16 Nov 2016

Enhance your success in the market place #ABetterYouABetterNigeria.

Do you want to be the best in your field, dominate your industry and lead in the market place? Do you want to meet new people, learn new skills and stretch your capacity to achieve? The Platform – The Young Professionals Bootcamp (YPB) is created to provide world class training to give you the edge you need in the marketplace...

YPB is a 5-day in-residence intensive program for high potential 20-25 year olds to learn world class practical training for success in the marketplace. 300 participants will be selected from  applications to go through a 5 day intensive professional bootcamp. At the end of the training, best performers will be selected and given fantastic opportunities and rewards. 

This year’s edition has been streamlined into 5 key sectors:
Social Entrepreneur/NGO
Creative Industry
Politics/Public Sector

With YPB, we desire to equip young people with practical training, inspire innovation, drive success in the marketplace and ultimately lead to transformation of the Nigerian economy. We have of top performers in their various fields to train, teach and help you become a better you.

Application closes on 16th of November, 2016.
To apply or get more information, visit www.youngprofessionals.ng.  

YPB is a new initiative of The Platform Nigeria powered by Covenant Christian Centre.

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