25 Feb 2016

Meet The Most Expensive Pr0s'titute In Africa…..You Won’t Believe How Much She Charges For A Night!


She’s known as pathfinder, sources say her famous clients include Ghana Artistes and she is currently charging between $900 and $1,200.

Do you think she worth the price?  Well see her pics below;

22 Feb 2016

A man allegedly cut his wife’s breast on the eve of Valentine’s Day after accusing her of having an affair with his own brother. He then turned the knife on himself, chopped off his penis and threw it outside the house. This incident happened in Kiganjo village, Thika, Kenya.

The woman, Margaret Achieng (pictured speaking to journalists) is currently admitted at Thika Level Five Hospital. She told journalists that she realised her husband had chopped off his manhood after a neighbour had summoned the police.
The couple were rushed to the hospital where Ms Achieng was stitched. Her husband underwent a successful reconstruction surgery. Doctors at the hospital told journalists that the woman is in a stable condition but her husband’s condition will be reviewed after the surgery.
Source: Nairobi News

A spiritual leader in the christian faith has been accused of using diabolical means to lure his female church members to bed.

A randy man of God identified as Dukes (surname withheld) in Umunede, Delta State who has been accused of sleeping with his church members in the past two years, has allegedly impregnated seven of his single female church members and two married women.

While trouble is currently brewing over the act, it was reliably gathered that the self-acclaimed man of God had also allegedly seduced several young girls in neighbouring communities: Ute-Ukpu, Otolokpo under the guise of providing them with suitors before he moved into Umunede after his cover was blown.

He was said to have been arrested and detained at Agbor Police Station by aggrieved parents of his victims for two days before granted bail.

A member of his church “Light Of God Ministries” Josephine Ogor said, “The self acclaimed reverend uses preaching, choirs and organised youth fellowship to get young girls.”
“That was what he did in Ute-Okpu, Otolokpo neighbouring communities before he moved into Umunede and he was driven away by the elders of the communities, he likes girls of 15, 16 and 17 years he sleeps with,” she added.

Investigation revealed that until some married women started carrying their marital problems to him, the self-acclaimed man of God allegedly known for magical powers, specialises in mind-blowing prophecies for unsuspecting members of his church including some highly placed politicians and businessmen across the state.

His victims, some who claimed they were hoodwinked into sexual intercourse with him via magical powers, Awele John, Marble Ogoan and Rosemary Iwendi said: “Please Mr. Pressman don’t use our pictures.”
“The man is fake, he uses magical powers to woo young girls he sleeps with, that was how we fell into his net, and our eyes were opened”.

Another victim, a married woman who did not want her name in the print said she had gone to the reverend’s house to seek advice on constant quarrels between her and the husband for possible solution when Dukes allegedly gave her anointed oil for her to rub and take from it but this was not to be, when she found herself in love making with the reverend during the night.
She said: “I saw myself having sexual intercourse with the Reverend in my sleep and I was shocked before I made it known to my husband”.

Further investigation revealed that his modus operandi is to give out olive oil bottles to unsuspecting female miracle seekers, young girls looking for suitors, a situation that keep them glued to him before taking them to bed. The accused has denied all the allegations with the police currently undertaking investigations to ascertain the truth.

Indian police say a 10-year-old girl has been raped on the orders of a village chief ‘as punishment’ after her father beat up a neighbour who broke into house

According to According to The Times of India,  the girl’s father attacked his 25-year-old neighbour after the man broke into his house drunk at around midnight and tried to molest his wife.

The next day, the battered and bruised neighbour reported the ‘assault’ to elders in his village in eastern India’s Bokaro district – and they permitted him to ra pe the girl as revenge.

The elders passed the horrifying sentence after deciding the girl’s ‘violent’ father had to be punished.

The newspaper said the 25-year-old dragged the girl into bushes a short distance away and raped her, against the cries of the child’s mother.Police told the newspaper that an hour later, the mother retrieved her daughter from the bushes, where she was found lying in blood.Other villagers were reportedly too frightened to intervene in case they became targets themselves.

However, police have released conflicting information on the alleged incident.

According to the Hindustan Times, officers said the girl was 14 years old, not 10, and that she was the sister of the attacker, not his daughter.

