7 Mar 2016

Security alert at Heathrow Airport, man charged with 'illegally boarding a plane'.

Security alert at Heathrow Airport, man charged with 'illegally boarding a plane'.

A major security alert was sparked after an intruder allegedly broke through a security cordon and climbed aboard an empty British Airways 747 jet.

The man then allegedly locked himself inside the cockpit.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed officers were called to the London airport at around 11.40am on Saturday.

A source, who asked not to be named, said: "It was a very difficult and complex situation and in the end the fire brigade had to be called to the plane and carried out a long and very protracted operation to get into the cockpit from outside.

"It is a terrifying situation when you think about it. Here is a man who not only has managed to go air-side at one of the world's busiest airports but he has successfully got to a Boeing 747 jet liner and found it open and was able to climb aboard.

"Then he has got onto the flight deck and barricaded himself in using the plane's own anti-terrorist equipment."

Louis Pedro Verdasca dos Santos Costa, 38, of Stonehill Road, Hounslow, has been charged with unlawfully being airside, and of unlawfully being on an aircraft.

Police confirmed the incident is not believed to be terror-related.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: "He has been remanded into custody at a west London police station and will appear at court at the earliest opportunity next week."

Heathrow Airport and British Airways have been asked for comment.

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