24 Aug 2016

French police enforce burkini ban by ordering mum to remove Muslim garments on beach.

Mum-of-two Siam was fined £32 for breaking the ban, which French officials say is for 'security reasons'


Vantage News Police patrolling the promenade des anglais beach in Nice fine a woman for wearing a burkini
Police patrolling the promenade des anglais beach in Nice fine a woman for wearing a burkini
Heavy-handed French police enforcing a 'burkini ban' forced a woman to remove her Muslim dress as she sunbathed on a beach.
Mum-of-two Siam, was approached by four officers in Nice and told to take off the baggy blue hooded top which she teamed with leggings.
The former air hostess, whose family members have been French citizens for at least three generations, said: “I wasn’t even planning to swim, just to dip my feet.”
Pictures show her soaking up the sun before being approached by the uniformed cops and surrounded. She is then seen removing the garment. It is understood she was fined the equivalent of £32 for breaking a burkini ban.
Vantage News Siam was relaxing on the beach
Siam was relaxing on the beach
The Nice administration issued an order on Thursday banning swimwear with religious connotations, citing security concerns.
Several other cities on France’s Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts have banned burkinis this summer.

Vantage News She was approached by officers as she sunbathed
She was approached by officers as she sunbathed
Leading officials argue that the swimwear, resembling a full-body wetsuit with a hood, oppresses women and violates France’s secular principles.
But many see the bans as discriminatory.
Vantage News Police told her to remove her Muslim garments
Police told her to remove her Muslim garments
In court in Nice on Monday judges upheld the ‘burkini ban’ in the resort of Villeneuve-Loubet – ruling that the female swimwear was liable to cause offence and to provoke people to violence.
Two human rights groups challenged the controversial measure at the Administrative Tribunal in Nice, on the Riviera.

Vantage News She was fined £32 for breaking the 'burkini ban'
She was fined £32 for breaking the 'burkini ban'
They argued that the ban on a garment that does not cover the face was petty, and designed to spread hatred against a small group of mainly Muslim mothers and grandmothers.

But judges said the ban was ‘necessary, appropriate and proportionate’.
Vantage News Swimwear with religious connotations is banned for security reasons
Swimwear with religious connotations is banned for security reasons
Judges also ruled the clothing could be viewed as a ‘provocation exacerbating tensions’ within France, which is currently under a State of Emergency following a series of attacks by Islamic State.
A lorry was used to kill 86 people in Nice on July 14th, in an attack which took place next to the city’s main beach.

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