12 Nov 2016

See The New Trojan That Was Found in Google's Adsense.

Malware, trojan, cyber attack android malware, android virus

There is nothing else Trojan and Malware authors have in mind other than writing series of malicious codes that goes out there to steel financial and credit card details. The rate at which these codes and their authors are making waves and trends in the IT world is really bad. Even google of all could be, it makes me wonder if there is isn't any network that is hack-proof (NSA and Pentagon included).

Thanks to Kapersky Labs Experts,who revealed this new Trojan called Svpeng. The Kaspersky Lab experts recently discovered a modification of the mobile banking Trojan, Svpeng hiding in Google’s advertising network AdSense. Since mid-July, Svpeng has been detected on the Android devices of around 318,000 users, with the rate of infection peaking at 37,000 victims in a day. The Trojan's first known case was recorded in mid-July on an online Russian news outlet. During the attack, the Trojan silently downloaded itself onto the Android devices of the website’s visitors through Chrome for Android.

The Trojan, Svpeng, disguised itself as an important browser update in order to convince the user to approve the update and installation. Once the malware was launched it disappeared from the list of installed apps and gave itself admin rights, which made it impossible to be uninstalled via traditional means.

android malware, google malware, smartphone malware, cyber attack, Kaspersky labs, Trojan, trojan affects smartphones, mobile banking trojan, Google Adsense infected, Google Chrome exploit, modified Svpeng trojan, Android exploit, Google android infection, bank card exploit, personal data exploit, android device exploit, technology, technology news
Google Chrome vulnerability exploited by Svpeng Trojan, according to Kaspersky Lab. (Image source: Reuters)

One common thing about these malicious codes is that they can never enter into any device, without the user cautiously or ignorantly give then access. This is why it is always advised to desist from downloading apps from untrusted sites and developers. Normally, when a malicious app is about to be downloaded, the browser / and virus program alerts the user that a malicious and untrusted app is about to be downloaded, but in the case of Svpeng, it seems that the authors of this code has found a way bypass or disguise their codes to be invisible to anti-virus programs.

On discovering the bug, Kaspersky Labs immediately reported the issue to Google. The patch will be issued in the nearest Google Chrome for Android update. On the other hand, we at Techvillz share a common of protecting users from cyber crimes and attacks. Always avoid downloading your applications from un-rusted sites/sources  be cautious when it comes to giving permissions to apps and settings.

Install an effective security solution to you various devices, and be aware and at aleart, watching out for the tools and techniques used by these malware authors to disguise trick users into installing malicious software and apps.

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