'Buhari has done very well' - Fr Mbaka...says past governments raped Nigeria

Founder and spiritual director of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), Rev Fr Ejike Mbaka, says President Buhari has done well since he came into office. In an interview with Daily Trust, Fr Mbaka says Buhari's stance on Homosexuality and Corruption is a welcome development. He also said the past government raped Nigeria ..

 "It’s too early to judge Buhari, going by what we’ve seen in the past governments. But so far, Buhari has done very well. Look at the case of moral probity, how he, without mincing words, said no to same sex marriage. It’s immoral, it’s unnatural, and it’s un-African. Buhari said it’s not debatable in Nigeria, he said man should marry a woman and a woman should go and be married to a man. This is because, if sodomy and lesbianism and homosexuality are approved in Nigeria, the country will be in trouble. They are worse than economic collapse; because the bedrock of every successful country is her morality. So if Buhari is touching the heart of the country, which is moral probity and enhancing spiritual value, he has succeeded. Number two, look at the issue of Boko Haram; here’s somebody who came to fight terrorism even though there’re skeletal attacks here and there, but the issue of “Boko Haramic” forces operating with flags and taking over some parts of the country, is dead. So, Buhari has succeeded, Kudos to him, no matter how other people are seeing in him, they must learn to see the good part of him. He’s doing his best but Nigerians must do their best, too. Buhari cannot be in Abuja and be in Enugu or be in Ebonyi and be in Nasarawa or Kogi. All of us should be presidents in our own little way. We should clap for him, even if he has not gotten it 100 percent, 98 percent is not a small mark. Now, come to the area of corruption, for the first time, the untouchables in Nigeria are being touched. Courageously, he’s moving like a lion, not to gain anything from it but to save Nigeria from sinking. Take for instance, if it’s not someone like Buhari that’s at the helm of affairs, by now Nigeria would have been a country going for sale, going, going, going…gone. By now, Ghana must be pricing us, Ivory Coast will be pricing us, Cameroon and even Togo would have come to say “how can we buy you people?” But the faith, assurance and guaranty Buhari is giving to the international community is worth more than a lot of things. They see him as a man that’s trustworthy, a man that’s not corrupt, a man that they can invest in his government or country, and they’ll go and sleep. And that’s why foreigners are coming to invest. People are now waiting for the budget so the country can kick off. It’s the budget that’s slowing down things. And you cannot blame Buhari on the budget, neither can you blame the House of Reps or the Senate on the budget delay because there is fluctuation in the core source of the budget - oil. Today, oil is $29 per barrel; tomorrow it is $27 and before you know it, it comes to $31. But remember, the bench mark is $38. So, how can the budget be approved? Which means the budget, under this present predicament is unrealistic. Buhari was realistic when he made it but the economic decay and collapse has put everybody off balance. But, as I said, he’s fighting, saying corruption must die; his agenda is crusade against corruption. And can you imagine that it’s the same people who wanted to continue to rule us that embezzled 99 percent of the country’s resources, sending the money abroad. Is that not wickedness? For me, it’s a rape of the economy. The past governments raped Nigeria. All of them should be kneeling down with their hands up, apologizing from morning till night that they should be pardoned. They raped our morality, they raped our economy, and they raped our security, they raped our spirituality because they gathered even the men of God to be singing for them, and they were giving them money. It is a holistic rape of a country. The way you often fall out with politicians make people to wonder why you’re against them…Politicians want to make themselves god and I’m serving God. I’m a servant of God. I’m worried when somebody becomes an idol to be worshipped and makes himself a sacred cow that cannot be touched. I’m not against politicians. Politics is not evil, and not all politicians are evil. There’re some good people in politics. I encourage Christians to join politics with good heart; it’s only good people that can change the country. Even if you’re not a Christian, and you’re a good man, join the government."he said

19yr old university undergrad wins Lenovo National Promo Kia Rio Grand Prize!

A 19 year old university undergraduate from Delta State, Ms. Vivian Onyemaechi, has emerged as winner of the Kia Rio grand prize in the final draw of the Lenovo National Promo.Onyemaechi was announced as the grand prize winner at an elaborate and fun-filled event in Lagos on Saturday, February 13.

