14 Nov 2016

ATM- General Security Tips - Web Helper

Image result for security 

* Avoid opening suspicious e-mails - if an e-mail seems suspicious or you cannot confirm the source of an e-mail, rather delete it.
 * Only provide your credit card details to reputable companies.
 *Do not make your passwords too personal - rather create passwords that have letters and numbers that cannot be attributed to you.
 * Never provide your accesscode or password/PIN to anyone, never write them down or share them, not even with a bank official.
 * Never provide your online ID or password/PIN to any site that you do not recognise and fully trust.
 * To ensure that you are using a secure shopping site, look for the lock and key and security certificates online. This icon is not a guarantee of a secure site, but might provide you some assurance. Don't trust a site just because it claims to be secure
 * If you go directly to the site, check for indicators that the pages are secure, such as a padlock symbol at the bottom of the page and a URL that begins with "https" instead of "http".

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