6 Mar 2017

Is diabetes negatively affecting your sex life?

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If diabetes is negatively affecting your sex life, there is a way out here http://www.bit.ly/diabetestoday 
Diabetes is a leading cause of sexual health issues in people. It can affect nerve function and blood flow to any place in the body. And in women it also has several complications too. 

Erectile dysfunction is known to occur in over one-half of men who have had diabetes for 10 years.
One area that is often affected is the genitals. In men, this commonly manifests as erectile dysfunction. See solution here =>www.bit.ly/diabetestoday

Men with poorly controlled diabetes are more likely to experience low performance in bed than those in good control. 

Men who have good control of their diabetes can still have issues but they are more likely to be mild and responsive to treatment.

The biggest cause of weak performance in bed for men with Diabetes is nerve and artery damage in the genital area, which disrupts blood flow and can cause erectile dysfunction.

Studies have shown that men with erectile dysfunction and diabetes are also more likely to have heart disease, because the risk factors for erectile dysfunction are the same as for coronary artery disease. 
The same problems that lead to decreased blood flow to the arteries in the penis, lead to blockages in the arteries of the heart.

Complications and low performance in bed issues arising from Diabetes can be beaten.
See solution here =>www.bit.ly/diabetestoday

The most important thing is not to give up on what is an important quality of life issue.  This problem has a solution. See solution here =>www.bit.ly/diabetestoday

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