 Lucky Onyemaechi, represented at the event by NnamudiMarcellinus, took away the Kia Rio star prize whileseven other finalists received various consolation prizes including blenders, deep freezer, smartphones, refrigerators and much more. Slot brand ambassador and ace entertainer, OladapoOyebanjo, popularly known as D’banj was on hand to present the winners with their prizes at the well-attended event.

An astoundedOnyemaechi said via telephone that her prayers had been answered right on time. “I am overjoyed to be the winner of the Lenovo National Promo’s Kia Rio grand prize. My prayers have been answered through Jesus Christ our Lord. In fact, I never believed anything of such to be true; not until Lenovo made such a difference that even the blind can see! I encourage other customers to always show interest whenever a Lenovo promo is on. Whenever it comes to telecommunications, electronics and accessories, Lenovo is the best,” she enthused.

Expressing his delight at the success of the promotion, Marketing Manager, Lenovo Technologies West Africa, Mr. BoladeOyekanmi thanked the company’s customers for the very positive response they showed towards the campaign.
 “We are very pleased with the overwhelming response that the Lenovo National Promo received during its run. The initiative is our way of showing our appreciation to our consumers for their loyalty and support. The winning opportunities made many dreams come true and we feel very happy to have been able to make this happen. We pledge our commitment to leveraging on our expertise in mobile technology to improve the lives of our customers,” he said.
Star entertainer D'banj, said that promotions in Nigeriain recent times have been very impressive."People have castigated promos, but my involvement has convinced me ofthe transparency of the process,” he said.
Also speaking at the event, Head of Marketing at Slot Systems Limited, Mr. Jonathan Uzomba said: At Slot, we are committed to making smartphones readily available to Nigerians. We also strive to leave behind memorable experiences for our customers. This collaboration with Lenovo is another step in this directi­­­on. Customer experience remains central to the services that we provide­­­. We will continue to work with Lenovo towards ensuring that quality smartphones remain accessible to Nigerians.” 


The Lenovo National Promo was part of the tech giant's continued efforts to show appreciation to loyal customers across the country, in particular aimed at making the past holiday season more exciting for Nigerians. The Kia Rio grand prize draw marks the conclusion of the promo.The event was witnessed by the Head of the Lagos Office of the Consumer Protection Council (CPC), Mr. Joshua Nggada and Deputy Manager, National Lottery Regulatory Commission (Lagos Zonal Office), Mr. Onyemenam Daniel.
Lenovo launched the nationwide campaign in December 2015 alongside two of the latest additions to its VIBE smartphones series, the Vibe P1m, which comes with a long-lasting 4000mAh battery that gives users up to three days of battery life and the Vibe S1, which combines the ability to take creative selfies with a fashionable exterior, with its two front cameras and attractive curved-glass back design.

Actress Sikiratu Sindodo shares lovely new pics as she celebrates birthday

Actress Tayo Oduueke aka Sikiratu Sindodo, turns a year older today February 21st and shared these lovely new photos to mark the special day. Happy birthday to her. Continue to see more photos 

Guys please!! Don't Open This Photo If You Easily Release At One Touch.

How does a full grown woman manage to get her waist so tiny just to be sexy? guys, do you really find it sexy?

Out of all the fake things women wear today, i have been waiting for the day i would see pictures of fake va gina. Now it has become a reality.

Women now wear fake ones to make its lips look fatter than it looks. Wetin man no go see for this world again?

See it below:

In other pictures, she is seen holding her b00bs as she posed for the camera lying on the bed while in the other, she only posed donning only her, Sources say she posed for the pictures to entice her lover and show him how well endowed she was before they went into action. No one knows how they leaked to the media…

Monju Begum, a 40 year old Bangladesh woman stopped an alleged rapist in his tracks when she reportedly cut off his anaconda and then took it to police as evidence. According to police, Begam’s neighbor, Mozammel Haq Mazi, forced his way into her shanty and began sexually assaulting her when she stopped the attack by cutting off his anaconda.

She then placed the evidence into a polytene bag and took it into police as proof that Mazi had attempted to rape her (if he only knew that she was related to Chuck Norris..hehehehehe). “It is quite an unusual incident. As far as I am aware, this is the first time that a woman has brought a severed anaconda to the police station as evidence,” said police spokesperson Abul Khaer.

