3 Mar 2017

Detailed Guide on How To Place Adsense Code Below Post Title In Blogger Mobile View.

Placing Google Adsense code in blogger can be quite a job, especially you are using a blogger default template that doesn't come with a manual. Most bloggers get fed up at this point and opt for a custom template that has everything they need already fixed and ready. But if you are using a blogger default template and you wish to make your ads appear below the title of your post, then follow these simple steps to get done.

how to place adsense code below post title in blogger mobile view

 How To Place Adsense Code Below Post Title In Blogger Mobile View

1.    Go to your Adsense account and create a new 200 by 90 link ads unit

2.    Use Adsense Code Converter to parse the ad codes then save it in your notepad

3.     Login to your blogger dashboard, navigate to template and then click on Edit HTML

3.   Press Ctrl + F for the search box to appear and then paste this code <b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>

4.    Once you find the code, gently scroll down and locate this code 
                                    <div class='post-header'>
                                  <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

how to place adsense code below post title in blogger mobile view

it sdouldn't be far from where you found <b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'> then when you find the second code, 

5.     Paste you Adsene code Directly Below it in this format
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='toppostadmobile ' style='text-align:center;'>

6.   Save your template and view your blog from a mobile phone and you will see your ads blow your post title.

how to place adsense code below post title in blogger mobile view

Note: The <br> will give one line space below your post title and then another one line space before the post body, with the ad place on the center.

Finally, in some cases, while trying to save your template, you will get an error message, just make sure you followed all the right steps listed above. But if the error persists, replace the beginning of your Ad with <script async='async' src= then save. Let me know if you encounter any challenges(s). 

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