagos in its full splendor.

The Committee also has 10 others as members, including Hon. Habeeb Fasinro, Chief Olawale Cole, Mrs. Sarah Boulos, Mr. Abimbola Obafunwa, Prof (Mrs) Senapon Bakare, Mrs. Chika Balogun, Mr. Folarin Coker, Prof. Ademola Abass, Bolanle Austen Peter and Mrs Olufunmilayo Balogun as Secretary.
Governor Ambode, while inaugurating the Committee at the Lagos House, Ikeja, expressed confidence in their ability to deliver a world class celebration, adding that the opportunity of Lagos at 50, will afford the state to not only celebrate its past achievements, but also to showcase to the world its immense potentials for future growth and development.
"Lagos State will be 50 years next year. 50 years is a significant landmark in the life of any individual, institution or State. For Lagos State, it has been an eventful 50 years which deserves to be fittingly celebrated," he said.
He said Lagos, despite being the smallest and oldest state in Nigeria, remains the only state that has not been divided to create more states since its inception on May 27, 1967.
The Governor said that Lagos has maintained its status as the commercial capital of Nigeria and the most cosmopolitan State in the country where peoples of every tribe, race and creed reside peacefully with an excellent record of religious tolerance.
"Lagos is a land of opportunities, offering all residents the chance to succeed in their vocations and endeavours. Lagos provides jobs to more people than any other State in Sub Saharan Africa. Lagos is that place where you have a chance to make it if you work hard."
Indeed, Lagos State has justified its creation. Apart from being the pacesetter and first among equals in the comity of States in the Nigerian Federation, Lagos State also occupies a noticeable position in global affairs especially as the fastest growing mega city in the world.
"With all these in mind, it is imperative that we celebrate Lagos at 50. In celebrating Lagos, we must showcase our cultural heritage. We must celebrate the language, arts, sights and sounds of Lagos. Celebrating Lagos is to celebrate Nigerian Unity and Progress because Lagos provides the cohesion that keeps Nigeria together", he said.
He said a celebration of such great significance requires proper and adequate planning, hence the inauguration of the Committee comprising respected men and women whom he said had perfect understanding of the expectations of Lagosians, Nigerians and indeed the entire world.
The Governor further said with the distinguished men and women that formed the Committee, he was rest assured that Lagos would be excellently celebrated and the world would see Lagos in its full splendour.
The terms of reference of the Committee , according to Governor Ambode, include to develop a comprehensive programme for the celebrations; identify series of events that will take place as part of the celebrations; establish the logistics requirements to ensure a hitch free celebration; identify areas of possible collaboration with corporate organizations and individuals for support; as well as consider and make appropriate recommendations on any other matter that will ensure a successful and memorable celebration.
In his short remarks, Professor Soyinka said the celebration of Lagos at 50 would afford an excellent opportunity for the state to identify with the triumph, losses and experience of the Black Race at home and in the diaspora.
He pledged that members of the Committee would work assiduously to ensure that Lagos gets the deserved and most befitting celebration.
While acknowledging the achievements of the state so far, Professor Soyinka likened the celebration to one of the programmes in past editions of Lagos Black Heritage Festival called the ‘Black in the Mediterranean Blue’, saying “It would be used to project the black race not just for the colonial experience and slave trade, but also as a cultural people.

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