“We will arrest him once his condition gets better,” said Khaer. Mazi denied the allegations telling investigators that the two were having an affair. “Recently she suggested that both of us can go settle down in Dhaka,” said Mazi. “I refused and told her that I cannot leave my wife and children, so she took revenge on me.”

Doctors say the man’s anaconda will not be re-attached.

Don't know how true this is but this picture has gone viral on Facebook since it was shared online two days ago. According to reports, the lady in the picture got knocked up (impregnated) by the man being dragged.
After she revealed her pregnancy to him , the man allegedly fled and was nowhere to be found, only to come back few months after he thought the case would have died down.

The lady wanting to prove that she wasn't impregnated by a spirit -held and dragged her estranged man -saying he must follow her home to meet her parents who have been asking after the baby father (which is him). This reportedly happened in Cameroon.

"If I'm laying down with a man butt-naked and his condom is on, and I say no, it means no"- Amber Rose

Amber Rose was a guest on one of OWN's newest shows 'It's Not You, It's Men', hosted by Tyrese Gibson and Rev Run, and during her appearance, Rose revealed that she gets "sexually assaulted constantly," and proceeded to go toe-to-toe with the male hosts, who suggested that perhaps fans' willingness to act in such ways is due to the way she presents herself.
She said:
"When I walk down the street, people think because I'm famous, or I'm cool and I'm taking pictures, that they can just grab my ass or put their hand under my skirt or, ‘Oh Amber, can I come grab your boobs?' Girls do that to me all the time, and it does get like, I love you girls so much, but it does get like, stop grabbing on my boobs constantly and my butt. And guys, too. This is my privacy."
After hearing this, Rev Run offered that maybe this is the case because of "a representation of what you're wearing and stuff and seems like, in their mind, what you're representing."
His co-host, Tyrese, echoed similar sentiments, telling Amber, "I'm just saying, the comfort-ability some people find in wanting to touch or grope you...it's an energy that is sent out there that creates that type of response".
 Rose was quick to disagree and explain why she feels that is not a valid argument.
 "No it doesn't, and I'm gonna tell you why. If I'm laying down with a man butt-naked and his condom is on, and I say, ‘You know what? No. I don't wanna do this. I changed my mind.' That means no. That means f—k no," she says. "It doesn't matter how far I take it or what I have on, when I say no, it means no."
Rev Run responds,
"I've just heard a quote that was like, 'Dress how you wanna be addressed...'"
"Oh, boo," Rose retorts. "No. That's not realistic. Stop it."

Sunday Oliseh tells Mikel Obi: Play defensive midfield for Super Eagles or drop to the bench

Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh has warned John Mikel Obi that he risks losing his Super Eagles playing spot if he refuses playing as a defensive midfielder for Nigeria. Mikel Obi has had a resurgence this season while playing as a defensive midfielder at Chelsea but opts to play offensive midfield when donning colours of the Super Eagles, a trend Oliseh wants to end.

Defensive midfield was also the same role Mikel played when he broke out internationally under coach Samson Siasia at the 2005 FIFA U20 World Cup in the Netherlands.

“With the national team, it’s not what you want that matters, it is what will bring us results,”said Oliseh in a radio interview. “If you don’t want to do that, I will play players who want to help us, like I did against Swaziland. My personal opinion is that he should be given a more central defensive role, like (Guus) Hiddink is using him. He should be the umbrella for the two central defenders,” Oliseh said.



This would probably be from one of his Music video shoot it's gonno be hot that's ma man,feeling you guys.

It's been a dramatic year so far...

Everybody was stunned yesterday when Annie Idibia put a mystery lady on blast and accused her of causing troubles in her home. I personally didn't even take it serious sef until this morning, I saw GOBE!
“Please tag her family members to put this woman in order,” Annie captioned the photo of the unknown woman, adding, “She needs to stop bugging my family. I’m a peaceful person.” And then she threatened to leak the lady’s messages.

From the conversations, and confirmation from top blogger Stella Dimoko Korkus, the mystery lady is Raymond Dokpesi’s niece who allegedly had been dating 2baba Idibia.

Now watching in 3D how this drama would eventually end

For 48-year-old web designer Barbarella Buchner, finding another man after her seven-year relationship ended was the last thing on her mind – because she believes she’s found happiness, companionship and emotional fulfilment with… her cats.

Incredible as it sounds, Barbarella thinks she’s found not one, but two soulmates in the form of her male cats, Spider and Lugosi. Her devotion to them is so strong that 10 years ago she even married them in an online ceremony.
"They’re the loves of my life," she claims. "I have no regrets and I don’t care what people say."
Cat-mad Barbarella has always been an animal lover. "As a child I was surrounded by cats," she says. "Our family regularly owned at least one or two. They were my favourite animal."

At 34, Barbarella finally got the chance to adopt her own cats, and she took the opportunity very seriously.
"For me, it was like when you know you’re having a baby," she says. "Before you have a baby or adopt a child, you look on the internet to learn as much as possible and read lots of books. That’s what I did before I got my cats."
In March 2000, Barbarella adopted two eight-month-old tabby cats from the same litter at an East London animal shelter.
"It was love at first sight when I laid eyes on my boys, Lugosi and Spider," she recalls. "I’ll never forget that day. They were rubbing against the cage and purring.
"I knew I wanted those cats… I could tell the feeling of love was mutual judging by their purrs and the way they were brushing their little faces against the bars. That was it; they were coming home with me!"
Barbarella – who now lives in Lanzarote – has had a few long-term relationships with men, but never wanted to marry.
She explains, "I didn’t know if I had it in me to be a wife. Some women are built to clean up after their men, and I’m not like that. But I never minded being my cats’ servants. I’m not a submissive person but I’ll do anything for Lugosi and Spider."

Barbarella says the cats were a comfort to her after her most serious relationship with her boyfriend of seven years broke down.

"My ex was the most important person in my life until things stopped working between us," she says. "He’d come home and we’d argue over something, or he’d want to chat when I didn’t want to. We ended up sleeping in separate rooms. I thought there was hope for us but in the end, there wasn’t.
"It was so painful breaking up with him. I cried for weeks after we split up, but the cats really helped me through the process. I would cry into Lugosi and Spider’s fur. They were on the sofa with me all the time and I felt calm.
"After my boyfriend left, Spider and Lugosi were still there for me, helping me get through the separation anxiety and feelings of sadness. I have loved and lived with a couple of partners before but I realised that my love for my fur babies is so much deeper than anything I have felt for a human." 
In 2004, Barbarella decided to make their love official and looked into ways to marry her cats. She found a website called Marryyourpet.com. The site has a list of rules they expect the human marrying their pet to adhere to – such as ‘You are not allowed to mistreat your pet in any way’ – and once Barbarella had been approved and had paid a small fee of about £20, she tied the knot with Lugosi and Spider in a quickie online ceremony, where she clicked on the words ‘I do’.

"Marrying Lugosi and Spider was something I had to do, for myself," she says. "Some people may call me a bigamist for marrying two cats or even call our marriage incest because they’re brothers. But I’ve never been one to care about what other people say or think, especially when it has anything to do with my cats and the unusual relationship I have with them.
"Obviously I don’t have sex with my cats. It’s just pure, spiritual, unconditional love on both sides, as simple as that."

Barbarella spoils her feline hubbies and admits she would happily go bankrupt for them.
"My cats eat better than me. I want them to stay healthy so I’ve put them on a pricey, raw meat diet. Their food is far more expensive than mine.
"One cat’s meals cost £17 per week. I also mix vitamin powder into their food which is £50 per bag. I would take out a loan to save my cats or borrow money if they needed an operation. There’s no limit to what I’d do." 
To celebrate their three-year anniversary, Barbarella got a tattoo of her two tabbies on her right leg.
"I wanted something of Lugosi and Spider on my body. If they died, I would never marry another cat. They’re my first cats and no other cat in the future can change that.
"If a man ever approaches me, I just tell them straight off, “Sorry, I’m married to my cats.” If they think it’s odd, I don’t care." 

Source: Mirror Online

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Child sex trafficker bags 472 years in jail, the longest in U.S. history.

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